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Created August 13, 2012 15:45
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(ns scottdw.image
[java.awt Color Image Dimension]
[java.awt.image BufferedImage]
[ File]
[javax.imageio ImageIO]
[javax.swing JFrame JPanel])
(require [scottdw.stats :as stats]))
(defn read-image [^String filename]
(ImageIO/read (File. filename)))
(defn create-image [w h p-fn]
(let [imgr (BufferedImage. w
(doseq [x (range w) y (range h)]
(.setRGB imgr x y (p-fn x y)))
(defn viewer-frame [^String name ^BufferedImage img]
(let [i (atom img)
d (Dimension. (.getWidth img) (.getHeight img))
p (proxy [JPanel] []
(getPreferredSize [] d)
(getMaximumSize [] d)
(getMinimumSize [] d)
(paintComponent [^Graphics g]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(.drawImage g @i 0 0 nil)))
f (JFrame. name)]
(-> f .getContentPane (.add p))
(doto f
(.setVisible true))
[i #(.repaint p)]))
(defn update-img [[ia pm] img]
(swap! ia (constantly img))
(defrecord color [^String str ^int rgb ^double red ^double grn ^double blu ^double hue ^double sat ^double lum ^double y ^double cb ^double cr])
(let [no-alpha-mask (unchecked-int 0x00FFFFFF)
alpha-mask (unchecked-int 0xFF000000)
red-mask (unchecked-int 0x00FF0000)
green-mask (unchecked-int 0x0000FF00)
blue-mask (unchecked-int 0x000000FF)
to-255 (comp #(Math/round ^float %) (partial * 255))]
(defn to-agrey [v]
(let [vi (to-255 v)]
(unchecked-int (bit-or alpha-mask
(bit-shift-left vi 16)
(bit-shift-left vi 8)
(defn get-red ^double [rgb]
(/ (bit-shift-right (bit-and red-mask rgb) 16) 255))
(defn get-green ^double [rgb]
(/ (bit-shift-right (bit-and green-mask rgb) 8) 255))
(defn get-blue ^double [rgb]
(/ (bit-and blue-mask rgb) 255))
(defn get-hue ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(let [M (Math/max r (Math/max g b))
m (Math/min r (Math/min g b))
C (- M m)]
(/ (cond
(== C 0.0) Double/NaN
(== M r) (mod (/ (- g b) C) 6.0)
(== M g) (+ (/ (- b r) C) 2.0)
(== M b) (+ (/ (- r g) C) 4.0))
(defn get-lum ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(let [M (Math/max r (Math/max g b))
m (Math/min r (Math/min g b))]
(* 0.5 (+ M m))))
(defn get-sat ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(let [M (Math/max r (Math/max g b))
m (Math/min r (Math/min g b))
C (- M m)
L (* 0.5 (+ M m))]
(if (== C 0.0)
(/ C (- 1.0 (Math/abs (- (* 2.0 L) 1.0)))))))
(defn get-y ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(+ (* 0.299 r)
(* 0.587 g)
(* 0.114 b)))
(defn get-cb ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(+ 0.5
(* r -0.168736)
(* g -0.331264)
(* b 0.5)))
(defn get-cr ^double [^double r ^double g ^double b]
(+ 0.5
(* r 0.5)
(* g -0.418688)
(* b -0.081312)))
(defn get-r-from-ycr ^double [^double y ^double cr]
(+ y (* 1.402 (- cr 0.5))))
(defn get-g-from-ycbcr ^double [^double y ^double cb ^double cr]
(+ y
(* -0.344136 (- cb 0.5))
(* -0.714136 (- cr 0.5))))
(defn get-b-from-ycb ^double [^double y ^double cb]
(+ y (* 1.772 (- cb 0.5))))
(defn to-hex-color-string [argb]
(format "#%06X" (bit-and no-alpha-mask argb)))
(defn to-rgb [r g b]
(unchecked-int (bit-or alpha-mask
(bit-shift-left r 16)
(bit-shift-left g 8)
(defn ycbcr-to-rgb [y cb cr]
(to-rgb (to-255 (get-r-from-ycr y cr))
(to-255 (get-g-from-ycbcr y cb cr))
(to-255 (get-b-from-ycb y cb))))
(defn create-color [rgb]
(let [hcs (to-hex-color-string rgb)
r (get-red rgb)
g (get-green rgb)
b (get-blue rgb)
h (get-hue r g b)
s (get-sat r g b)
l (get-lum r g b)
y (get-y r g b)
cb (get-cb r g b)
cr (get-cr r g b)]
(->color hcs rgb r g b h s l y cb cr))))
(defn hsl-to-rgb [hue sat lum]
(let [h (* 360 hue)
s sat
l lum
c (* s (- 1 (Math/abs (double (- (* 2 l) 1)))))
m (- l (* c 0.5))
h_ (if (Double/isNaN h) 0 (/ h 60))
