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  • Save scottfrazer/125e229fc0d381caf5a851b571d9ff49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scottfrazer/125e229fc0d381caf5a851b571d9ff49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/sfrazer/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/sfrazer/projects/cromwell/project
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
[info] Set current project to cromwell (in build file:/Users/sfrazer/projects/cromwell/)
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /Users/sfrazer/projects/cromwell/engine/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[info] Running cromwell.Main run scatter.wdl -
[2016-05-25 11:47:02,566] [info] Slf4jLogger started
[2016-05-25 11:47:02,604] [info] RUN sub-command
[2016-05-25 11:47:02,604] [info] WDL file: scatter.wdl
[2016-05-25 11:47:02,665] [info] SingleWorkflowRunnerActor: launching workflow
[2016-05-25 11:47:03,183] [info] Running with database db.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/cromwell
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,37] [info] WorkflowManagerActor submitWorkflow input id = None, effective id = ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,44] [info] Slf4jLogger started
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,81] [info] WorkflowManagerActor Found no workflows to restart.
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,119] [info] SingleWorkflowRunnerActor: workflow ID ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,121] [info] Successfuly started akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e for Workflow ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,121] [info] SingleWorkflowRunnerActor: workflow ID ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,128] [info] WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e transitioning from WorkflowUnstartedState to MaterializingWorkflowDescriptorState
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,132] [warn] WorkflowManagerActor: Unhandled message: ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService)
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,133] [warn] WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e received an unhandled message Event(ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService),WorkflowActorData(Some(Actor[akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/$a#1540624898]),None)) in state MaterializingWorkflowDescriptorState
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,133] [warn] WorkflowManagerActor: Unhandled message: ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService)
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,133] [warn] WorkflowManagerActor: Unhandled message: ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService)
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,133] [warn] WorkflowManagerActor: Unhandled message: SubscribeToWorkflow(ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e)
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,134] [warn] WorkflowManagerActor: Unhandled message: SubscribeToWorkflow(ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e)
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,369] [info] $a: Call-to-Backend assignments: w.t -> JES
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,398] [info] $a transition from ReadyToMaterializeState to MaterializationSuccessfulState: shutting down
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,434] [info] State is transitioning from InitializationPendingState to InitializationInProgressState.
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,443] [info] State is now terminal. Shutting down.
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,449] [warn] Failed to load the max-retries value from the configuration. Defaulting back to a value of 10.
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,470] [warn] WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e received an unhandled message Event(ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService),WorkflowActorData(Some(Actor[akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/WorkflowExecutionActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e#-1674421486]),Some(EngineWorkflowDescriptor(BackendWorkflowDescriptor(ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e,NamespaceWithWorkflow(None,Workflow(w,List(UnscopedDeclaration(WdlArrayType(WdlIntegerType),None,x,Some(WdlExpression((ArrayLiteral: values=[<string:8:19 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:22 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:25 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:28 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:31 integer "MTU=">]))))),List()),ArrayBuffer(),ArrayBuffer(),List([Task name=t commandTemplate=Vector(sleep , ${s})}]),Map(<string:8:28 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:25 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:22 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:9 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:11 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:10 fqn "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:7 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:1:6 identifier "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:16 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:7:10 identifier "dw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:14 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:3 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:22 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:31 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:19 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
),WdlSyntaxErrorFormatter(Map(<string:8:28 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:25 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:22 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:9 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:11 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:10 fqn "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:7 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:1:6 identifier "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:16 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:7:10 identifier "dw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:14 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:3 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:22 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:31 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:19 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
)),(Document: imports=[], definitions=[(Task: name=<string:1:6 identifier "dA==">, declarations=[(Declaration: type=<string:2:3 type "SW50">, postfix=None, name=<string:2:7 identifier "cw==">, expression=None)], sections=[(RawCommand: parts=[<string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg">, (CommandParameter: attributes=[], expr=<string:3:20 identifier "cw==">)]), (Runtime: map=[(RuntimeAttribute: key=<string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy">, value=<string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA==">)])]), (Workflow: name=<string:7:10 identifier "dw==">, body=[(Declaration: type=(Type: name=<string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk=">, subtype=[<string:8:9 type "SW50">]), postfix=None, name=<string:8:14 identifier "eA==">, expression=(ArrayLiteral: values=[<string:8:19 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:22 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:25 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:28 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:31 integer "MTU=">])), (Scatter: item=<string:9:11 identifier "eQ==">, collection=<string:9:16 identifier "eA==">, body=[(Call: task=<string:10:10 fqn "dA==">, alias=None, body=(CallBody: declarations=[], io=[(Inputs: map=[(IOMapping: key=<string:10:20 identifier "cw==">, value=<string:10:22 identifier "eQ==">)])]))])])])),Map(w.x -> [15, 15, 15, 15, 15]),{
