Update: This has moved. An updated and maintained version is here: http://alignedleft.com/resources/data-vis-jobs
I posed this question on Twitter:
If you wanted to hire a “data journalist” to support an existing reporting team with data parsing + vis, how would you find that person?
I've documented the responses here. Basically, there seems to be only one job site specifically for data journalists (so far!), and several others, depending on which audience you want to reach (e.g., more focused on development, data vis, or journalism).
- Post on http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/data-driven-journalism
- Post on http://snd.org/jobs/
- Post the job on Twitter, encourage other data journalists to retweet it
- Post on https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/data-vis-jobs
- Post on https://jobs.flowingdata.com
- Post the job on your own news org. website (of course)
- Post on http://journalismjobs.com
- Post on http://ire.org/jobs/type/job-posting/ and notify @IRE_NICAR on Twitter
- Post on http://careers.stackoverflow.com
- Post on https://jobs.github.com
- The job board at http://jobs.datadrivenjournalism.net is temporarily out of commission while being overhauled. Once it's back up, this will be another great resource.