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Created September 19, 2022 02:39
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go ray tracer basic implementation
package main
import (
func parseIndex(value string, length int) int {
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, 0)
n := int(parsed)
if n < 0 {
n += length
return n
func parseFloats(items []string) []float64 {
result := make([]float64, len(items))
for i, item := range items {
f, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(item, 64)
result[i] = f
return result
func loadOBJ(path string) []triangle {
fmt.Printf("Loading OBJ: %s\n", path)
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
vs := make([]point3, 1, 1024) // 1-based indexing
var triangles []triangle
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) == 0 {
keyword := fields[0]
args := fields[1:]
switch keyword {
case "v":
f := parseFloats(args)
v := point3{f[0], f[1], f[2]}
vs = append(vs, v)
case "f":
fvs := make([]int, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
vertex := strings.Split(arg+"//", "/")
fvs[i] = parseIndex(vertex[0], len(vs))
for i := 1; i < len(fvs)-1; i++ {
i1, i2, i3 := 0, i, i+1
v1, v2, v3 := vs[fvs[i1]], vs[fvs[i2]], vs[fvs[i3]]
triangles = append(triangles, triangle{v1, v2, v3})
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
println("loaded", len(triangles), "triangles")
return triangles
package main
import (
func randf64() float64 {
return rand.Float64()
func randomInUnitSphere() vec3 {
for {
p := vec3{randf64(), randf64(), randf64()}.muls(2).sub(vec3{1, 1, 1})
if p.length() < 1 {
return p
func randomUnitVector() vec3 {
a := randf64() * 2 * math.Pi
z := randf64()*2 - 1
r := math.Sqrt(1 - z*z)
return vec3{r * math.Cos(a), r * math.Sin(a), z}
func randomInUnitDisk() vec3 {
for {
p := vec3{randf64(), randf64(), 0}.muls(2).sub(vec3{1, 1, 0})
if < 1 {
return p
type vec3 struct {
x float64
y float64
z float64
func (v vec3) add(v2 vec3) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x + v2.x, v.y + v2.y, v.z + v2.z}
func (v vec3) sub(v2 vec3) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x - v2.x, v.y - v2.y, v.z - v2.z}
func (v vec3) mul(v2 vec3) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x * v2.x, v.y * v2.y, v.z * v2.z}
func (v vec3) div(v2 vec3) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x / v2.x, v.y / v2.y, v.z / v2.z}
func (v vec3) muls(s float64) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x * s, v.y * s, v.z * s}
func (v vec3) divs(s float64) vec3 {
return vec3{v.x / s, v.y / s, v.z / s}
func (v vec3) dot(v2 vec3) float64 {
return v.x*v2.x + v.y*v2.y + v.z*v2.z
func (v vec3) cross(v2 vec3) vec3 {
return vec3{v.y*v2.z - v.z*v2.y, v.z*v2.x - v.x*v2.z, v.x*v2.y - v.y*v2.x}
func (v vec3) length() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(
func (v vec3) unit() vec3 {
return v.divs(v.length())
func (v vec3) clip(min, max float64) vec3 {
return vec3{math.Min(math.Max(v.x, min), max), math.Min(math.Max(v.y, min), max), math.Min(math.Max(v.z, min), max)}
type point3 struct {
x float64
y float64
z float64
func (p point3) sub(p2 point3) vec3 {
return vec3{p.x - p2.x, p.y - p2.y, p.z - p2.z}
func (p point3) add(v vec3) point3 {
return point3{p.x + v.x, p.y + v.y, p.z + v.z}
func (p point3) subv(v vec3) point3 {
return point3{p.x - v.x, p.y - v.y, p.z - v.z}
type ray struct {
origin point3
direction vec3
scatterCount int
func (r ray) at(t float64) point3 {
return r.origin.add(r.direction.muls(t))
type collider interface {
collide(r ray, tmin float64, tmax float64) (bool, collision)
type collision struct {
t float64
at point3
normal vec3
type sphere struct {
center point3
radius float64
