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Save scottmarlow/03e5332e37bf3e9b97b18b72f34a048c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[INFO] Running tck.conversion.rewrite.AddArqDeploymentTest
looking for existing copy of in folder /tmp/legacytck
looking for existing extracted in folder /tmp/legacytck
already downloaded
Locate the TCK archive that contains the test for package
locateTargetPackageFolder will look inside of jakartaeetck for findTCKDistArchive = argsemantics
looking inside of argsemantics for the archive that contains a test client for package
[ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.843 s <<< FAILURE! -- in tck.conversion.rewrite.AddArqDeploymentTest
[ERROR] tck.conversion.rewrite.AddArqDeploymentTest.addDeploymentMethod -- Time elapsed: 1.831 s <<< ERROR!
AST contains missing or invalid type information
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20Callee.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeEJB.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeHome.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocal.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocalHome.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.wrappers.CMP20Wrapper.class)
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at tck.conversion.rewrite.AddArqDeploymentTest.addDeploymentMethod(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
[INFO] Running tck.conversion.rewrite.ConvertTestNameTest
[INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.802 s -- in tck.conversion.rewrite.ConvertTestNameTest
[INFO] Running tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest
Locate the TCK archive that contains the test for package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD
locateTargetPackageFolder will look inside of jakartaeetck for findTCKDistArchive = altDD
looking inside of altDD for the archive that contains a test client for package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD
Locate the TCK archive that contains the test for package
locateTargetPackageFolder will look inside of jakartaeetck for findTCKDistArchive = argsemantics
looking inside of argsemantics for the archive that contains a test client for package
[ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.010 s <<< FAILURE! -- in tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest
[ERROR] tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.testAppClientEar -- Time elapsed: 0.524 s <<< FAILURE!
[Unexpected result in "":
diff --git a/ b/
index f07f2f5..18a816c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
+ assembly_altDD_client_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBeanHome.class);
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
+ assembly_altDD_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBeanHome.class);
@@ -200,7 +202,6 @@
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
"// package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBean;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class Client extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "assembly_altDD.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String prefix = "java:comp/env/";
private static final String entryLookup = prefix + "myCountry";
private static final String beanLookup = prefix + "ejb/myPainter";
/* Expected values for bean name */
private static final String entryNameRef = "France";
private static final String beanNameRef = "Gaughin";
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client theTests = new com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Setup completed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Failed to obtain Naming Context:" + e);
throw new Fault("[Client] Setup failed:" + e, e);
* @testName: testAppClient
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:10260
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one String environment entry, named
* 'myCountry' whose value is 'Spain'.
* - An alternate DD: DD4. DD4 is almost identical to DD2.
* Nevertheless it changes the value for the 'myCountry'
* environment entry: the new value is 'France'.
* - An application DD including the application client module
* and using an alt-dd element to define DD4 as an alternate
* DD for the application client.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup the 'ejb/myCountry'
* environment entry.
* - The runtime value is 'France', validating the use of DD4
* at deployment time.
public void testAppClient() throws Fault {
String entryValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + entryLookup);
entryValue = (String) nctx.lookup(entryLookup);
pass = entryValue.equals(entryNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + entryLookup + " name to be "
+ entryNameRef + ", not " + entryValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
* @testName: testEJB
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:255
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An ejb-jar file including its own DD: DD1. This ejb-jar
* contains 2 beans sharing the same Home and Remote
* interfaces. According to DD1:
* . The two ejb-name's are Bean1 and Bean2.
* . Bean1 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Dali '
* . Bean2 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Picasso'
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one EJB reference using ejb-ref-name
* 'ejb/myPainter' and an ejb-link element targeting Bean1.
* - An alternate DD: DD3. DD3 is almost identical to DD1.
* Nevertheless it changes the values for the myName
* environment entries: Bean1 is 'Gaughin' and Bean2 is
* 'Matisse'.
* - An application DD including the EJB jar module and the
* application jar module, but also using an alt-dd element to
* define DD3 as an alternate DD for the ejb-jar.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup 'ejb/myPainter' and
* create a Bean instance.
* - The client can call a business method on that instance
* that return the value of the myName environment entry in
* the bean environment.
