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Accessible Medium Style Dividers

Accessible Medium Style Dividers

After I saw Rafal Chmiel's pen with Medium style dividers on the CodePen frontpage I thought to myself This should be possible with simpler markup that is accessible.

Updated in June 2015: Markdown no longer renders if placed inside HTML on CodePen.

A Pen by Zoë on CodePen.


h1 Accessible Medium Style Dividers
| After I saw Rafal Chmiel's
| pen with Medium style dividers
| on the CodePen frontpage I thought to myself <q>This should be possible with simpler markup that is accessible</q>.
h2 Semantic HTML
p Rafal states that the code for his pen is taken directly from Medium; so we shall not fault him for any errors in the markup. Medium uses a simple <code>div</code> with a <code>class</code> of <code>divider</code>. This works very well for the visual effect they are after. A sighted user will clearly see that this is the start of a new section.
p However, this information is not communicated to assistive technologies (AT) because it has no meaning; classes don't convey any information other than <q>Hey, you can select me with CSS!</q>
| Further more, they use an anchor to markup what clearly should be a header. AT users tend to
a(href="") scan a page by headings
| ; not anchors.
h2 Effortless Style
| Semantic HTML means that we don't need to depend on meaningless classes to style our content.
a(href="") Heydon Pickering
| coined the term Effortless Style in 2014
a(href="") at CSS Day
| . In essense it is the separation of concerns; a best practice according to the W3C.
| You could think of it as smart CSS. In this pen we know the title of our sections are right after an <code>hr</code>—or horizontal rule. With this knowledge we can utilize the
a(href="") adjacent sibling combinator
| to select our heading: <code>hr + h2</code>.
h2 Alternative technique
| After a comment from
a(href="") ZCKVNS
| , I decided to try
a(href="") an alternative technique
| . The alternative uses a span to center text, instead of a <code>transform: translateX()</code>.
p If you really want to keep markup to a minimum, there is an alternative border method included in this—the one you're reading—pen. You can find it in the CSS, near the end.
// Some vars
$link-color: #f52e62;
$text-color: #3f517e;
$hr-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.35);
$hr-text-color: #453986;
$letter-spacing: .32em;
$background-color: #fff;
hr {
display: block;
margin: 50px 0 -15px;
width: 100%;
height: 1px;
border: 0;
background-color: $hr-color;
+ h2 {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
left: 50%;
margin: 0;
padding: 5px 10px;
border: 1px solid $hr-text-color;
//box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $hr-text-color;
transform: translateX(-50%);
color: $hr-text-color;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
letter-spacing: $letter-spacing;
text-align: center;
text-transform: uppercase;
background-color: $background-color;
// Cancel out offset created by letterspacing
&::first-letter {
margin-left: $letter-spacing;
/* Alternative transform: translate */
hr + h2 {
border-width: 1px 0;
&::after {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 1px;
background: $hr-text-color;
content: '';
&::before {
left: 0;
&::after {
right: 0;
// Unimportant bits
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
color: $text-color;
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial sans-serif;
background-color: $background-color;
article {
margin: 20px 10px;
@media (min-width: 30em) {
margin: 40px 0;
padding: 0 10px;
width: 30em;
a {
color: $link-color;
text-decoration: none;
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
code {
font-size: 1.1em;
h1 {
margin: 0 0 1em;
color: #44388b;
p {
padding: 0 10px;
// This is just to get rid of the needles p's CodePen drops in.
&:empty {
display: none;
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