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Created October 2, 2023 01:27
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This DataviewJS View helps to add filtering functionality to a Dataview Table in Obsidian.
This DataviewJS View helps to add functionality to a Dataview Table.
THIS IS A BETA RELEASE - there are bugs and its not feature-complete
Version: v0.6.0
Given a Dataview Query, this view will
- Execute the query
- Extract the headers/columns of the result
- Render filters to adjust the Dataview table results
- Render the table results, filtering and re-rendering on filter changes
Important: This currently only supports
- Table queries (not list/tasks)
- Columns (fields) that are simple strings, links, and arrays of simple strings (no objects, etc)
- Dataview with DataviewJS enabled
- ITS Callout snippet or Theme if you specify `filterColumnCount` or `its_cards`
There is nothing fancy here, its a standard DataviewJS `dv.view` function which you can read about here:
- Ensure "JavaScript Queries" is enabled in the Dataview Plugin's settings
- Download this `filtering_dv.js` file and save it to your vault's root-level `views` directory
- Within a note, create a dataviewjs codebock that calls the `filtering_dv` view and passes
args as needed. Here is a sample:
let input = {
"query": 'TABLE without id as NPC, race, sex, summary as "Summary" where type = "npc"',
"filterColumnCount": 3,
"markdownTable": false,
"columnsWithoutFilters": ["Summary"],
"filterCalloutColor": "blue",
"its_cards": {
"enabled": false,
"columns": 3
await dv.view("views/filtering_dv", input)
`query` (required) Dataview *TABLE* query
`filterColumnCount` (optional) Number of columns to use for filters; the column adjustment for the ITS
`column` Callout. If excluded or `0`, each filter category will instead be in embedded withing their own
standard Obsdian Callout
`markdownTable` (optional) Boolean representing whether to use `dv.markdownTable` or `dv.table`.
Using `dv.table` can have poor performance on bigger result sets.
`columnsWithoutFilters` (Optional) String Array containing header/column names that should not get filter
features (but will still be included in the table).
`filterCalloutColor` (Optional, defaults="green"). If `filterColumnCount` is provided and not "0", this
values defines the background color. Allowed values: [purple, blue, green, red, pink, orange, yellow, gray]
`its_cards` (Optional, defaults to `its_cards.enabled = false`) Object to control rendering the table using
ITS `[cards|dataview]` callout.
- `its_cards.enabled` (Optional, default=false) If true, dataview table will get rendered in `[cards|dataview]`
- `its_cards.columns` (Optional, default=3) Number of columns for the ITS cards callout
- v0.6.0
- Adds support for rendering a dataview table with ITS [cards|dataview]
- Renames to `filtering_dv`
- v0.5.0
- Adds support for filtering Link values
- Major overhaul to avoid raw html and helped to support links
- Adds `filterCalloutColor` support for ITS column callout
- Adds support for custom header names
- v0.4.0
- Adds support for `columnsWithoutFilters` to support table columns that display, but dont get filtered.
- Adds some simple validation
- Adds some short-circuit logic to improve performance when rendering without filters
- Wraps the filtering/rendering in a try-catch to present errors more gracefully
- v0.3.0
- Adds support for rendering a Dataview table or markdown table. Note: markdownTable has better performance
- v0.2.0
- Adds in support for arrays as column values. A row will be included if any of the values matches a filter
- v0.1.1
- Adds in missing filter titles
- Adds documentation
- v0.1.0
- Adds support for text search on filename
TODO for v1.0.0 release
- Maybe some performance improvements...
- Apply CSS classes to everything for customization
- Add support for dataview LIST queries
- Try to save the filter selections to avoid the dataview double-render bug
- Add support for text search on other fields, configurable
- Add loading activity indicator when dv query is running
- Make the refresh button configurable (and move to the same line as the text search input element
