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Created April 4, 2011 18:47
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The event needed for generating a calendar in Symphony CMS 2.2
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.event.php');
Class eventgenerate_a_calendar extends Event {
const ROOTELEMENT = 'generate-a-calendar';
public $eParamFILTERS = array();
public static function about() {
return array(
'name' => 'Generate a Calendar',
'author' => array(
'name' => 'Scott Tesoriere',
'website' => '',
'email' => ''),
'version' => '0.6',
'release-date' => '2011-05-16T06:20:03+00:00');
public static function documentation() {
return '';
public function load() {
$functions = array('generate_calendar');
protected function __trigger() {
function generate_calendar($path, $url = '', $class = 'calendar', $mtype = 'full', $dtype = 'full'){
$output = '';
$q_year = 'year';
$q_month = 'month';
$settings = array();
$settings["calendar_class"] = $class;
$settings["year"] = (isset($_REQUEST[$q_year]) && preg_match('/[0-9]{4}/',$_REQUEST[$q_year]) ? $_REQUEST[$q_year] : date('Y'));
$settings["month"] = (isset($_REQUEST[$q_month]) && preg_match('/[0-1]{1}[0-9]{1}/', $_REQUEST[$q_month]) ? $_REQUEST[$q_month] : date('m'));
$settings["year_url_pattern"] = $settings["month_url_pattern"] = preg_replace('/\\?.*/','',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."?".$q_year."={year}&amp;".$q_month."={month}";
$settings["url"] = $url;
$settings["month_type"] = $mtype;
$settings["day_type"] = $dtype;
$calendar = new displayCalendar($path[0]->childNodes, $settings);
$output .= $calendar->render();
return $output;
// Taken from, Authored by Jibla (c) 2010
// Modified by Scott Tesoriere <> (c) 2011
class displayCalendar {
private $settings = array();
private $strings = array();
private $events = array();
public function __construct(&$events = array(), $settings = array(), $strings = array()) {
// parse the XML
foreach ($events as $event) {
if (!preg_match('/entry/', $event->nodeName)) continue;
$i = count($this->events);
$this->events[$i]["id"] = $event->getAttribute("id");
// parse through the fields
foreach ($event->childNodes as $item) {
if ($item->nodeName == '#text') continue;
$dates = $item->getElementsByTagName("date");
// if it's not a datetime field we don't care about it, if they have a regular date field this will crash though, need to check for it
if ($dates->length <= 0) $this->events[$i][$item->nodeName] = $item->nodeValue;
// check through all the dates
foreach ($dates as $date) {
// start
foreach ($date->getElementsByTagName("start") as $start) {
$this->events[$i]["start"]["date"] = $start->nodeValue;
$this->events[$i]["start"]["time"] = $start->getAttribute("time");
$this->events[$i]["start"]["iso"] = $start->getAttribute("iso");
$this->events[$i]["start"]["offset"] = $start->getAttribute("offset");
$this->events[$i]["start"]["weekday"] = $start->getAttribute("weekday");
// end
foreach ($date->getElementsByTagName("end") as $end) {
$this->events[$i]["end"]["date"] = $end->nodeValue;
$this->events[$i]["end"]["time"] = $end->getAttribute("time");
$this->events[$i]["end"]["iso"] = $end->getAttribute("iso");
$this->events[$i]["end"]["offset"] = $end->getAttribute("offset");
$this->events[$i]["end"]["weekday"] = $end->getAttribute("weekday");
// month names
$this->strings['month']['01']['full'] = 'January';
$this->strings['month']['02']['full'] = 'February';
$this->strings['month']['03']['full'] = 'March';
$this->strings['month']['04']['full'] = 'April';
$this->strings['month']['05']['full'] = 'May';
$this->strings['month']['06']['full'] = 'June';
$this->strings['month']['07']['full'] = 'July';
$this->strings['month']['08']['full'] = 'August';
$this->strings['month']['09']['full'] = 'September';
$this->strings['month']['10']['full'] = 'October';
$this->strings['month']['11']['full'] = 'November';
$this->strings['month']['12']['full'] = 'December';
$this->strings['month']['01']['short'] = 'Jan';
$this->strings['month']['02']['short'] = 'Feb';
$this->strings['month']['03']['short'] = 'Mar';
$this->strings['month']['04']['short'] = 'Apr';
$this->strings['month']['05']['short'] = 'May';
