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Created March 23, 2016 19:18
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Example of openaps devices, reports, and aliases you'll need to modify to run the advanced-meal-assist branch of oref0.
"extra": {
"fields": "pumphistory profile clock carbs glucose basal",
"cmd": "oref0",
"args": "meal"
"type": "device",
"name": "meal",
"meal": {
"vendor": "openaps.vendors.process",
"extra": "meal.ini"
"type": "report",
"name": "monitor/meal.json",
"monitor/meal.json": {
"profile": "settings/profile.json",
"carbs": "monitor/carbhistory.json",
"clock": "monitor/clock-zoned.json",
"reporter": "text",
"json_default": "True",
"use": "shell",
"pumphistory": "monitor/pumphistory-zoned.json",
"basal": "settings/basal_profile.json",
"device": "meal",
"remainder": "[]",
"glucose": "monitor/glucose.json"
"gather": {
"command": "! bash -c \"rm monitor/*; ( openaps get-bg | egrep \\\"reporting|Copied\\\" && echo -n R && openaps report invoke monitor/status.json 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && echo -n e && test $(cat monitor/status.json | json bolusing) == false && echo -n fr && openaps ns-meal-carbs && echo -n esh && ( (openaps monitor-pump || openaps monitor-pump) >/dev/null && echo ed ) || (echo; sleep 60; exit 1)) 2>/dev/null\""
"type": "alias",
"name": "gather"
"ns-meal-carbs": {
"command": "! bash -c \"curl -m 30 -s \\\"$NIGHTSCOUT_HOST/api/v1/treatments.json?find\\[created_at\\]\\[\\$gte\\]=`date -d \\\"3 hours ago\\\" -Iminutes`&find\\[carbs\\]\\[\\$exists\\]=true\\\" > monitor/carbhistory.json; exit 0\""
"type": "alias",
"name": "ns-meal-carbs"
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