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Clean Code Outline

Summary of Clean Code

By Section Headers

The following are the chapter and section headers of the book Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin, et. al..

Chapter 1: Clean Code

by Robert C. Martin

There will be code

Bad Code

The Total Cost of Owning a Mess

The Grand Redesign in the Sky


The Primal Conundrum

The Art of Clean Code?

What is Clean Code?

  • Bjarne Stroustrup
  • Grady Booch
  • "Big" Dave Thomas
  • Michael Feathers
  • Ron Jeffries
  • Ward Cunningham

Schools of Thought

We Are Authors

The Boy Scout Rule

Prequel and Principles



Chapter 2: Meaningful Names

by Tim Ottinger


Use Intention-Revealing Names

Avoid Disinformation

Make Meaningful Distinctions

Use Pronounceable Names

Use Searchable Names

Avoid Encodings

  • Hungarian Notation
  • Member Prefixes
  • Interfaces and Implementations

Avoid Mental Mapping

Class Names

Method Names

Don't Be Cute

Pick One Word per Concept

Don't Pun

Use Solution Domain Names

Use Problem Domain Names

Add Meaningful Context

Don't Add Gratuitous Context

Final Words

Chapter 3: Functions

by Robert C. Martin


  • Blocks and Indenting

Do One Thing

  • Sections within Functions

One Level of Abstraction per Function

  • Reading Code from Top to Bottom: The Stepdown Rule

Switch Statements

Use Descriptive Names

Function Arguments

  • Common Monadic Forms
  • Flag Arguments
  • Dyadic Functions
  • Triads
  • Argument Objects
  • Argument Lists
  • Verbs and Keywords

Have No Side Effects

  • Output Arguments

Command Query Separation

Prefer Exceptions to Returning Error COdes

  • Extract Try/Catch Blocks
  • Error Handling is One Thing
  • The Dependency Magnet

Don't Repeat Yourself

Structured Programming

How Do You Write Functions Like This?


Chapter 4: Comments

by Robert C. Martin

Comments Do Not Make Up for Bad Code

Explain Yourself in Code

Good Comments

  • Legal Comments
  • Informative Comments
  • Explanation of Intent
  • Clarification
  • Warning of Consequences
  • TODO Comments
  • Amplification
  • Javadocs in Public APIs

Bad Comments

  • Mumbling
  • Redundant Comments
  • Misleading Comments
  • Mandated Comments
  • Journal Comments
  • Noise Comments
  • Scary Noise
  • Don't Use a Comment When You Can Use a Function or a Variable
  • Position Markers
  • Closing Brace Comments

Attributions and Bylines

Commented-Out Code

HTML Comments

  • Nonlocal Information
  • Too Much Information
  • Inobvious Connection
  • Function Headers
  • Javadocs in Nonpublic Code

Chapter 5: Formatting

by Robert C. Martin

The Purpose of Formatting

Vertical Formatting

  • The Newspaper Metaphor
  • Vertical Openness Between Concepts
  • Vertical Density
  • Vertical Distance
  • Variable Declarations
  • Instance Variables
  • Dependent Functions
  • Conceptual Affinity
  • Vertical Ordering

Horizontal Formatting

  • Horizontal Openness and Density
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Indentation
  • Breaking Indentation

Dummy Scopes

Team Rules

Uncle Bob's Formatting Rules

Chapter 6: Objects and Data Structures

by Robert C. Martin

Data Abstraction

Data/Object Anti-Symmetry

The Law of Demeter

  • Train Wrecks
  • Hybrids
  • Hiding Structure

Data Transfer Objects

  • Active Record


Chapter 7: Error Handling

by Michael Feathers

Use Exceptions Rather Than Return Codes

Write Your Try-Catch-Finally Statement First

Use Unchecked Exceptions

Provide Context with Exceptions

Define Exception Classes in Terms of a Caller's Needs

Define the Normal Flow

Don't Return Null

Don't Pass Null


Chapter 8. Boundaries

by James Grenning

Using Third-Party Code

Exploring and Learning Boundaries

Learning log4j

Learning Tests Are Better Than Free

Using Code That Does Not Yet Exist

Clean Boundaries

Chapter 9: Unit Tests

by Robert C. Martin

The Three Laws of TDD

  • First Law
  • Second Law
  • Third Law

Keeping Tests Clean

  • Tests Enable the -ilities

Clean Tests

  • Domain-Specific Testing Language
  • A Dual Standard

One Assert per Test

  • Single Concept per Test


  • Fast
  • Independent
  • Repeatable
  • Self-Validating
  • Timely


Chapter 10: Classes

by Robert C. Martin with Jeff Langr

Class Organization

  • Encapsulation

Classes Should Be Small

The Single Responsibility Principle


Maintaining Cohesion Results in Many Small Classes

Organizing for Change

  • Isolating from Change

Chapter 11: Systems

by Dr. Kevin Dean Wampler

How Would You Build a City?

