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{"node":32,"thread":91521,"title":"Allies in Blood \"A Universe of Change-Part 3\"","message":"\u201cGreetings Captain, Data, and young Crusher,\u201d Draal said in his less than normally booming voice. \u201cYou are no doubt aware of what is happening on Minbar.\u201d At this Picard\u2019s face darkened. \u201cYes,\u201d he whispered, \u201cI know about your probes.\u201d He waved off the looks of concern. \u201cI can hardly fault you since I have been doing the same thing,\u201d he said conspiratorially. \u201cMy people don\u2019t know and if they did right now they should bless you considering the situation. But I am getting away from purpose of you being here. Captain, without a living controller, the Great Machine will destroy itself in four days. My doctors, captors that they are, will not free me from this prison until I am well enough and the last time a controller was lost, war almost broke out. Commander Sheridan and Delenn, I believe would agree with my captors here and refuse to allow me to be reconnected, therefore I have a solution to all concerned. But I require your help.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cAnd what type of help would that be?\u201d inquired Picard.\r\n\r\n\u201cDuring my journeys through space I happened to see-and overhear-both Datas and one very interesting Robby discussing various technologies and,\u201d he smiled, \u2018life stories\u2019. What intrigued me was their discussion concerning a species called the Borg and the experience of your counterpart Captain Picard. I also happened to observe both Data\u2019s and their exchange of information. The older Data\u2019s effect on Data here was profound. I could see the change in you when the process was complete,\u201d he said looking and the android. \u201cThe older Data mentioned a particular technology that caught my attention that I believe might be useful. It was called a bio-interface which allowed the other Data to interface with the Borg Collective. Lieutenant Commander Data is it possible that you can create an interface for me?\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cInteresting,\u201d said Data. \u201cWith the knowledge I gained from my counterpart, it is theoretically possible. If I had not shared my knowledge with my counterpart, I would have said such a thing was not possible using our science. However with my newfound knowledge and the other Federation\u2019s database creating such a device is within our capability. With such an implant you would be able to move freely. A subspace connection tied to the Great Machine would eliminate the need for a biological entity to physically interface with the Great Machine.\u201d\r\n\r\nDraal smiled. \u201cMay I ask official permission to develop this technology, Captain Picard?\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cYes,\u201d Picard answered, \u201cif we are allowed to study the Great Machine without violating the integrity of the device.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cSplendid and I\u2019m sure that Mr. Crusher would be very interested in workings of the Great Machine,\u201d Draal announced. \r\n\r\n\u201cMr. Draal,\u201d Wesley asked. \u201cWhy would you want me to help Data create the interface? There are a lot of crew people that know a lot more about engineering than me. The work could go a lot faster.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cYoung Wesley, I\u2019ve been watching you, watching you all for some time now. You are worthy young man, a credit to your species as some would say.\u201d He turned to Picard and Data. \u201cBut I doubt that you truly understand the potential of he possesses. I debated long and hard whether to tell you, Captain.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cTell me what?\u201d urged Picard now interested. \u201cIf you have something to say, now would be a good time.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cUnderstood Captain, time \u2018is\u2019 of the essence. I had conversations with Admiral Janeway and Command Data concerning Wesley. It was decided that we would not speak of this for the boy\u2019s sake. But the temporal alteration that caused you to be transported to our universe caused you to lose more than you realized. Wesley\u2019s counterpart had opportunities that Mr. Wesley here has not, so I propose that your Lieutenant temporally take my place as the controller of the Great Machine.\u201d\r\n\r\nNineteen year-old Wesley went pale. \u201cMr. Draal, I don\u2019t think\u2026\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cThat is because you don\u2019t know, my boy. You are a commissioned officer in Starfleet. If the Captain gave you permission, you could decide on your own. However I believe it would be in my best interests to ask permission of your mother as she is one of my doctors.\u201d By some miracle he managed not to smirk. \u201cIt would be imprudent not to ask her as well.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cAsk me what?\u201d Beverly asked as she arrived on the final seconds of the conversation. \r\n\r\n\u201cMr. Draal asked the captain if I would be allowed to join with the Great Machine.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cAre you out of your mind?\u201d Doctor Crusher demanded. \u201cI will not have tubes protruding from my son while he is connected to that oversized computer!\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cIt would only be temporary, until certain modifications could be made. I chose him because he can do it and I trust him. Without him, the machine will destroy itself and we will need it desperately in the coming war. The Sinhindrea, they know where I am, they know my name and I strongly believe they are coming here. He would be safe and I would instruct him not to mind travel but simply learn how the machine works. It will also keep other undesirables from trying to take over. The experience would benefit him greatly and allow him to see things from a new perspective.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cNo. I\u2019ve seen what it\u2019s done to you.