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Last active April 1, 2017 07:19
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A skeleton for setting up an application with a router.
import Bb from 'backbone';
import {Application, View} from 'backbone.marionette';
import _ from 'underscore';
// The Router class defined above
import {Router} from './router'
// If you use a navbar or panel
import {NavView} from './views/nav';
// Your home page
import {IndexView} from './views/index';
const RootView = View.extend({
template: _.template('<nav id="nav-hook"></nav><div id="body-hook"></div>'),
regions: {
nav: '#nav-hook',
main: '#body-hook'
onRender() {
this.showChildView('nav', new NavView());
showIndex() {
this.showChildView('main', new IndexView());
showItemList() {
// Get the item list collection and show it
showItemFromId(itemId) {
// If the collection comes from the server, we'll need to fetch it
// manually. We may need to ensure it's set up with the collection too
const App = Application.extend({
region: '#root', // Your <div> identifier from before
onStart() {
const rootView = new RootView();
const router = new Router({rootView: rootView});
Bb.history.start(); // Start the route handler
const app = new App();
import Mn from 'backbone.marionette';
const Controller = Mn.Object.extend({
default() {
const rootView = this.getOption('rootView');
itemList() {
const rootView = this.getOption('rootView');
showItem(item) {
const rootView = this.getOption('rootView');
const itemId = this._cleanItemId(item);
_cleanItemId(item) {
// Convert item string from router to the right type
export const Router = Mn.AppRouter.extend({
initialize(options) {
this.controller = new Controller(options);
appRoutes: {
'': 'default',
'items/': 'itemList',
'items/:item': 'showItem'
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