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Created March 10, 2012 22:13
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Singularity grid file
// Grid types to work on -- column, scale
$grid-type: column !default
$scale-grid-direction: rtl !default
$scale-grid-style: incremental !default
$base-size: 16px !default
$line-height: 1.3em !default
$grid-width: 90% !default
$columns: 12 !default
$wrapper-align: center !default
$gutter: 2% !default
$padding: 0 !default
$max-width: dp(1400) !default
$oocss-grid: false !default
$object-type: "%" !default
@if $oocss-grid
$grid-placeholder: "." !default
$width-prefix: "w-" !default
$column-prefix: "c-" !default
font-size: $base-size
line-height: $line-height
width: $grid-width
max-width: $max-width
position: relative
@if $wrapper-align == "center"
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
@if $wrapper-align == "right"
margin-left: auto
margin-right: 0
@extend #{$object-type}wrapper
// Seed variables
$calculated-gutter: 0
$calculated-column: 0
// Calculate grid metrics
=calculate-grid($columns, $gutter, $grid-width)
$columns: $columns
$gutter: $gutter
$grid-width: $grid-width
$calculated-gutter: $gutter
@if $gutter == 0
$gutter: 0%
@if unit($gutter) != "%"
$calculated-gutter: percentage($gutter / $grid-width)
$calculated-column: (100% - ($calculated-gutter * ($columns - 1))) / $columns
// Define grid funciton
@function grid($units, $grid-width)
@return ($calculated-column * $units) + ($calculated-gutter * ($units - 1))
// For the next column in a series. It floats and spaces to sit on the grid next to the one before it.
float: left
margin-left: $calculated-gutter
@if $padding != 0
padding: 0 $padding
// box sizing to make sure padding doesn't effect grid.
+prefix(box-sizing, border-box, -webkit- -moz-)
// Polyfill for old IE
*behavior: url(../js/
@extend #{$object-type}column
width: 100%
@extend #{$object-type}all-columns
margin-left: 0
@extend #{$object-type}first-column
// Grid widths
@for $i from 1 through $columns
// Writes classes or placeholders depending on the $object-type variable.
// You may also like a more semantic prefix, like "width-". You can chage it by changing the $width-prefix variable.
width: grid($i)
// Column locations in absolute positions. Use next-col in a series.
@for $i from 0 through $columns
// Writes classes or placeholders depending on the $object-type variable.
// You may also like a more semantic prefix, like "column-". You can chage it by changing the $column-prefix variable.
position: absolute
left: grid($i) + $calculated-gutter
// Scale grid math
// Requires modular-scale (
$modular-scale-loaded: false !default
$scale-grid-direction: ltr !default
@if $grid-type == "scale"
@if $modular-scale-loaded
// Core logic function
@function ms-grid($units, $ratio)
$column-sum: 100%
$grid-sum: 0%
$column-ratio: $ratio
$return: 0
$column-short: false
@if $ratio > 1
$column-ratio: 1 / $ratio
@if $scale-grid-style == traditional
@for $i from 1 through $units
$column-sum: ms($i, 100%, $column-ratio)
$grid-sum: $column-sum + $grid-sum
$return: $column-sum
@if $grid-sum > 100%
$return: 0%
@if $column-short == false
$column-short: $i
@if $i == $columns
@if $grid-sum < 100%
$return: 100% - $grid-sum + $column-sum
@if $column-short == $i
$return: 100% - $grid-sum + $column-sum
@if $scale-grid-style == incremental
@for $i from 1 through $units
$return: ms(-1, $column-sum)
$column-sum: $column-sum - $return
$grid-sum: $return + $grid-sum
@if $grid-sum > 100%
$return: 0%
@if $column-short == false
$column-short: $i
@if $i == $columns
@if $grid-sum < 100%
$return: $column-sum
@if $column-short == $i
$return: $column-sum
@return $return
// Create array of all columns on the grid
$ms-grid-list: ms-grid(1)
@for $i from 2 through $columns
$ms-grid-list: join($ms-grid-list, ms-grid($i))
$ms-grid-list-sum: 0
@for $i from 1 through $columns
$ms-grid-list-sum: $ms-grid-list-sum + nth($ms-grid-list, $i)
$counter: 0 // counter that knows how many columns are used for placement
// Calculate the units on the grid
@function grid($units, $counter)
$half-gutter: false
@if $counter == 1 or ($counter + $units) == $columns
$half-gutter: true
@if $counter > $columns
$counter: 1
@if $counter < 1
$counter: 1
$grid-return: 0 // zero out grid return
// Add up the columns
@for $i from 1 through $units
@if $scale-grid-direction == ltr
$grid-return: $grid-return + nth($ms-grid-list, abs($columns - $counter) + 1)
@if $scale-grid-direction == rtl
$grid-return: $grid-return + nth($ms-grid-list, $counter)
// the only difference between rtl and ltr is this
$counter: $counter + 1
@if $i == $units
@if $counter > ($columns) and $ms-grid-list-sum < 100%
@warn $grid-return - ($ms-grid-list-sum - 100%)
$grid-return: $grid-return - ($ms-grid-list-sum - 100%)
@if $counter == 0
$half-gutter: true
@if $half-gutter
@return $grid-return - ($calculated-gutter / 2)
@return $grid-return - $calculated-gutter
@if $modular-scale-loaded == false
@warn "Modular-Scale needs to be loaded to use a scale grid"
@warn ""
// Simple mixin that figures it all out.
$grid-mixin-counter: 0
=grid($units, $grid-override: false)
// If object spans all columns
@if $units == $columns
@extend #{$object-type}all-columns
@extend #{$object-type}column
@extend #{$object-type}column
@if $grid-type == "scale"
// Width objects for Modular Scales are tricky, write width directly.
width: grid($units, $grid-mixin-counter + 1)
// extend width objects
@extend #{$object-type}#{$width-prefix+$units}
// reset counters
@if $grid-mixin-counter >= $columns
$grid-mixin-counter: 0
@if $grid-mixin-counter == 0
@extend #{$object-type}first-column
$grid-mixin-counter: $grid-mixin-counter + $units
// Mixin to test grid
=test-grid($prefix: g)
display: none
height: 6em
> .inner
background-color: rgba(#fff, .5)
height: 6em
@for $i from 1 through $columns
display: block
@if ($i / 2) == round($i / 2)
background-color: #f66
background-color: #f99
@if $i == 1
background-color: #6f6
@if $i == $columns
background-color: #66f
// Singularity is OOSass NOT OOCSS. Using Sass objects (functions, mixins, extend) to write ONLY the styles needed.
// Just add the mixin and floats, scale calculations, everything is just taken care of.
// change these around as you see fit. Default is a 12 column fluid grid.
//$base-size: 16px;
//$line-height: 1.3em;
//$grid-width: 90%;
//$columns: 4;
//$wrapper-align: center; // left, center or right
//$gutter: 2%;
//$grid-type: scale; // column, scale
//$ratio: ms(1, $gold);
//$scale-grid-direction: rtl; // rtl, ltr
//$padding: 10px;
.article {
@include grid(6);
.aside {
@include grid(6);
// If you don’t want to maintain markup order in CSS, simply add the place on the grid where the element begins.
.article {
@include grid(6, 1); // 6 columns wide, starts on the first column
.aside {
@include grid(6, 7); // 6 columns wide, starts on the seventh column.
// In RWD, simply add media queries, no breakpoints are set.
@media all and (min-width: 20em) {
.article {
@include grid(6);
.aside {
@include grid(6);
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scottkellum commented Mar 13, 2012 via email

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