- Cleanup global variables :rip:
// Setup globals
let distinctValuesByColumn = []
let filters = []
let textSearch;
try {
// Parse inputs and validate
if (!input.query) {
dv.paragraph("Could not find required `query` argument. Check input args")
let parsedQuery = await dv.tryQuery(input.query)
if (parsedQuery.type !== "table") {
dv.paragraph("query type " + parsedQuery.type + " is not yet supported")
// set defaults
let filterColumnsCount = input.filterColumnCount ? input.filterColumnCount : 0
let calloutColor = input.filterCalloutColor ? input.filterCalloutColor : "green"
let columnsWithoutFilters = input.columnsWithoutFilters ? input.columnsWithoutFilters : []
// hidden element used as an anchor to clean up tables when re-rendering
dv.span("", {cls: "refPoint"})
// Render Text Search
textSearch = dv.el("input", "", {attr:
{"placeholder": "Text Search...", "size": "50", "style": "font-size: 1em"}})
textSearch.addEventListener('input', async (e) => run(e, parsedQuery))
// Render filters
if (filterColumnsCount != 0) {
await filtersWithinColumns(filterColumnsCount, columnsWithoutFilters, calloutColor, parsedQuery);
} else {
await filtersWithinCallouts(columnsWithoutFilters, parsedQuery);
// Optional refresh button
//const btn = dv.el('button', "Refresh")
//btn.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {run(e, parsedQuery)})
// Dummy element to get removed
// Render initial table
run(null, parsedQuery);
} catch (error) {
dv.paragraph("Error handling filtering_dv: " + error.toString())
// create an ITS `columns` Callout containing filter controls
async function filtersWithinColumns(columnCount, columnsWithoutFilters, calloutColor, parsedQuery) {
let cc = createCallout("columns|" + columnCount + " bg-" + calloutColor,
{attr: {"id": "callout_filter_columns", "style": "padding: 1em"}})
// first (0) header is file name, skip it
for (let headerIdx = 1; headerIdx < parsedQuery.headers.length; headerIdx++) {
if (columnsWithoutFilters.includes(parsedQuery.headers[headerIdx])) {
createFilter(parsedQuery, filters, cc, headerIdx)
// create an Obsidian Callouts containing filter controls
async function filtersWithinCallouts(columnsWithoutFilters, calloutColor, parsedQuery) {
// first (0) header is file name, skip it
for (let headerIdx = 1; headerIdx < parsedQuery.headers.length; headerIdx++) {
let columnName = parsedQuery.headers[headerIdx]
if (columnsWithoutFilters.includes(columnName)) {
let cc = createCallout("info",
{attr: {"id": "callout_filter_columns", "style": "padding: 1em"}})
createFilter(parsedQuery, filters, cc, headerIdx)
// Returns the container of the callout content after making the callout
// let cc = createCallout("info", "hey")
// dv.el("span", "rawr", {container: cc})
function createCallout(type, collapse, title, attrs) {
let p = dv.paragraph(dv.parse("> [!" + type + "]" + collapse + " " + title + " \n> "), attrs)
let content = p.querySelectorAll(".callout-content")[0] = "1em"
// remove placeholder content
return content
function createFilter(parsedQuery, filters, cc, headerIdx) {
let columnName = parsedQuery.headers[headerIdx]
distinctValuesByColumn[headerIdx] =
dv.array( => row[headerIdx]).flat())
filters[headerIdx] = []
// build column of filters
let someColumn = dv.el("span", "", {container:cc})
dv.el("b", columnName + "<br/>", {container:someColumn})
for (let v of distinctValuesByColumn[headerIdx]) {
let cb = dv.el("input", "", {container:someColumn, attr: {
"type": "checkbox",
"name": v,
"class": "filter-checkbox cb-" + slugify(columnName),
"id": v,
"checked": true
cb.addEventListener('input', async (e) => run(e, parsedQuery))
// Links are difficult to use with the checkboxes; just use their display value.
let displayLabel = v.path ? v.fileName() : v
dv.el("label", displayLabel, {container:someColumn, attr: {"for": v}})
dv.el("br", "", {container:someColumn})
// deselect all
dv.el("button", "Deselect All", {container:someColumn, attr: {
"name": "deselect_" + columnName,
"id": "deselect_" + columnName,
"style": "margin-top: 1em"
}}).addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
let checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.cb-' + slugify(columnName))