$this->strings['month']['06']['short'] = 'Jun';
$this->strings['month']['07']['short'] = 'Jul';
$this->strings['month']['08']['short'] = 'Aug';
$this->strings['month']['09']['short'] = 'Sep';
$this->strings['month']['10']['short'] = 'Oct';
$this->strings['month']['11']['short'] = 'Nov';
$this->strings['month']['12']['short'] = 'Dec';
// weekday names
$this->strings['week']['1']['full'] = 'Monday';
$this->strings['week']['2']['full'] = 'Tuesday';
$this->strings['week']['3']['full'] = 'Wednesday';
$this->strings['week']['4']['full'] = 'Thursday';
$this->strings['week']['5']['full'] = 'Friday';
$this->strings['week']['6']['full'] = 'Saturday';
$this->strings['week']['7']['full'] = 'Sunday';
$this->strings['week']['1']['short'] = 'Mon';
$this->strings['week']['2']['short'] = 'Tue';
$this->strings['week']['3']['short'] = 'Wedn';
$this->strings['week']['4']['short'] = 'Thurs';
$this->strings['week']['5']['short'] = 'Fri';
$this->strings['week']['6']['short'] = 'Sat';
$this->strings['week']['7']['short'] = 'Sun';
// next and prev year string
$this->strings['next_year_link'] = '&rarr;';
$this->strings['prev_year_link'] = '&larr;';
// next and prev month string
$this->strings['next_month_link'] = '&rarr;';
$this->strings['prev_month_link'] = '&larr;';
// settings
$this->settings['year'] = date('Y');
$this->settings['month'] = date('m');
$this->settings['day'] = date('d');
$this->settings['current_day_class'] = 'current';
$this->settings['weekend_class'] = 'weekendday';
$this->settings['calendar_class'] = 'calendar';
$this->settings['weekdays_class'] = 'weekdays';
$this->settings['year_class'] = 'year';
$this->settings['month_class'] = 'month';
$this->settings['days_class'] = 'days';
$this->settings['month_type'] = 'full';
$this->settings['day_type'] = 'full';
// set the user settings and strings
$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $settings);
$this->strings = array_merge($this->strings, $strings);
public function setSettings($settings = array()) {
$this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $settings);
public function setStrings($strings = array()) {
$this->strings = array_merge($this->strings, $strings);
// 1 - objects to be rendered
public function render() {
// php-date like string from set date parameters
$currentDate = date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date('d');
// timestamp used below
$timestamp = strtotime($this->settings['year'].'-'.$this->settings['month'].'-'.$this->settings['day']);
// amount of days in the current month
$amountOfDays = date('t', $timestamp);
// first week day in the month
$firstWeekDay = date('N', strtotime($this->settings['year'].'-'.$this->settings['month'].'-01'));
$currentWeekDay = $firstWeekDay - 1;
// starting to generate output html
$output = "<table class='".$this->settings['calendar_class']."'>\n";
$output .= "<thead>\n";
// current year row
$output .= "\t<tr>\n";
// next and prev year story
if (isset($this->settings['year_url_pattern'])) {
$prevYearUrl = str_replace('{year}', $this->settings['year'] - 1, $this->settings['year_url_pattern']);
$prevYearUrl = str_replace('{month}', $this->settings['month'], $prevYearUrl);
$nextYearUrl = str_replace('{year}', $this->settings['year'] + 1, $this->settings['year_url_pattern']);
$nextYearUrl = str_replace('{month}', $this->settings['month'], $nextYearUrl);
$yearToPringString = "\n\t\t\t<a href='".$prevYearUrl."'>".$this->strings['prev_year_link']."</a>\n";
$yearToPringString .= "\t\t\t<span>".$this->settings['year']."</span>\n";
$yearToPringString .= "\t\t\t<a href='".$nextYearUrl."'>".$this->strings['next_year_link']."</a>\n\t\t";
} else {
$yearToPringString = $this->settings['year'];
$output .= "\t<tr><th colspan='7' class=\"today\"><a href=\"".preg_replace('/\\?.*/','',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."\">Today</a></th></tr>\n";
$output .= "\t\t<th colspan='7' class='".$this->settings['year_class']."'>".$yearToPringString."</th>\n";
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
// current month row
$output .= "\t<tr>";
// next and prev month story
if (isset($this->settings['month_url_pattern'])) {
