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Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) - VictorOps Alerting
VictorOps Alerting from Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) through PowerShell
Call this script from SCOM's command notification channel - be sure to update the API key (parameter #2). See Example for usage.
Post alerts to VictorOps from Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) through PowerShell
FULL PATH OF THE COMMAND FILE: C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS: "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alert_Test.ps1" '"$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/AlertId$"' '"$RoutingKey"' '"api-key"'
# !Change $RoutingKey to the routing key you would like to pass in or remove it alltogether to default to 'everyone'
# !Change api-key to the organization api key or default it in parameter #2
STARTUP FOLDER FOR THE COMMAND LINE: C:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
# Easier to look at:
"C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.ps1" ^
'"$Data[Default='Not Present']/Context/DataItem/AlertId$"' ^
'"$RoutingKey"'' ^
# Change $RoutingKey to the routing key you would like to pass in, or remove it alltogether to default to 'everyone'
Credit to [PagerDuty's integration](
& [nategrieb](
& [Marion Garcia](
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true ,Position=0,HelpMessage="Unique AlertID must be provided.")][GUID]$AlertID,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=1,HelpMessage="Team routing key, optional.")] [String]$RoutingKey = "everyone",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=2,HelpMessage="Organization API key (see REST API Integrations settings in VictorOps), optional.")][String]$API = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=3,HelpMessage="Monitoring tool, optional.")] [String]$MonitoringTool = "Microsoft System Center Operations Manager"
# Required: OperationsManager Module
Import-Module OperationsManager
## Find the alert
$Alert = Get-SCOMAlert | where {$ -eq $AlertID.ToString()}
# Determine the status of the alert
switch ($Alert.ResolutionState){
0 {$Status="CRITICAL"}
255 {$Status="RECOVERY"}
default {$Status="CRITICAL"}
# workaround for unix/linux hosts - hostnames do not come through clearly in SCOM
if($Alert.NetbiosComputerName -ne $null){ $hstname = $alert.NetbiosComputerName }
elseif($Alert.MonitoringObjectPath -ne $null){ $hstname = $alert.MonitoringObjectFullName }
else { $hstname = $alert.MonitoringObjectName }
## Setup our Subject & StateMessage to be passed
[String]$Subject = $Status + ": " + $Alert.Name + " [" + $hstname + "]"
[String]$StateMessage = "Description: " + $Alert.Description + "`n" `
+ "Hostname: " + $hstname + "`n" `
+ "Timestamp: " + $Alert.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime() + " PST `n" `
+ "Team: " + $RoutingKey.ToUpper() + "`n" `
+ "Last modified by: " + $Alert.LastModifiedBy + "`n" `
+ "Last modified time: " + $Alert.LastModified + "`n" `
## Convert to json
$props = @{
message_type = $Status; #[String] One of the following values: INFO, WARNING, ACKNOWLEDGMENT, CRITICAL, RECOVERY
timestamp = $Alert.TimeRaised.ToLocalTime(); #[Number] Timestamp of the alert in seconds since epoch. Defaults to the time the alert is received at VictorOps.
entity_id = $; #[String] The name of alerting entity. If not provided, a random name will be assigned.
entity_display_name = $Subject; #[String] Used within VictorOps to display a human-readable name for the entity.
hostname = $hstname; #[String] System hostname (set above via logic)
monitoring_tool = $MonitoringTool; #[String] The name of the monitoring system software (eg. nagios, icinga, sensu, etc.)
state_message = $StateMessage; #[String] Any additional status information from the alert item.
Subject = $Subject;
$json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $props
## Log alert
# Event-log
$CheckEventLog = (Get-EventLog -List | ? Log -EQ "OM Alerts")
if($CheckEventLog -eq $null){
try{New-EventLog -LogName "OM Alerts" -Source "VictorOps Alerts"}
catch{Write-Error "Please rerun the script from a Windows PowerShell console with admin rights ('Run As Administrator'). Cannot continue.";Break}
$event_message = $StateMessage + "`n Command: " + "Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType `"application/json`" -Body `n$json`n -Uri `"$API/$RoutingKey`""
Write-EventLog -LogName "OM Alerts" -Source "VictorOps Alerts" -Message $event_message -EventId 2 -EntryType Information
<# Text file
$Logstring = $StateMessage.replace("`n"," ")
$Logfile = "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.log"
$DateTime = Get-Date -Uformat "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
$Logstring = $DateTime + " " + $Logstring
Add-content $Logfile -value $Logstring
$json | Out-File -FilePath "C:\scripts\VO_Send-Alerts.$RoutingKey.json"
# Post the alert
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body $json `
-Uri "$API/$RoutingKey"
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ghost commented Sep 10, 2015


I came over this Gist after searching for SCOM and VictorOps integrations.

I have made a very similar integration, for PagerDuty. But as with your case, this is only one-way. Have you looked into further bi-directional sync, where a VictorOps activity is pushed/pulled to SCOM - either on a schedule, or with webhooks?


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Scott, your integration script works great with VictorOps.

ChrisD, I would like to try your integration with PagerDuty if you are willing to share.

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When executing the Script it asks me to add the AlertID, any ideas?

:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\PowerShell> C:\Scripts\VictorOps_Alert.ps1
cmdlet VictorOps_Alert.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

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Achamblat - this script was developed in 2015 for a much older version of PowerShell, SCOM & Victorops (now Splunk Oncall). I cannot say whether or not it is compatible with the latest version of either. I cannot recommend using this in a production environment without a rewrite.
That being said, based on your question - you need to look up the SCOM Alert ID and pass that into the script as the AlertID parameter.

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