}),Map(w.x -> [15, 15, 15, 15, 15]),Map([Call name=t, task=[Task name=t commandTemplate=Vector(sleep , ${s})}]] -> JES),NoNewCalls)))) in state ExecutingWorkflowState
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,473] [warn] WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e received an unhandled message Event(ServiceRegistryFailure(MetadataService),WorkflowActorData(Some(Actor[akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/WorkflowExecutionActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e#-1674421486]),Some(EngineWorkflowDescriptor(BackendWorkflowDescriptor(ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e,NamespaceWithWorkflow(None,Workflow(w,List(UnscopedDeclaration(WdlArrayType(WdlIntegerType),None,x,Some(WdlExpression((ArrayLiteral: values=[<string:8:19 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:22 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:25 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:28 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:31 integer "MTU=">]))))),List()),ArrayBuffer(),ArrayBuffer(),List([Task name=t commandTemplate=Vector(sleep , ${s})}]),Map(<string:8:28 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:25 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:22 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:9 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:11 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:10 fqn "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:7 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:1:6 identifier "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:16 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:7:10 identifier "dw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:14 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:3 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:22 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:31 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:19 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
),WdlSyntaxErrorFormatter(Map(<string:8:28 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:25 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:22 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:9 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:11 identifier "eQ=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:10 fqn "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:7 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:1:6 identifier "dA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:10:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:9:16 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:7:10 identifier "dw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:14 identifier "eA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:2:3 type "SW50"> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:3:20 identifier "cw=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:22 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:31 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA=="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
, <string:8:19 integer "MTU="> -> task t {
Int s
command {sleep ${s}}
runtime {docker: "ubuntu:latest"}
workflow w {
Array[Int] x = [15,15,15,15,15]
scatter(y in x) {
call t {input: s=y}
)),(Document: imports=[], definitions=[(Task: name=<string:1:6 identifier "dA==">, declarations=[(Declaration: type=<string:2:3 type "SW50">, postfix=None, name=<string:2:7 identifier "cw==">, expression=None)], sections=[(RawCommand: parts=[<string:3:12 cmd_part "c2xlZXAg">, (CommandParameter: attributes=[], expr=<string:3:20 identifier "cw==">)]), (Runtime: map=[(RuntimeAttribute: key=<string:4:12 identifier "ZG9ja2Vy">, value=<string:4:20 string "dWJ1bnR1OmxhdGVzdA==">)])]), (Workflow: name=<string:7:10 identifier "dw==">, body=[(Declaration: type=(Type: name=<string:8:3 type "QXJyYXk=">, subtype=[<string:8:9 type "SW50">]), postfix=None, name=<string:8:14 identifier "eA==">, expression=(ArrayLiteral: values=[<string:8:19 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:22 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:25 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:28 integer "MTU=">, <string:8:31 integer "MTU=">])), (Scatter: item=<string:9:11 identifier "eQ==">, collection=<string:9:16 identifier "eA==">, body=[(Call: task=<string:10:10 fqn "dA==">, alias=None, body=(CallBody: declarations=[], io=[(Inputs: map=[(IOMapping: key=<string:10:20 identifier "cw==">, value=<string:10:22 identifier "eQ==">)])]))])])])),Map(w.x -> [15, 15, 15, 15, 15]),{
}),Map(w.x -> [15, 15, 15, 15, 15]),Map([Call name=t, task=[Task name=t commandTemplate=Vector(sleep , ${s})}]] -> JES),NoNewCalls)))) in state ExecutingWorkflowState
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,496] [info] Starting calls: w.t:0:1, w.t:1:1, w.t:2:1, w.t:3:1, w.t:4:1
[2016-05-25 11:47:05,505] [error] Dispatcher [akka.dispatchers.slow-actor-dispatcher] not configured for path akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/WorkflowExecutionActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e-BackendPreparationActor-w.t:3:1
akka.ConfigurationException: Dispatcher [akka.dispatchers.slow-actor-dispatcher] not configured for path akka://cromwell-system/user/WorkflowManagerActor/WorkflowActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/WorkflowExecutionActor-ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e/ffad895f-b7a4-438b-9cb0-8831a3c9f92e-BackendPreparationActor-w.t:3:1
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor.cromwell$engine$workflow$lifecycle$execution$WorkflowExecutionActor$$processRunnableJob(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:308)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor$$anonfun$18.apply(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:283)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor$$anonfun$18.apply(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:282)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor.cromwell$engine$workflow$lifecycle$execution$WorkflowExecutionActor$$startRunnableScopes(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:282)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor$$anonfun$3.applyOrElse(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:170)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor$$anonfun$3.applyOrElse(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:168)
at scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction.apply(AbstractPartialFunction.scala:36)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor.akka$actor$LoggingFSM$$super$processEvent(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:110)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor.processEvent(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:110)
at cromwell.engine.workflow.lifecycle.execution.WorkflowExecutionActor.aroundReceive(WorkflowExecutionActor.scala:110)
at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:238)
at akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:397)
at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
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