func (s sphere) collide(r ray, tmin, tmax float64) (bool, collision) {
oc := r.origin.sub(
a :=
b :=
c := - s.radius*s.radius
discriminant := b*b - a*c
if discriminant < 0 {
return false, collision{}
sqrtD := math.Sqrt(discriminant)
t := (-b - sqrtD) / a
if t < tmin || t > tmax {
t = (-b + sqrtD) / a
if t < tmin || t > tmax {
return false, collision{}
at :=
return true, collision{t, at, at.sub(}
type rectangle struct {
x0 float64
x1 float64
y0 float64
y1 float64
z float64
func (rect rectangle) collide(r ray, tmin, tmax float64) (bool, collision) {
t := (rect.z - r.origin.z) / r.direction.z
if t < tmin || t > tmax {
return false, collision{}
x := r.origin.x + t*r.direction.x
y := r.origin.y + t*r.direction.y
if x < rect.x0 || x > rect.x1 || y < rect.y0 || y > rect.y1 {
return false, collision{}
return true, collision{t,, vec3{0, 0, 1}}
type triangle struct {
p0 point3
p1 point3
p2 point3
func (tri triangle) collide(r ray, tmin, tmax float64) (bool, collision) {
edge1 := tri.p1.sub(tri.p0)
edge2 := tri.p2.sub(tri.p0)
h := r.direction.cross(edge2)
a :=
if a > -1e-8 && a < 1e-8 {
return false, collision{}
f := 1 / a
s := r.origin.sub(tri.p0)
u := f *
if u < 0 || u > 1 {
return false, collision{}
q := s.cross(edge1)
v := f *
if v < 0 || u+v > 1 {
return false, collision{}
t := f *
if t < tmin || t > tmax {
return false, collision{}
at :=
return true, collision{t, at, edge1.cross(edge2).unit()}
func (t triangle) normal() vec3 {
return t.p1.sub(t.p0).cross(t.p2.sub(t.p0)).unit()
type mesh struct {
triangles []triangle
func (m mesh) collide(r ray, tmin, tmax float64) (bool, collision) {
hit := false
var closest collision
for _, tri := range m.triangles {
if h, c := tri.collide(r, tmin, tmax); h {
hit = true
tmax = c.t
closest = c
return hit, closest
func (m *mesh) translate(v vec3) {
for i := range m.triangles {
m.triangles[i].p0 = m.triangles[i].p0.add(v)
m.triangles[i].p1 = m.triangles[i].p1.add(v)
m.triangles[i].p2 = m.triangles[i].p2.add(v)
type emitter interface {
emit(u, v float64) ray
type perspectiveCamera struct {
lowerLeftCorner point3
origin point3
horizontal vec3
vertical vec3
func (c perspectiveCamera) emit(u, v float64) ray {
return ray{c.origin, c.lowerLeftCorner.add(c.horizontal.muls(u)).add(c.vertical.muls(v)).sub(c.origin), 0}
type positionableCamera struct {
lookfrom point3
lookat point3
vup vec3
fovHeight float64
fovWidth float64
aperture float64
workingDistance float64
func (cam positionableCamera) emit(s, t float64) ray {
w := cam.lookfrom.sub(cam.lookat).unit()
u := cam.vup.cross(w).unit()
v := w.cross(u)
horizontal := u.muls(cam.fovWidth * cam.workingDistance)
vertical := v.muls(cam.fovHeight * cam.workingDistance)
lowerLeftCorner := cam.lookfrom.subv(horizontal.divs(2)).subv(vertical.divs(2)).subv(w.muls(cam.workingDistance))
lensRadius := cam.aperture / 2
rd := randomInUnitDisk().muls(lensRadius)
offset := u.muls(rd.x).add(v.muls(rd.y))
origin := cam.lookfrom.add(offset)
direction := lowerLeftCorner.add(horizontal.muls(s)).add(vertical.muls(t)).sub(origin)
return ray{origin, direction, 0}
type parallelCamera struct {
lookfrom point3
lookat point3
vup vec3
fovHeight float64
fovWidth float64
func (cam parallelCamera) emit(s, t float64) ray {
w := cam.lookfrom.sub(cam.lookat).unit()
u := cam.vup.cross(w).unit()
v := w.cross(u)
origin := cam.lookfrom.add(u.muls(cam.fovWidth * (s - 0.5))).add(v.muls(cam.fovHeight * (t - 0.5)))
direction := cam.lookat.sub(cam.lookfrom)
return ray{origin, direction, 0}
type scatterer interface {
scatter(old ray, c collision) (new ray, color vec3)
type lambertian struct {
albedo vec3
func (m lambertian) scatter(old ray, c collision) (ray, vec3) {
p :=
target := p.add(c.normal).add(randomUnitVector())
return ray{p, target.sub(p), 0}, m.albedo
