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Last active September 17, 2022 01:07
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iOS Mentee curriculum

My stretch goals:

  • Help you to get a professional offer by May 2023 (Whether you intend to accept it or not).

If you have the following properties/skills it is highly likely you will get an offer

  • Add 1200+ software or software recruiter Connections on Linkedin (this is the foundation of your iOS job hunt pipeline). If you don't have this, it is extremely difficult to get to the skill parts.

  • Create a Linkedin profile that has "jobs" and "Company's" for all the software projects you've worked on, and if you have none, then "jobs" or projects you intend to work on. Like on my Linkedin, I created company pages for projects I've worked on "In order to present them better to the employment market." I don't condone accepting jobs with false pretenses to an employer's detriment, however, the sooner you get experience with the lengthy interview processes, the sooner you can start passing them. You might just finish those projects by the time you get an offer.

  • Go through 40 target job descriptions, and extract the key words that recruiters would use in searches. Scatter them in your linkedin profile.

  • Working knowledge of iOS (Have created a few apps, even through tutorials). A lot of the time will be spent on that. This is where you will need the most assistance.

  • Confidentially Record your interviews, so that you can review them and fine tune your interview abilities, study and fill in your knowledge gaps.

  • Practice algorithms under time constraints.

General goals

  • Start you on a path to becomming a professional software engineer.
  1. Save this gist as a short cut in your favorite browser. I will try to put everything I give you guys in one place. If you guys catch me sending something in an email, or another message, please remind me to put it in this gist instead.


  • Macbook or iMac within the last 3 years. The more recent the better. We might be able to make this work with a 5 year old mac. Please discuss with Mathew about getting funding for these computers if needed. I will be discussing as well. There are other ways to get and use Xcode, but they can be difficult, time consuming, inflexible and ultimately slow down your day to day operations. If you're curious, you can look into it more here. You can find more of the discussion here.
  • Here is a guy talking about running a virtual machine on a PC to use Xcode. I think it will ultimately lead you into frustrations and low returns.


  • work 10+ hours a week. When I did a bootcamp at General assembly I put in 80 hours a week for 3 months to get my foot in the door and get started. I know you guys are in school.
  • Meet once a day after school with the other students for 1+ hours.
  • Code 10 hours most weekends.
  • Respond to emails within 24 hours. This is something that is important in the workplace. If no question was asked, respond with something like "Message received. Thank you." Or "Confirmed. Thank you."
  • Develop a love for solving puzzles, and doing work that can be remote, or collaborative if you want.
  • Develop a love for learning new things. Creating things.
  • Know that the more you learn software and things like it, other topics can become easier.
  • Understand that this will be one of the hardest things you've ever done in your life, but also one of the most rewarding.
  • Most of the things you learn in life you can understand within minutes, or hours. The declaration of independence as adopted July 4, 1776. It takes only a few moments to understand the statement. However with software, you might hear something and it might take hours, days or weeks to understand.
  • When you encounter something you don't know, look up the word or research first. Follow the steps outlined below: How to ask questions.
  • Expect that this will be hard, but seek to make it easier.
  • Read everything I give you.
  • Use everything that comes your way as motivation.

How to ask questions:

  1. Google it.

  2. Tinker around with the code, create an experiment.

  3. Ask the question on StackOverflow.

    a) For the title: put the error, and shortened general intention (Tinder swipe gesture animation).

    b) Explain generally what you are trying to do as far as what a user would see. If you are trying to make the tinder swipe animation, but you ran into the error. Explain first that you are trying to make the swipe animation before jumping into the error.

    c) Include all your code that could be relevant with a github link if possible, or compress your project share a google drive link, or copy and paste the code from the relevant files and share them as markdown.

    d) Mention things you've tried before.

    e) Ask the specific error.

  4. Study the corresponding documentation.

  1. Ask another student in your group.
  2. Compile a list of questions you haven't been able to answer during the week, and then ask me on the weekend. Please send over the stack overflow question.
  3. Seek out experts on linkedin and stack overflow who answer questions in a way you like and understand. Try to find a way to contact them by studying their profiles. The best way to start a mentorship or get "Mentors" to help you in your endevours is to put in 95% of the effort, and instead of asking for a commitment ask a question that only someone who already put in 95% would know to ask. Ask the questions that no one else seems to be answering. There is a reason you are seeking the specific mentor.

About me:

I am here to guide you, design a path you can trust, and to unstuck you.
Here is my Linkedin profile Here is my Stack Overflow Here is my Github Here is my LeetCode Her is my codesignal

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