$nextMonth = $this->settings['month'] + 1;
if ($nextMonth > 12) {
$nextMonth = 1;
$nextYear = $this->settings['year'] + 1;
} else {
$nextYear = $this->settings['year'];
$prevMonth = $this->settings['month'] - 1;
if ($prevMonth < 1) {
$prevMonth = 12;
$prevYear = $this->settings['year'] - 1;
} else {
$prevYear = $this->settings['year'];
$nextMonth = str_pad($nextMonth, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$prevMonth = str_pad($prevMonth, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$prevMonthUrl = str_replace('{year}', $prevYear, $this->settings['month_url_pattern']);
$prevMonthUrl = str_replace('{month}', $prevMonth, $prevMonthUrl);
$nextMonthUrl = str_replace('{year}', $nextYear, $this->settings['month_url_pattern']);
$nextMonthUrl = str_replace('{month}', $nextMonth, $nextMonthUrl);
$monthToPringString = "\n\t\t\t<a href='".$prevMonthUrl."'>".$this->strings['prev_month_link']."</a>\n";
$monthToPringString .= "\t\t\t<span>".$this->strings['month'][$this->settings['month']]['full']."</span>\n";
$monthToPringString .= "\t\t\t<a href='".$nextMonthUrl."'>".$this->strings['next_month_link']."</a>\n\t\t";
} else {
$monthToPringString = $this->strings['month'][$this->settings['month']][$this->settings['month_type']];
$output .= "\n\t\t<th colspan='7' class='".$this->settings['month_class']."'>".$monthToPringString."</th>\n";
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
$output .= "</thead>\n";
$output .= "<tbody>\n";
// printing week day names
$output .= "\t<tr class='".$this->settings['weekdays_class']."'>\n";
for ($weekDay = 1; $weekDay <= 7; $weekDay++) {
$output .= "\t\t<td>".$this->strings['week'][$weekDay][$this->settings['day_type']]."</td>\n";
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
// printing days itself
$output .= "\t<tr class='".$this->settings['days_class']."'>\n";
$dayToPrint = 0;
for ($day = 1; $day <= $amountOfDays + ($firstWeekDay-1); $day++) {
// defining we should start counting and printing days or not (depending on $firstWeekDay)
if ($day >= $firstWeekDay) {
if ($currentWeekDay > 7) $currentWeekDay = 1;
// if we are under the "Monday", create another row for this week
if ($day%7 == 1 && $day != 1) {
$output .= "\t<tr class='".$this->settings['days_class']."'>\n";
// if dayToPrint isnt zero, so it will be good if we print start to print days :D
if ($dayToPrint != 0) {
$class = '';
// php date like string for the day printing now
$currentDayPrinting = $this->settings['year'].'-'.$this->settings['month'].'-'.$dayToPrint;
// if day is current
if (strtotime($currentDate) == strtotime($currentDayPrinting)) {
$class .= $this->settings['current_day_class'];
// if day if weekend day
if ($currentWeekDay > 5) {
if ($class == '') {
$class .= $this->settings['weekend_class'];
} else {
$class .= ' '.$this->settings['weekend_class'];
// finishing to create $class variable
if ($class != '') {
$class = " class='".$class."'";
$list = array();
// check if we have an event on this day
if (count($this->events)) {
foreach ($this->events as $event) {
if (strtotime($event["start"]["date"]) == strtotime($currentDayPrinting) || (isset($event["end"]) &&
((strtotime($event["start"]["date"]) < strtotime($currentDayPrinting)) && (strtotime($currentDayPrinting) < strtotime($event["end"]["date"]))))) {
$list[] = $event;
// finally print the day
$output .= "\t\t<td".$class."><span>".$dayToPrint."</span>";
foreach ($list as $item) {
$output .= "<ul>";
foreach ($item as $k=>$v) {
if ($k == "start" or $k == "end" or $k == "id") continue;
$output .= "<li class=\"".$k."\">";
if ($this->settings['url'] != '')
$output .= "<a rel=\"event\" href=\"".$this->settings["url"]."/".$item["id"]."\">".$v."</a>";
$output .= $v;
$output .= "</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
$output .= "</td>\n";
} else {
$output .= "\t\t<td></td>";
// if we are under the "Sunday", just jump on the another line
if ($day%7 == 0) {
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
// close everything we have to
$output .= "\t</tr>\n";
$output .= "</tbody>\n";
$output .= "</table>\n";
// return the result
return $output;
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