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Last active October 11, 2022 20:03
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<script src="" crossorigin></script><script src="" crossorigin></script><script src="" crossorigin></script>
<p>We're using the JBrowse Linear Genome View!</p>
<div id="jbrowse2_linear_genome_view" width="500px">this is where the browser should be</div>
function create_jbrowse2() {
const { createElement } = React
const { render } = ReactDOM
const { createViewState, JBrowseLinearGenomeView, loadPlugins } =
const releaseVersion = 286
const genomic_location = 'II:161136..172695'
const jbrowse_dataset = 'c_elegans_PRJNA13758'
fetch('' + releaseVersion + '/embed/' + jbrowse_dataset + '_embed.json')
.then((response) =>
Promise.all([response.json(), loadPlugins([])])
).then(([results]) => {
const Plugin = JBrowseExports['@jbrowse/core/Plugin']
class HexJexlPlugin extends Plugin {
name = 'HexJexlPlugin'
install(pluginManager) {
pluginManager.jexl.addFunction('hex', (num1) => {
return num1.toString(16);
class VariantColor extends Plugin {
name = 'VariantColorPlugin'
install(pluginManager) {
pluginManager.jexl.addFunction('variantColor', (f) => {
if (f['variant']['INFO']['ANN']) {
var ann = f['variant']['INFO']['ANN'][0].split('|')
var cons = ann[1]
if (cons.indexOf('&') > -1) {
cons = cons.substring(0,cons.indexOf('&'))
var color = 'peachpuff'
if(cons == 'frameshift_variant') {return '#9400D3';}
else if(cons == 'stop_lost') {return '#ff0000';}
else if(cons == '5_prime_UTR_premature_start_codon_gain_variant') {return '#7ac5cd';}
else if(cons == 'splice_acceptor_variant ') {return '#FF581A';}
else if(cons == 'protein_altering_variant') {return '#FF0080';}
else if(cons == 'coding_sequence_variant') {return '#458b00';}
else if(cons == 'stop_gained') {return '#ff0000';}
else if(cons == 'incomplete_terminal_codon_variant') {return '#ff00ff';}
else if(cons == 'transcript_ablation') {return '#ff0000';}
else if(cons == 'start_lost') {return '#ffd700';}
else if(cons == 'splice_donor_variant') {return '#FF581A';}
else if(cons == 'splice_region_variant') {return '#ff7f50';}
else if(cons == 'missense_variant') {return '#ffd700';}
else if(cons == 'inframe_deletion') {return '#ff69b4';}
else if(cons == 'inframer_insertion') {return '#ff69b4';}
else if(cons == '3_prime_UTR_variant') {return '#7ac5cd';}
else if(cons == 'synonymous_variant') {return '#76ee00';}
else if(cons == 'upstream_gene_variant') {return '#a2b5cd';}
else if(cons == 'downstream_gene_variant') {return '#a2b5cd';}
else if(cons == 'non_coding_transcript_exon_variant') {return '#32cd32';}
else if(cons == 'intron_variant') {return '#02599c';}
else if(cons == '5_prime_UTR_variant') {return '#7ac5cd';}
else if(cons == 'stop_retained_variant') {return '#76ee00';}
else if(cons == 'intergenic_variant') {return '#636363';}
else if(cons == 'non_coding_transcript_variant') {return '#32cd32';}
else if(cons == 'non_coding_exon_variant') {return '#7ac5cd';}
return color;
else {
return 'black'
const assembl = results['assemblies'][0]
const tra = results['tracks']
const state = new createViewState({
assembly: assembl,
tracks: tra,
location: genomic_location,
plugins: [HexJexlPlugin,VariantColor],
session: {
id: '5nxOhj9gA',
view: [
id: 'ZiH76KASh',
type: 'LinearGenomeView',
trackLabels: 'offset',
configuration: {
theme: {
palette: {
secondary: {
main: '#29405F',
tertiary: {
main: '#C5D1DE',
function showTrackSilencer(id) {
try {
} catch (e) {
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_curated_genes')
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_classical_alleles')
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_change-of-function_alleles')
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_rnaseq_splice_junctions_(common)')
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_rnaseq_splice_junctions_(rare)')
showTrackSilencer(jbrowse_dataset + '_cendr_variation')
createElement(JBrowseLinearGenomeView, { viewState: state }),
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