x (* c (- 1 (Math/abs (double (dec (mod h_ 2))))))
rgb_ (cond
(Double/isNaN h) [0 0 0]
(< h_ 1) [c x 0]
(< h_ 2) [x c 0]
(< h_ 3) [0 c x]
(< h_ 4) [0 x c]
(< h_ 5) [x 0 c]
:else [c 0 x])
[r g b] (map (comp #(Math/round ^float %) (partial * 255) (partial + m)) rgb_)]
(to-rgb r g b)))
(defn pixels [^BufferedImage img]
(for [x (range (.getWidth img)) y (range (.getHeight img))] (.getRGB img x y)))
(defn create-color-map [^Image img]
(let [ps (into #{} (pixels img))]
(binding [*unchecked-math* true]
(persistent! (reduce #(assoc! %1 %2 (create-color %2)) (transient {}) ps)))))
(defn hue-centre [img]
(let [cm (create-color-map img)]
(let [[x y] (reduce (fn [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] [(+ x1 x2) (+ y1 y2)]) (map (juxt #(Math/cos %) #(Math/sin %)) (remove #(Double/isNaN %) (map (comp :hue cm) (pixels img)))))]
(Math/atan2 y x))))
(defn rgb-mean [^BufferedImage img]
(let [cm (create-color-map img)
c (* (.getWidth img) (.getHeight img))]
(map (comp double #(/ % c)) (reduce (fn [[r g b] {:keys [red grn blu]}] [(+ r red) (+ g grn) (+ b blu)]) [0 0 0] (map cm (pixels img))))))
(defn cbcr-mean [^BufferedImage img]
(let [cm (create-color-map img)
c (* (.getWidth img) (.getHeight img))]
(map (comp double #(/ % c)) (reduce (fn [[cb1 cr1] {:keys [cb cr]}] [(+ cb1 cb) (+ cr1 cr)]) [0 0] (map cm (pixels img))))))
(defn bucket-fn [n]
(fn [x] (double (/ (Math/round ^float (* n x)) n))))
#_(defn img-color-centroid [img]
(let [tau (* 2 Math/PI)
bucket-fn (bucket-fn 360)
cfm (frequencies (map (comp (partial * tau) bucket-fn :hue (memoize create-color)) (pixels img)))
cs (keys cfm)
cd-fn (fn [cm cM]
(let [x1 (Math/cos cm) y1 (Math/sin cm)
x2 (Math/cos cM) y2 (Math/sin cm)]
(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow (- x1 x2) 2)
(Math/pow (- y1 y2) 2)))))
cdm (zipmap cs (map #(zipmap cs (map (partial cd-fn %) cs)) cs))
total-score-fn (fn [c] (reduce #(+ %1 (* ((cdm c) %2) (cfm %2))) 0 cs))
median-score-fn (fn [c] (stats/median (reduce into [] (map (fn [[k d]] (repeat d (cfm k))) (cdm c)))))
tm (zipmap cs (map median-score-fn cs))]
(double (/ (first (reduce #(min-key second %1 %2) tm)) tau))))
(defn huegram-frame [^String name img]
(let [black (unchecked-int 0xFF000000)
i (atom img)
r 200
d (* r 2)
dim (Dimension. d d)
p (proxy [JPanel] []
(getPreferredSize [] dim)
(getMaximumSize [] dim)
(getMinimumSize [] dim)
(paintComponent [^Graphics g]
(let [img @i
hf (frequencies (map (comp #(Math/round ^float %)
(partial * 360)
(memoize create-color))
(pixels img)))
sf (/ 100 (reduce max (map second hf)))]
(proxy-super paintComponent g)
(.drawImage g
(create-image d d
(fn [x y]
(let [black (unchecked-int 0xFF000000)
tx (- x r)
ty (- r y)
d (Math/sqrt (+ (* tx tx) (* ty ty)))
th (Math/toDegrees (Math/atan2 ty tx))
h (Math/round (float (if (neg? th) (+ 360 th) th)))]
(< d 50) black
(and (>= d 50) (< d 60)) (hsl-to-rgb (/ h 360) 1 0.5)
(and (>= d 80) (< d (+ 80 (* sf (or (hf h) 0))))) (hsl-to-rgb (/ h 360) 1 0.5)
:else black))))
0 0 nil))))
f (JFrame. name)]
(-> f .getContentPane (.add p))
(doto f
(.setVisible true))
[i #(.repaint p)]))
(defn new-color-mapped-image [^BufferedImage img color-map-fn]
(let [cm (create-color-map img)
ncm (zipmap (keys cm) (map color-map-fn (keys cm)))]
(create-image (.getWidth img) (.getHeight img) #(ncm (.getRGB img %1 %2)))))
(defn dither-to-bw [^BufferedImage img]
(let [black (int -16777216)
white (int -1)
ef (double (/ 7 16))
swf (double (/ 3 16))
sf (double (/ 5 16))
sef (double (/ 1 16))
w (.getWidth img)
bw (inc w)
h (.getHeight img)
buffer (make-array Double/TYPE (* 2 bw))
ni (BufferedImage. w h BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)
cm (create-color-map img)
lum-map (zipmap (keys cm) (map :y (vals cm)))]
