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Forked from adlukasiak/PAvg.csv
Last active September 14, 2015 11:36
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Jersey City . Public Housing

The Montgomery Gardens public housing project has over 80% vacancy rate. It was vacated and recently imploaded on August 29, 2015. You can watch the exciting video here.

This static visualization compares public housing projects' vacancy rates. The entire data set contains granular information including monthly data, total number of units, move-in and move-out numbers, etc. Can't wait to learn how to utilize time sliders and other interactive controls!

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Jersey City . Public Housing</title>
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<h1>Vacancy Rates by Property</h1>
<p>Monthly average vacancy rates Jan 2014-May 2015. Source: <a href="">Jersey City Housing Authority</a>.</p>
<button id="vacancy">Vacancy</button>
<button id="totalUnits">Total Units</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
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return d3.descending(+a.vacant, +b.vacant);
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return d.propertyName + "'s vacancy rate is " + d.vacant * 100.00 + "%";
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return +d.totalUnits;
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.attr("width", function(d) {
return widthScale(d.totalUnits);
//Update axis".x.axis")
.on("click", function() {
//Update scale domain
widthScale.domain([ 0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) {
return +d.vacant;
}) ]);
//Update rect widths
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return widthScale(d.vacant);
//Update axis".x.axis")
propertyName propertyCategory vacant totalUnits
254 Bergen Avenue Non-Federal Affordable 0.0931 612
Arlington Gardens Non-Federal Affordable 0.0758 1530
Berry Gardens Elderly/Disabled Developments 0.1091 6052
Booker T. Washington Conventional Public Housing 0.1111 5185
Curries Woods Conventional Public Housing 0.0686 5015
Dwight St. Homes Homeownership Project 0.2350 326
Holland Gardens Conventional Public Housing 0.0476 3213
Hudson Gardens Conventional Public Housing 0.0141 3757
Marion Gardens Conventional Public Housing 0.1086 3876
Montgomery Gardens Conventional Public Housing 0.8426 7378
Thomas J. Stewart Elderly/Disabled Developments 0.0306 816
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Hi Scott, thanks for explaining on how to toggle between views. I realized that instead of the monthly average, I did sum over 16 months for the totalUnits. We don't have that many public housing projects in Jersey City! Here is the updated gist with corrected data:

Was wondering if there are any controls that can be used for showing change over time besides time slider. The original dataset has monthly numbers and I would love to do interactive viz to explore them:

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