type metal struct {
albedo vec3
fuzz float64
func (m metal) scatter(old ray, c collision) (ray, vec3) {
reflected := old.direction.unit().sub(c.normal.muls(old.direction.unit().dot(c.normal) * 2))
if > 0 {
return ray{, reflected.add(randomUnitVector().muls(m.fuzz)), 0}, m.albedo
return ray{}, vec3{}
type dielectric struct {
refractionIndex float64
func (m dielectric) scatter(old ray, c collision) (new ray, color vec3) {
var outwardNormal vec3
var niOverNt float64
var cosine float64
if > 0 {
outwardNormal = c.normal.muls(-1)
niOverNt = m.refractionIndex
cosine = m.refractionIndex * / old.direction.length()
} else {
outwardNormal = c.normal
niOverNt = 1.35 / m.refractionIndex // NOTE SCOTT 1.35 HACK
cosine = / old.direction.length()
refracted, ok := refract(old.direction, outwardNormal, niOverNt)
if ok {
reflectProbability := schlick(cosine, m.refractionIndex)
if randf64() < reflectProbability {
return ray{, reflect(old.direction, c.normal), 0}, vec3{1, 1, 1}
} else {
return ray{, refracted, 0}, vec3{1, 1, 1}
} else {
// total internal reflection
return ray{, reflect(old.direction, c.normal), 0}, vec3{1, 1, 1}
func reflect(v, n vec3) vec3 {
return v.sub(n.muls( * 2))
// refract returns the refraction vector and a boolean indicating whether
// refraction is possible.
func refract(v, n vec3, niOverNt float64) (refracted vec3, ok bool) {
uv := v.unit()
dt :=
discriminant := 1 - niOverNt*niOverNt*(1-dt*dt)
if discriminant > 0 {
return uv.sub(n.muls(dt)).muls(niOverNt).sub(n.muls(math.Sqrt(discriminant))), true
return vec3{}, false
func schlick(cosine, refractionIndex float64) float64 {
r0 := (1 - refractionIndex) / (1 + refractionIndex)
r0 = r0 * r0
return r0 + (1-r0)*math.Pow(1-cosine, 5)
type light struct {
shape collider
color vec3
type entity struct {
shape collider
material scatterer
type scene struct {
lights []light
samples int
camera emitter
entities []entity
seed int64
func (s scene) paint(r ray) vec3 {
closest := math.MaxFloat64
var closestCollision collision
var closestEntity entity
for _, e := range s.entities {
var hit bool
hit, c := e.shape.collide(r, 0.001, math.MaxFloat64)
if hit && c.t < closest {
closest = c.t
closestEntity = e
closestCollision = c
var closestLight light
for _, light := range s.lights {
var hit bool
hit, c := light.shape.collide(r, 0.001, math.MaxFloat64)
if hit && c.t < closest {
closest = c.t
closestLight = light
closestCollision = c
if closestLight != (light{}) {
unitDirection := r.direction.unit()
t := 0.5 * (unitDirection.x + 1)
return vec3{1, 1, 1}.muls(1 - t).add(vec3{0.5, 0.7, 1}.muls(t))
// return closestLight.color
if closestEntity != (entity{}) {
new, color := closestEntity.material.scatter(r, closestCollision)
new.scatterCount = r.scatterCount + 1
if new.scatterCount > 50 {
println("scattered", new.scatterCount)
return vec3{}
return color.mul(s.paint(new))
return vec3{}
func (s scene) render(dst *image.RGBA) {
dx := dst.Bounds().Dx()
dy := dst.Bounds().Dy()
dsty := 0 // y coordinate of dst image which is flipped vertically compared to the scene.
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for y := dy - 1; y >= 0; y-- {
go func(y int, dsty int) {
defer wg.Done()
for x := 0; x < dx; x++ {
col := vec3{0, 0, 0}
for n := 0; n < s.samples; n++ {
u := (float64(x) + randf64()) / float64(dx)
v := (float64(y) + randf64()) / float64(dy)
r :=, v)
col = col.add(s.paint(r))
col = col.divs(float64(s.samples))
// col = vec3{math.Sqrt(col.x), math.Sqrt(col.y), math.Sqrt(col.z)} // Gamma 2 correction.
dst.Set(x, dsty, color.RGBA{uint8(255.99 * col.x), uint8(255.99 * col.y), uint8(255.99 * col.z), 255})
log.Printf("rendered %d/%d", dsty, dy)
}(y, dsty)
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