(loop [y 0 x 0 cr-offset 0 nr-offset bw]
(= y h) ni
(= x w) (do
(java.util.Arrays/fill ^doubles buffer cr-offset (+ cr-offset bw) 0.0)
(recur (inc y) 0 nr-offset cr-offset))
:else (let [xi (+ x cr-offset)
ei (inc xi)
si (+ x nr-offset)
swi (dec si)
sei (inc si)
l (+ (aget ^doubles buffer xi) (lum-map (.getRGB img x y)))
e (- l (if (> l 0.5) 1 0))]
(.setRGB ni x y (if (> l 0.5) white black))
(aset ^doubles buffer ei (+ (aget ^doubles buffer ei) (* e ef)))
(aset ^doubles buffer sei (+ (aget ^doubles buffer sei) (* e sef)))
(aset ^doubles buffer si (+ (aget ^doubles buffer si) (* e sf)))
(when (pos? x)
(aset ^doubles buffer swi (+ (aget ^doubles buffer swi) (* e swf))))
(recur y (inc x) cr-offset nr-offset))))))
(defn mean-diff [^BufferedImage img]
(let [w (.getWidth img)
h (.getHeight img)
ni (BufferedImage. w h BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)
cm (create-color-map img)
lum-map (zipmap (keys cm) (map :y (vals cm)))]
(loop [y (int 0) x (int 0)]
(= y h) ni
(= x w) (recur (inc y) 0)
:else (let [px (dec x)
nx (inc x)
py (dec y)
ny (inc y)
p (.getRGB img x y)
ps (conj (cond
(and (zero? x) (zero? y)) [(.getRGB img nx y) (.getRGB img x ny) (.getRGB img nx ny)]
(and (= w nx) (zero? y)) [(.getRGB img px y) (.getRGB img px ny) (.getRGB img x ny)]
(and (zero? x) (= h ny)) [(.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img nx py) (.getRGB img nx y)]
(and (= w nx) (= h ny)) [(.getRGB img px py) (.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img px y)]
(zero? x) [(.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img nx py) (.getRGB img nx y) (.getRGB img x ny) (.getRGB img nx ny)]
(= w nx) [(.getRGB img px py) (.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img px y) (.getRGB img px ny) (.getRGB img x ny)]
(zero? y) [(.getRGB img px y) (.getRGB img nx y) (.getRGB img px ny) (.getRGB img x ny) (.getRGB img nx ny)]
(= h ny) [(.getRGB img px py) (.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img nx py) (.getRGB img px y) (.getRGB img nx y)]
:else [(.getRGB img px py) (.getRGB img x py) (.getRGB img nx py)
(.getRGB img px y) (.getRGB img nx y)
(.getRGB img px ny) (.getRGB img x ny) (.getRGB img nx ny)])
u (/ (reduce + (map lum-map ps)) (count ps))
(.setRGB ni x y (to-agrey (- 1 (Math/abs ^double (- (lum-map p) u)))))
(recur y (inc x))))))))
(defn xy-clamp-to-index-fn [w h]
(let [dw (dec w)
dh (dec h)]
(fn [x y]
(let [x (cond (neg? x) 0
(> x dw) dw
:else x)
y (cond (neg? y) 0
(> y dh) dh
:else y)]
(+ x (* y w))))))
(defn img-to-component-array [^BufferedImage img component-key]
(let [get-component (comp component-key (create-color-map img))
w (.getWidth img)
h (.getHeight img)
index (xy-clamp-to-index-fn w h)]
(into-array Double/TYPE (for [y (range h) x (range w)] (get-component (.getRGB img x y))))))
(defn lum-array-to-img [w h ^doubles lum-array]
(let [index (xy-clamp-to-index-fn w h)]
(create-image w h (fn [x y] (to-agrey (aget ^doubles lum-array (index x y)))))))
(defn convolve-extend [input iw ih kernel kw kh]
(let [iindex (xy-clamp-to-index-fn iw ih)
kindex (xy-clamp-to-index-fn kw kh)]
(into-array Double/TYPE
(for [y (range ih) x (range iw)]
(reduce + (for [ky (range kh) kx (range kw)]
(* (aget ^doubles input (iindex (dec (+ x kx)) (dec (+ y ky))))
(aget ^doubles kernel (kindex kx kh)))))))))
(let [gauss-kernel (into-array Double/TYPE
(map (comp double #(/ % 273))
[1 4 7 4 1
4 16 26 16 4
7 26 41 26 7
4 16 26 16 4
1 4 7 4 1]))
kw 5 kh 5]
(defn gauss-blur [^BufferedImage img]
(let [w (.getWidth img)
h (.getHeight img)
lum-array (img-to-component-array img :y)
out-array (convolve-extend lum-array w h gauss-kernel 5 5)]
#_(lum-array-to-img w h out-array))))
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