for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
checkboxes[i].checked = false
run(e, parsedQuery)
// select all
dv.el("span", "&nbsp;", {container:someColumn})
dv.el("button", "Select All", {container:someColumn, attr: {
"name": "select_" + columnName,
"id": "select_" + columnName,
"style": "margin-top: 1em"
}}).addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
let checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.cb-' + slugify(columnName))
for (let i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
checkboxes[i].checked = true
run(e, parsedQuery)
// Returns true if item (cell value) is included in allowedValues. If item is an array, checks if any
// value in the array matches
function isIncluded(item, allowedValues) {
// handle columnsWithoutFilters
if (!allowedValues) {
return true
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
for (let val of item) {
if (allowedValues.indexOf(val) > -1) {
return true
return false
} else if (item.path) {
return => dv.parse(allowed).path).includes(item.path)
} else {
return allowedValues.indexOf(item) > -1
// returns true if row includes search value and conforms to allowedValuesByColumn. False otherwise
function rowIsAllowed(row, searchValue, allowedValuesByColumn) {
// skip column (0)
for (let columnIdx = 1; columnIdx < allowedValuesByColumn.length; columnIdx++) {
if (!isIncluded(row[columnIdx], allowedValuesByColumn[columnIdx])) {
return false
// if searchValue, but not matching: move on
if (searchValue != "" && !row[0].path.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue)) {
return false
return true;
// Parses filter states, applies filters to query results, and rerenders results
async function run(wrapperNode, parsedQuery) {
// Remove last table or dummy element
let table = document.querySelectorAll(".refPoint")[0].parentNode.lastChild
// Build up filtering config
let allowedValues = []
let anyFilters = false
let results = parsedQuery.values
for (let headerIdx = 1; headerIdx < parsedQuery.headers.length; headerIdx++) {
// skip any columnsWithoutFilters
if (!filters[headerIdx]) {
allowedValues[headerIdx] = []
for (let valIdx = 0; valIdx < filters[headerIdx].length; valIdx++) {
if (filters[headerIdx][valIdx].checked) {
} else {
anyFilters = true
// filter results
const searchValue = textSearch.value
let filteredResults = []
if (anyFilters || searchValue != "") {
for (let row of results) {
if (rowIsAllowed(row, searchValue.toLowerCase(), allowedValues)) {
} else {
// short-circuit if nothing is unchecked and there is no search term
filteredResults = results
// render table
if (input.markdownTable) {
dv.paragraph(dv.markdownTable(parsedQuery.headers, filteredResults))
} else if (input.its_cards && input.its_cards.enabled) {
let cardColumns = input.its_cards.columns ? input.its_cards.columns : ""
let cc = createCallout("cards|dataview " + cardColumns, "", "Cards", {})
dv.api.table(parsedQuery.headers, filteredResults, cc, dv.component, dv.currentFilePath)
} else {
dv.table(parsedQuery.headers, filteredResults)
// Utilities
// Sluggify
// Source:
function slugify(str) {
return String(str)
.normalize('NFKD') // split accented characters into their base characters and diacritical marks
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') // remove all the accents, which happen to be all in the \u03xx UNICODE block.
.trim() // trim leading or trailing whitespace
.toLowerCase() // convert to lowercase
.replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/g, '') // remove non-alphanumeric characters
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // replace spaces with hyphens
.replace(/-+/g, '-'); // remove consecutive hyphens
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Thanks a lot for sharing this!
I try to get it running, but have some difficulties at the moment. Do you have a working version or maybe a demo vault all setup?

For example:

async function filtersWithinCallouts(columnsWithoutFilters, calloutColor, parsedQuery)

This functions creates an error as the second argument must be parsedQuery.

Thanks and best

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