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Created April 25, 2016 20:00
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/** PBE: the return value of WorkflowExecutionActorState is just temporary.
* This should probably return a Try[BackendJobDescriptor], Unit, Boolean,
* Try[ActorRef], or something to indicate if the job was started
* successfully. Or, if it can fail to start, some indication of why it
* failed to start
private def startJob(call: Call, index: Option[Int], attempt: Int, inputs: Map[FullyQualifiedName, WdlValue]): WorkflowExecutionActorState = {
val jobKey = BackendJobDescriptorKey(call, index, attempt)
val jobDescriptor = BackendJobDescriptor(workflowDescriptor.backendDescriptor, jobKey, inputs)
val configDescriptor = BackendConfigurationDescriptor(ConfigFactory.parseString("{}"), ConfigFactory.load())
workflowDescriptor.backendAssignments.get(call) match {
case None =>
val message = s"Could not start call ${call.fullyQualifiedName} because it was not assigned a backend"
log.error(s"$tag $message")
context.parent ! WorkflowExecutionFailedResponse(Seq(new Exception(message)))
case Some(backendName) =>
CromwellBackend.shadowBackendLifecycleFactory(backendName) match {
case Success(factory) =>
val jobExecutionActor = context.actorOf(
factory.jobExecutionActorProps(jobDescriptor, configDescriptor),
jobExecutionActor ! ExecuteJobCommand
case Failure(ex) =>
context.parent ! WorkflowExecutionFailedResponse(Seq(ex))
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