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cTrue,\u201d he admitted. \u201cBut with our new medical technology any damage would be minimal and that small risk would be more than worth it. I trust your son to do this.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cYou don\u2019t even know my son!\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cBeverly\u2026\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cCaptain, are you ordering this?\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cNo,\u201d he quickly answered. \u201cHowever it might be prudent to listen to Draal. Lieutenant Crusher is old enough to decide for himself.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cBut I wouldn\u2019t think of not asking his mother first,\u201d the Minbari added as quickly as he could. \u201cThere were others such as Susan Ivanova, Captain Sisko and Lennier. But, and notice that most of the choices are Humans, I rejected each of them because of their current circumstances and responsibilities. Of them all, young Wesley here is the best candidate because of what he is and what it can do for him. He is also a soldier, a bridge officer at an age where in other situations it would be irresponsible for one of his age to hold such a responsibility. But he mastered his responsibility magnificently for one his age and that alone should give you a hint of what he is capable of.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cI\u2019m sorry,\u201d Beverly responded. \u201cHe is a veteran, but he\u2019s also my son. And I am a medical doctor who has personally seen what that device has done to you. Granted the Great Machine took care of you despite your alien physiology but I don\u2019t want to take that kind of a chance with my son.\u201d She turned to Picard, eyes flashing. \u201cWill you make this \u2018request\u2019 an order?\u201d\r\n\r\nPicard\u2019s face went blank as he formulated an answer. It took a few seconds before he answered. \u201cNo,\u201d he answered slowly. \u201cThis is not an order. However, it does present a unique opportunity for Mr. Crusher and he has earned the right to choose for himself.\u201d\r\n\r\nWesley Crusher, seasoned combat veteran, senior navigator onboard the USS Battleship Enterprise, and all of nineteen years old stood transfixed between three people he respected. His mother glared daggers at him one second and in the next her eyes nearly pleading for him to reject this insane idea. One the other side was his captain, allowing him to make the decision on his own this being one of the few times he was given a choice. And in between was Draal, his body frail and mind damaged from an enemy attack asking him to undertake the opportunity of a lifetime. He was trapped in a no-win scenario; either his mother would be angry with his choice, or his captain and Draal would be disappointed. The room was suddenly very quiet waiting for him to make his decision.\r\n\r\nDarn it!\r\n\r\nTerrified he made his choice. \u201cSirs, mother,\u201d he started. \u201cEverybody knows that this war is about to come to Babylon Five and the surrounding systems.\u201d He stopped for a moment as now it was time to gather his thoughts. \u201cDraal, I\u2019ll do it.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cWesley\u2026!\u201d \r\n\r\n\u201cMom, eh, Doctor Crusher. It\u2019ll only be for a short while and I will help him as much as possible. Besides I am sure he will be offered the best in medical care while he is attached. The Zathras brothers and I will not allow anything to happen to him.\u201d\r\n\r\nSomething similar to a growl escaped from the doctor and for a moment Draal feared for his health. \u201cIf anything happens to him,\u201d she said, \u201cthen I will hold you responsible.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cDoctor,\u201d responded Draal. \u201cI fully accept the responsibility and all of the consequences. Nothing will happen to him. I swear in Valen\u2019s name.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cForget him,\u201d she countered. \u201cSwear on your life that you will keep my son safe.\u201d\r\n \r\n\u201cI swear on my life.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cI will hold you to this.\u201d\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[B][I]\r\nMinbar: fifty kilometers west of Raven\u2019s\r\nTwenty miles north of Dravanlpore city\r\nDravanlpore province[\/I][\/B]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nNineteen Minbari and two Federation officers were caught up and beamed to the surface some fifty kilometers from the center of the fighting at Dravanlpore. The Crystal Mountains seemed almost peaceful. From their vantage point as they looked up, they witnessed Whitestar Three falling toward Minbar. It never made it to the surface as the ship exploded.\r\n\r\n\u201cNo!\u201d Delenn was shivering. \u201cWhat have I done? My fault\u2026my fault!\u201d\r\n\r\nTrannala, of the Religious caste shook her head, disagreeing with her leader. \u201cYou did what you believed was right. You cannot be faulted for such an action.\u201d\r\n\r\nDelenn wasn\u2019t listening. Instead she was staring at the thoroughfares in shock. The road was jammed with thousands upon thousands of people and vehicles all heading away as fast as possible from the city. Delenn thanked the powers she believed in that the civilian authorities were still in charge conducting the evacuation as effectively as they could. What was equally surprising was that those who saw the crew materialize a sight that should have caused mild shock to stunned panic barely gave them a second look. She had never imagined such a sight, or rather she had but not for her people. Years earlier she had nightmares concerning the Humans doing this exact same thing as the Minbari war machine approached their world intent on exterminating them all. But this \u2013 \r\n\r\n\u2013This was so different than what she imagined it could be. It was worse, oh so much more that for a moment she couldn\u2019t comprehend what she was truly seeing with her own eyes. It was that look of almost overwhelming fear and a determined desperation that had surprised her most. Comfortable people, living in their homes living their