* - The returned value is 'Matisse', validating the use of
* DD3 at deployment time.
public void testEJB() throws Fault {
PainterBean bean = null;
String nameValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
bean = (PainterBean) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, PainterBean.class);
logTrace("[Client] Checking referenced EJB...");
nameValue = bean.whoAreYou();
pass = nameValue.equals(beanNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + beanLookup + " name to be " + beanNameRef
+ ", not " + nameValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
logTrace("[Client] Cleanup.");
but was:
"// package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBean;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class Client extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "assembly_altDD.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String prefix = "java:comp/env/";
private static final String entryLookup = prefix + "myCountry";
private static final String beanLookup = prefix + "ejb/myPainter";
/* Expected values for bean name */
private static final String entryNameRef = "France";
private static final String beanNameRef = "Gaughin";
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client theTests = new com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Setup completed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Failed to obtain Naming Context:" + e);
throw new Fault("[Client] Setup failed:" + e, e);
* @testName: testAppClient
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:10260
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one String environment entry, named
* 'myCountry' whose value is 'Spain'.
* - An alternate DD: DD4. DD4 is almost identical to DD2.
* Nevertheless it changes the value for the 'myCountry'
* environment entry: the new value is 'France'.
* - An application DD including the application client module
* and using an alt-dd element to define DD4 as an alternate
* DD for the application client.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup the 'ejb/myCountry'
* environment entry.
* - The runtime value is 'France', validating the use of DD4
* at deployment time.
public void testAppClient() throws Fault {
String entryValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + entryLookup);
entryValue = (String) nctx.lookup(entryLookup);
pass = entryValue.equals(entryNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + entryLookup + " name to be "
+ entryNameRef + ", not " + entryValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
* @testName: testEJB
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:255
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An ejb-jar file including its own DD: DD1. This ejb-jar
* contains 2 beans sharing the same Home and Remote
* interfaces. According to DD1:
* . The two ejb-name's are Bean1 and Bean2.
* . Bean1 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Dali '
* . Bean2 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Picasso'
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one EJB reference using ejb-ref-name
* 'ejb/myPainter' and an ejb-link element targeting Bean1.
* - An alternate DD: DD3. DD3 is almost identical to DD1.
* Nevertheless it changes the values for the myName
* environment entries: Bean1 is 'Gaughin' and Bean2 is
* 'Matisse'.
* - An application DD including the EJB jar module and the
* application jar module, but also using an alt-dd element to
* define DD3 as an alternate DD for the ejb-jar.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup 'ejb/myPainter' and
* create a Bean instance.
* - The client can call a business method on that instance
* that return the value of the myName environment entry in
* the bean environment.
* - The returned value is 'Matisse', validating the use of
* DD3 at deployment time.
public void testEJB() throws Fault {
PainterBean bean = null;
String nameValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
bean = (PainterBean) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, PainterBean.class);
logTrace("[Client] Checking referenced EJB...");
nameValue = bean.whoAreYou();
pass = nameValue.equals(beanNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + beanLookup + " name to be " + beanNameRef
+ ", not " + nameValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
logTrace("[Client] Cleanup.");
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.assertContentEquals(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.runTestFromSource(
at tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.testAppClientEar(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
[ERROR] tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.testLargeCase -- Time elapsed: 0.485 s <<< FAILURE!
[Unexpected result in "":
diff --git a/ b/
index b3dca59..b29f365 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -43,12 +43,18 @@
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20Callee.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeEJB.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeHome.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocal.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocalHome.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.wrappers.CMP20Wrapper.class);
@@ -130,6 +136,7 @@
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
@@ -190,6 +197,7 @@
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
@@ -233,6 +241,7 @@
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* An example of a larger conversion test. This is read in as a source file by the
* JavaTestToArqTest#testLargeCase() method so that it can be updated easily
* and syntax checked. The class name and package are replaced by the testLargeCase method.
public class LargeCase extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar");
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String testName = "SessionBeanTest";
private static final String beanLookup = "java:comp/env/ejb/Caller";
private CallerBean bean = null;
private CallerBeanHome beanHome = null;
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client theTests = new Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
* generateSQL;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
logMsg("[Client] setup()");
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
beanHome = (CallerBeanHome) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, CallerBeanHome.class);
logTrace("[Client] Create EJB instance...");
bean = (CallerBean) beanHome.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("Setup failed:", e);
* @testName: testStatefulRemote
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906
* @test_Strategy:
* This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a remote client view only (No local view). - a
* Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home or
* remote interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a remote client view only (No local view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Remote Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee Home create(...) method,
* passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a copy of 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is still set to the initial value.
* Remote interface arg semantics verif/loication: Same
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulRemote(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed");
* @testName: testStatefulLocal
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:907.2; EJB:SPEC:1
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a local client view only (No remote view).
