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Created September 6, 2014 09:34
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Discrete fourier transform clojure and jtransforms
(ns scottdw.feip.core
(:import [java.awt Image]
[java.awt.image BufferedImage]
[org.imgscalr Scalr]
[org.jtransforms.fft DoubleFFT_2D RealFFTUtils_2D])
(:require [mikera.image.core :as img]
[mikera.image.colours :as ic]
[clojure.core.matrix :as mat]))
(defn gen-p-img []
(let [bi (img/new-image 8 8)
pixels (img/get-pixels bi)]
(dotimes [i 64] (aset pixels i (unchecked-int (if (zero? (mod (mod i 8) 3)) ic/white ic/black))))
(img/set-pixels bi pixels)
(defn scale-image [^BufferedImage src ^long width ^long height]
(Scalr/resize src
(int width) (int height)
(defn magnitude ^double [^double r ^double i] (Math/sqrt (+ (* r r) (* i i))))
(defn phase ^double [^double r ^double i] (Math/atan2 i r))
(defn real ^double [^double r ^double i] r)
(defn imaginary ^double [^double r ^double i] i)
(defn dft-fn [ri-fn M]
(let [w (mat/column-count M)
h (mat/row-count M)
ds (mat/to-double-array M)
^doubles result (make-array Double/TYPE (* 2 (count ds)))
dfft-2d (DoubleFFT_2D. h w)
unpacker (RealFFTUtils_2D. h w)
nM (mat/new-matrix h w)]
(System/arraycopy ds 0 result 0 (count ds))
(.realForward dfft-2d result)
(dotimes [y h]
(dotimes [x w]
(let [r (.unpack unpacker y (* 2 x) result 0)
i (.unpack unpacker y (inc (* 2 x)) result 0)]
(mat/mset! nM y x (ri-fn r i)))))
(def dft-magnitudes (partial dft-fn magnitude))
(def dft-phases (partial dft-fn phase))
(def dft-reals (partial dft-fn real))
(def dft-imaginarys (partial dft-fn imaginary))
(defn idft-ri-fn [ri-fn R I]
(let [w (mat/column-count R)
hw (int (/ w 2))
h (mat/row-count R)
hh (int (/ h 2))
^doubles result (make-array Double/TYPE (* 2 w h))
dfft-2d (DoubleFFT_2D. h w)
nM (mat/new-matrix h w)]
(dotimes [y h]
(dotimes [x h]
(aset result (+ (* y 2 h) (* x 2)) ^double (mat/mget R y x))
(aset result (+ (* y 2 h) (inc (* x 2))) ^double (mat/mget I y x))))
(.complexInverse dfft-2d result true)
(dotimes [y h]
(dotimes [x w]
(let [r (aget result (+ (* y 2 h) (* x 2)))
i (aget result (+ (* y 2 h) (inc (* x 2))))]
(mat/mset! nM y x (ri-fn r i)))))
(def idft-ri-reals (partial idft-ri-fn real))
(defn rgb-to-ngrey [val]
(/ (+ (* 0.2126 (bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right val 16)))
(* 0.7152 (bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right val 8)))
(* 0.0722 (bit-and 0xFF val)))
(defn rgb-to-grey [val]
(+ (* 0.2126 (bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right val 16)))
(* 0.7152 (bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right val 8)))
(* 0.0722 (bit-and 0xFF val))))
(defn ngrey-to-rgb [^double val]
(let [ival (int (Math/round (* val 255)))]
(bit-or 0xFF000000
(bit-shift-left ival 16)
(bit-shift-left ival 8)
(defn image-to-matrix [^BufferedImage bi rgb-to-val-fn]
(let [h (.getHeight bi)
w (.getWidth bi)
M (mat/new-matrix h w)]
(dotimes [y h]
(dotimes [x w]
(mat/mset! M y x (rgb-to-val-fn (.getRGB bi x y)))))
(defn matrix-to-image [M val-to-rgb-fn]
(let [w (mat/column-count M)
h (mat/row-count M)
bi (BufferedImage. w h BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)]
(dotimes [y h]
(dotimes [x w]
(let [v (mat/mget M y x)]
(.setRGB bi x y (unchecked-int (val-to-rgb-fn v))))))
(defn normalize! [M]
(let [^double mn (mat/emin M)
^double mx (mat/emax M)
r (double (- mx mn))]
(mat/emap! (fn [^double d] (/ (- d mn) r)) M)))
(defn rearrange [M]
(let [r (mat/row-count M)
c (mat/column-count M)
hr (int (/ r 2))
hc (int (/ c 2))
nM (mat/new-matrix r c)]
(dotimes [y hr]
(dotimes [x hc]
(mat/mset! nM y x (mat/mget M (- hr y) (- hc x)))
(mat/mset! nM (+ y hr) x (mat/mget M (- r y 1) (- hc x)))
(mat/mset! nM y (+ x hc) (mat/mget M (- hr y) (- c x 1)))
(mat/mset! nM (+ y hr) (+ x hc) (mat/mget M (- r y 1) (- c x 1)))))
;; taken from:
(def eg-1 [0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0])
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