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Last active March 19, 2019 15:03
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Rewrite AWS creds with Staff Access clipboard in 🐟shell
# Usage: click the `Export` button on the staff access credentials page, and then immediately run this script. It does the following:
# 1. Sets an env var (`AWS_CODECOMMIT_PROFILE` below) that determines what AWS profile from ~/.aws/config is used
# 2. Rewrites the last 3 lines of your ~/.aws/credentials file with the new credentials (be sure the creds you want to change are at the bottom of your current credential file!)
# requirements: be on a mac, use Fish shell, `brew install coreutils`
function ccgcp --description 'Saves the Staff Access AWS keys in your clipboard to ~/.aws/credentials'
# Don't continue unless clipboard has the creds export command in it
if ! pbpaste | string match -r "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.*"
echo "Clipboard didn't have credentials"
return 1
eval (pbpaste)
# remove last three lines of file (old creds)
for i in (seq 3)
sed -i '' -e '$ d' ~/.aws/credentials
# Grab new creds from env and append to creds file
for line in (env | grep AWS | egrep "KEY|TOKEN")
echo $line >> ~/.aws/credentials
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