Separate Constructing a System from Using It

  • Separation of Main
  • Factories
  • Dependency Injection

Scaling Up

  • Cross-Cutting Concerns

Java Proxies

Pure Java AOP Frameworks

  • AspectJ Aspects

Test Drive the System Architecture

Optimize Decision Making

Use Standards Wisely, When They Add Demonstrable Value

Systems Need Domain-Specific Languages


Chapter 12: Emergence

by Jeff Langr

Getting Clean via Emergent Design

Simple Design Rule 1: Runs All the Tests

Simple Design Rules 2-4: Refactoring

No Duplication


Minimal Classes and Methods


Chapter 13: Concurrency

by Brett L. Schuchert

Why Concurrency?

Myths and Misconceptions


Concurrency Defense Principles

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Corollary: Limit the Scope of Data
  • Corollary: Use Copies of Data
  • Corollary: Threads Should Be as Independent as Possible

Know Your Library

  • Thread-Safe Collections

Know Your Execution Models

  • Producer-Consumer
  • Readers-Writers
  • Dining Philosophers

Beware Dependencies Between Synchronized Methods

Keep Synchronized Sections Small

Writing Correct Shut-Down Code Is Hard

Testing Threaded Code

  • Treat Spurious Failures as Candidate Threading Issues
  • Get Your Nonthreaded Code Working First
  • Make Your Threaded Code Pluggable
  • Make Your Threaded Code Tunable
  • Run with More Threads Than Processors
  • Run on Different Platforms
  • Instrument Your Code to Try and Force Failures
  • Hand-Coded
  • Automated


Chapter 14: Successive Refinement

by Robert C. Martin

Args Implementation

  • How Did I Do This?

Args: The Rough Draft

  • So I Stopped
  • On Incrementalism

String Arguments


Chapter 15: JUnit Internals

by Robert C. Martin

The JUnit Framework


Chapter 16: Refactoring SerialDate

by Robert C. Martin

First, Make It Work

Then Make It Right


Chapter 17: Smells and Heuristics

by Robert C. Martin


  • C1: Inappropriate Information
  • C2: Obsolete Comment
  • C3: Redundant Comment
  • C4: Poorly Written Comment
  • C5: Commented-Out Code


  • E1: Build Requires More Than One Step
  • E2: Tests Require More Than One Step


  • F1: Too Many Arguments
  • F2: Output Arguments
  • F3: Flag Arguments
  • F4: Dead Function


  • G1: Multiple Languages in One Source File
  • G2: Obvious Behavior is Unimplemented
  • G3: Incorrect Behavior at the Boundaries
  • G4: Overridden Safeties
  • G5: Duplication
  • G6: Code at Wrong Level of Abstraction
  • G7: Base Classes Depending on Their Derivatives
  • G8: Too Much Information
  • G9: Dead Code
  • G10: Vertical Separation
  • G11: Inconsistency
  • G12: Clutter
  • G13: Artificial Coupling
  • G14: Feature Envy
  • G15: Selector Arguments
  • G16: Obscured Intent
  • G17: Misplaced Responsibility
  • G18: Inappropriate Static
  • G19: Use Explanatory Variables
  • G20: Function Names Should Say What They Do
  • G21: Understand the Algorithm
  • G22: Make Logical Dependencies Physical
  • G23: Prefer Polymorphism to If/Else or Switch/Case
  • G24: Follow Standard Conventions
  • G25: Replace Magic Numbers with Named Constants
  • G26: Be Precise
  • G27: Structure over Convention
  • G28: Encapsulate Conditionals
  • G29: Avoid Negative Conditionals
  • G30: Functions Should Do One Thing
  • G31: Hidden Temporal Couplings
  • G32: Don't Be Arbitrary
  • G33: Encapsulate Boundary Conditions
  • G34: Functions Should Descend Only One Level of Abstraction
  • G35: Keep Configurable Data at High Levels
  • G36: Avoid Transitive Navigation


  • J1: Avoid Long Import Lists by Using Wildcards
  • J2: Don't Inherit Constants
  • J3: Constants versus Enums


  • N1: Choose Descriptive Names
  • N2: Choose Names at the Appropriate Level of Abstraction
  • N3: Use Standard Nomenclature Where Possible
  • N4: Unambiguous Names
  • N5: Use Long Names for Long Scopes
  • N6: Avoid Encodings
  • N7: Names Should Describe Side-Effects


  • T1: Insufficient Tests
  • T2: Use a Coverage Tool!
  • T3: Don't Skip Trivial Tests
  • T4: An Ignored Test Is a Question about an Ambiguity
  • T5: Test Boundary Conditions
  • T6: Exhaustively Test Near Bugs
  • T7: Patterns of Failure Are Revealing
  • T8: Test Coverage Patterns Can Be Revealing
  • T9: Tests Should Be Fast


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