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Created September 1, 2009 20:14
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Save scottferg/179348 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var settings = {};
* Event listener for when a user enters their username within
* the extension UI. Currently this only works when you're
* viewing since we don't have any
* events that can be fired on a localStorage event that occurs
* within the extension.
var port = chrome.extension.connect();
port.onMessage.addListener(function(data) {
settings.username = data.username;
settings.darkRead = data.darkRead;
darkRead = data.darkRead;
settings.lightRead = data.lightRead;
settings.darkNewReplies = data.darkNewReplies;
settings.lightNewReplies = data.lightNewReplies;
// Request the username from the extension UI
'message': 'GetPageSettings'
// If a post has the user quoted, highlight it a pleasant green
jQuery('.bbc-block h4').each(function() {
var username = settings.username;
if (jQuery(this).html() == username + ' posted:') {
jQuery(this).parent().css("background-color", "#a2cd5a");
var newPosts = false;
var newPostCount = 0;
// Iterate over each .thread .seen td element. This is necessary
// so we can track each thread's designated color (read/not read)
jQuery('tr.thread.seen').each(function() {
// Re-style the "mark unread" link
jQuery(this).find('a.x').each(function() {
// Set the image styles
jQuery(this).css("background", "none");
jQuery(this).css("background-image", "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL("images/") + "unvisit.png')");
jQuery(this).css("height", "16px");
jQuery(this).css("width", "14px");
// Remove the 'X' from the anchor tag
// Re-style the new post count link
jQuery(this).find('a.count').each(function() {
// If we find an a.count, then we have new posts
newPosts = true;
newPostCount = jQuery(this).html();
// Remove the left split border
jQuery(this).css("border-left", "none");
// Resize, shift, and add in the background image
jQuery(this).css("width", "7px");
jQuery(this).css("height", "16px");
jQuery(this).css("padding-right", "11px");
jQuery(this).css("background-image", "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL("images/") + "lastpost.png')");
// Remove the count from the element
// If the thread has new posts, display the green shade,
// otherwise show the blue shade
var darkShade = (newPosts) ? settings.darkNewReplies : settings.darkRead;
var lightShade = (newPosts) ? settings.lightNewReplies : settings.lightRead;
// Thread icon, author, view count, and last post
jQuery(this).children('td.icon,, td.views, td.lastpost').each(function() {
jQuery(this).css({ "background-color" : darkShade,
"background-image" : "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL("images/") + "gradient.png')",
"background-repeat" : "repeat-x"
// Thread title, replies, and rating
jQuery(this).find('td.title, td.replies, td.rating').each(function() {
jQuery(this).css({ "background-color" : lightShade,
"background-image" : "url('" + chrome.extension.getURL("images/") + "gradient.png')",
"background-repeat" : "repeat-x"
// Display number of new replies for each thread
jQuery(this).find('td.replies').each(function() {
// Add in number of new replies
if (newPostCount != 0) {
var currentHtml = jQuery(this).html();
// Strip HTML tags
newPostCount = parseInt(newPostCount.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""));
// Set the HTML value
jQuery(this).html(currentHtml + "<br /><div style='font-size: 12px;'>(" + newPostCount + ")</div>");
// Eliminate last-seen styling
jQuery(this).find('.lastseen').each(function() {
jQuery(this).css("background", "none");
jQuery(this).css("border", "none");
// Reset post counts
newPosts = false;
newPostCount = 0;
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