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Created May 24, 2015 18:47
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  • Go to RGB Color Now
    • Already implemented; just basic RGB functionality
  • Fade to RGB Color
    • Can be implemented; needs fading logic
  • Fade to HSB Color
    • Can be implemented; needs fading logic and HSB translation
  • Fade to Random RGB Color
    • Can be implemented; needs fading logic
  • Fade to Random HSB Color
    • Can be implemented; needs fading logic
  • Play Light Script
    • Can't be implemented; requires memory built into the component
    • Playing a sequence that's programmed on demand can be implemented
  • Stop Script
    • Can be implemented, for the limited play support that's possible
  • Set Fade Speed
    • Can be implemented
  • Set Time Adjust
    • Can be implemented
  • Get Current RGB Color
    • Effectively already implemented with internal state
  • Write Script Line
    • Can't be implemented; requires memory built into the component
    • Writing a sequence in-memory in node can be implemented
  • Read Script Line
    • Can be implemented, for the limited write support that's possible
  • Set Script Length & Repeats
    • Can't be implemented; requires memory built into the component
    • Can be implemented, for the limited write support that's possible
  • Set BlinkM Address
    • Can't be implemented, doesn't make sense generically
    • Even where it does make sense, it's not possible with other controllers like PCA9685
  • Get BlinkM Address
    • Can be implemented
  • Get BlinkM Firmware Version
    • Only makes sense for BlinkM
  • Set Startup Parameters
    • Only makes sense for BlinkM
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  • Play Light Script
    • Can't be implemented; requires memory built into the component
    • Playing a sequence that's programmed on demand can be implemented

What if we design a sequence format and publish a repo of "sequences" that match the pre-programmed ones? Then Johnny-Five can have this as a dependency and load the sequence when the RGB component is not a BlinkM. Possible?

  • Set BlinkM Address
    • Can't be implemented, doesn't make sense generically

Is there is a range of addresses, or does it let you set any valid 7-bit I2C address?

This doesn't seem too bad at all :)

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What if we design a sequence format and publish a repo of "sequences" that match the pre-programmed ones? Then Johnny-Five can have this as a dependency and load the sequence when the RGB component is not a BlinkM. Possible?

That'd be possible, though the BlinkM is designed for you to write your own sequences to the device, then run them later. From the limited research I've done, it seems like one of the main use cases is to create your own sequence (play script), set the startup/boot action to run that script, then just power the device with no I2C interface "in production".

Is there is a range of addresses, or does it let you set any valid 7-bit I2C address?

It can use any valid 7-bit I2C address. It defaults to 0x09 and will always listen to commands on 0x00.

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then just power the device with no I2C interface "in production".

Ah, right, I forgot about that part. I think it's safe to say that Johnny-Five's ecosystem precludes that aspect of usage. Of course, a Johnny-Five API can be used to write a script for that use case, but users will have to understand that non-BlinkM components obviously do not store for later.

It can use any valid 7-bit I2C address. It defaults to 0x09 and will always listen to commands on 0x00.

Well, Johnny-Five component classes do accept an address property in the options object (for those devices that allow a range), so it doesn't seem unreasonable to wire that to the BlinkM's address setting capability.

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Of course, a Johnny-Five API can be used to write a script for that use case, but users will have to understand that non-BlinkM components obviously do not store for later.

Right, and that's why I think a BlinkM-specific API might be nice. Though I could see this just being built on top of Johnny-Five, rather than being bundled.

Well, Johnny-Five component classes do accept an address property in the options object (for those devices that allow a range), so it doesn't seem unreasonable to wire that to the BlinkM's address setting capability.

Well, I think this is something you'd do outside of the normal environment. Just like you'd change the hardware configurable address of a PCA9685 prior to use in a Johnny-Five program, you'd want to set the address on a BlinkM prior to use in a Johnny-Five program. The only difference being that you can use Johnny-Five to script the address change on the BlinkM, but you would do that in a one-off script rather than as part of the program you're writing.

Overall, I think the BlinkM API shows some interesting ideas that can be added to Led.RGB, but if you want the full BlinkM API, we're probably better off building a separate module.

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Right, and that's why I think a BlinkM-specific API might be nice. Though I could see this just being built on top of Johnny-Five, rather than being bundled.

I don't understand, there is nothing being taken away from the BlinkM, it will still store the sequences and play whatever sequence you set it to play. It's just that non-BlinkM things won't do that because they can't, but we can still play a sequence on non-BlinkM components.

something you'd do outside of the normal environment

I don't understand what you mean by this

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