lives without fear had had their existence turned upside down and you could see it in each and every eye she looked into. \r\n\r\n \u201cWe must get you to safety,\u201d Trannala said all but grabbing her arm with the help of Lennier to pull her in the general direction of the fleeing masses. The other Minbari surrounded her in a protective measure as the crowds began surging in their general direction. Surprisingly most of the people didn\u2019t recognize Delenn and the few who did quickly acknowledge her existence before moving on. Overhead hundreds of personal air vehicles were heading in the same general direction, towards presumed safety. On the other side, thousands of warriors and their equipment were headed towards the fighting. Some of those units were already firing long-ranged weapons at unknown targets. However their presence paled to the tens of thousands lining the roads heading away from the fighting. The entire spectacle would have been a marvelous sight if not for the deadly seriousness of the situation she found herself in.\r\n\r\n\u201cAnd where will we go?\u201d asked an uncertain Delenn. \u201cOur forces are there,\u201d she muttered. \u201cPerhaps we should be there also,\u2019\u201d she said as she focused in the direction of the Crystal Mountains. The defenders of her people were there making a stand against first ones and each second that passed pulled her more and more in that direction.\r\n\r\nThe Whitestar crew was having none of that, especially Marcie Hamilton, one of the Human Rangers that had been transported along with the others. \u201cNo, Satai. We need to get you to safety. You will be needed alive to be a symbol to organize a resistance against the enemy. Your insistence upon going back there will only serve to get you killed. I understand how you feel but the people need you alive.\u201d\r\n\r\nDelenn never had a chance to respond. In the distance the sky around the Crystal Mountains turned blinding white for a second as multiple weapons arrays converged on the forward enemy units. The entire crew looked on in awe, astounded by the display of sheer power. The ten second attack had all the earmarks of a fission strike. Then, there was another longer sustained attack in the same direction. Hundreds of low level atmospheric combat craft were seen heading in the same direction.\r\n\r\n\u201cWe have to get you a place of safety,\u201d insisted Lennier. \r\n\r\nDelenn was still numbed, but slowly the anger was building. Less than a half kilometer away a huge 50 story crystalline building collapsed into a heap and its destruction served only to fuel the increasing rage of not only her but the entire crew. \r\n\r\n\u201cVytris,\u201d Delenn announced. \u201cWe must head to Vytris Province. There is a base that will serve as a rallying point for our people.\u201d She stopped as another building crumbled in the distance.\r\n\r\n\u201cWhat\u2019s happening?\u201d\r\n\r\nMinbari architecture didn\u2019t simply crumble without cause, yet this was the second occurrence in so many minutes. Refugees saw the collapse and that caused a slight increase in the growing panic threatening turn this still somewhat orderly evacuation into a mindless riot. Several civilian authorities directing the people saw it and increase his frantic orders. Delenn headed towards him. The male immediately recognized her and the fear drained from him.\r\n\r\n\u201cSatai Delenn,\u201d he whispered reverently. There were a thousand questions he wanted to ask, none of which he did as he waited for her to speak.\r\n\r\nShe bowed to him quickly and the male grew a his pride swelled inside of him. \u201cWe need transportation to Vytris Province,\u201d she announced. Instantly the young worker began issuing orders for transportation, preferably by air if possible. As he was doing so she asked him about the collapse of the buildings. By now, two more had disintegrated. \r\n\r\n\u201cMost honored Satai,\u201d he said quickly ask he continued giving orders through his communicator. \u201cSomething has poisoned the crystal Mountains and the rot is spreading outward. Buildings, infrastructure, and our vegetation, all of it are being affected. We don\u2019t know what it is but it is destroying or killing everything. Already some of the last of the evacuees and their vehicles are being affected.\u201d\r\n\r\nThe crew of White Star Three stared at their surrounding for the first time. In the distance, buildings were losing their lustier while a couple of more crumbled. \r\n\r\n\u201cIt\u2019s not just the buildings,\u201d said Trannala. Bluish-green plant life was quickly dying as if being burned from underneath. \r\n\r\n \u201cLook,\u201d she said pointing to the increasing numbers of wildlife of all kinds following in the same direction away from the battlefield. Even the insects were fleeing, trying to get away from whatever was destroying buildings and vegetation. Thousands of pets had joined their wilder cousins in the exodus. People, animals, birds, even insects joined together unified in their urgency to flee.\r\n\r\n\u201cIn Valen\u2019s name,\u201d another one of the crew whispered. \u201cWhat\u2019s happening?\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cWe-we don\u2019t know what the cause of this plague is,\u201d another one of the civilian workers said. \u201cWe only know that if we cannot evacuate the others soon, they will die.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cGet these people to safety!\u201d Delenn demanded.\r\n\r\n\u201cWe are doing what we can,\u201d the young male snapped. \u201cForgive me,\u201d he said quickly. He was clearly exhausted. \r\n\r\nShe waved him off. \u201cPlease forgive me for chastising you. I can see you are doing the best under these circumstances.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cSatai, the Warriors Castes are most pleased that you are alive and sends its greetings. They will have a transport here for you in ten minutes.\u201d\r\n\r\n\u201cThank you.\u201d\r\n\r\nBehind them animals quickly shuffled past joining the fleeing people of the doomed province.","date":1205164821,"user":4192,"discussion_id":91521}
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