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean local
* home or local interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a local client view only (No remote view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Local Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee local home create(...)
* method, passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a reference to original 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is not set to the initial value,
* and reflect the changes made by the Callee.
* Local interface arg semantics verification:
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulLocal(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed");
* @testName: testStatefulBoth
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906; EJB:SPEC:907; EJB:SPEC:907.2
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to :
* - a Session Stateful Callee bean defining a remote AND a
* local client view.
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home,
* local home, remote, or local interface.
* The test strategy is a cumulated version of the two
* previous tests ('testStatefulRemote' and
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulBoth(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed");
public void cleanup() throws Fault {
logMsg("[Client] cleanup()");
but was:
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* An example of a larger conversion test. This is read in as a source file by the
* JavaTestToArqTest#testLargeCase() method so that it can be updated easily
* and syntax checked. The class name and package are replaced by the testLargeCase method.
public class LargeCase extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar");
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String testName = "SessionBeanTest";
private static final String beanLookup = "java:comp/env/ejb/Caller";
private CallerBean bean = null;
private CallerBeanHome beanHome = null;
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client theTests = new Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
* generateSQL;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
logMsg("[Client] setup()");
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
beanHome = (CallerBeanHome) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, CallerBeanHome.class);
logTrace("[Client] Create EJB instance...");
bean = (CallerBean) beanHome.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("Setup failed:", e);
* @testName: testStatefulRemote
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906
* @test_Strategy:
* This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a remote client view only (No local view). - a
* Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home or
* remote interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a remote client view only (No local view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Remote Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee Home create(...) method,
* passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a copy of 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is still set to the initial value.
* Remote interface arg semantics verif/loication: Same
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulRemote(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed");
* @testName: testStatefulLocal
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:907.2; EJB:SPEC:1
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a local client view only (No remote view).
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean local
* home or local interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a local client view only (No remote view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Local Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee local home create(...)
* method, passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a reference to original 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is not set to the initial value,
* and reflect the changes made by the Callee.
* Local interface arg semantics verification:
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulLocal(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed");
* @testName: testStatefulBoth
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906; EJB:SPEC:907; EJB:SPEC:907.2
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to :
* - a Session Stateful Callee bean defining a remote AND a
* local client view.
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home,
* local home, remote, or local interface.
* The test strategy is a cumulated version of the two
* previous tests ('testStatefulRemote' and
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulBoth(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed");
public void cleanup() throws Fault {
logMsg("[Client] cleanup()");
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.assertContentEquals(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at org.openrewrite.test.RewriteTest.rewriteRun(
at tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.runTestFromSource(
at tck.conversion.rewrite.JavaTestToArqTest.testLargeCase(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
[INFO] Results:
[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR] JavaTestToArqTest.testAppClientEar:42->runTestFromSource:71 [Unexpected result in "":
diff --git a/ b/
index f07f2f5..18a816c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,11 +28,13 @@
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
+ assembly_altDD_client_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBeanHome.class);
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
+ assembly_altDD_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBeanHome.class);
@@ -200,7 +202,6 @@
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
"// package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBean;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class Client extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "assembly_altDD.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String prefix = "java:comp/env/";
private static final String entryLookup = prefix + "myCountry";
private static final String beanLookup = prefix + "ejb/myPainter";
/* Expected values for bean name */
private static final String entryNameRef = "France";
private static final String beanNameRef = "Gaughin";
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client theTests = new com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Setup completed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Failed to obtain Naming Context:" + e);
throw new Fault("[Client] Setup failed:" + e, e);
* @testName: testAppClient
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:10260
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one String environment entry, named
* 'myCountry' whose value is 'Spain'.
* - An alternate DD: DD4. DD4 is almost identical to DD2.
* Nevertheless it changes the value for the 'myCountry'
* environment entry: the new value is 'France'.
* - An application DD including the application client module
* and using an alt-dd element to define DD4 as an alternate
* DD for the application client.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup the 'ejb/myCountry'
* environment entry.
* - The runtime value is 'France', validating the use of DD4
* at deployment time.
public void testAppClient() throws Fault {
String entryValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + entryLookup);
entryValue = (String) nctx.lookup(entryLookup);
pass = entryValue.equals(entryNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + entryLookup + " name to be "
+ entryNameRef + ", not " + entryValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
* @testName: testEJB
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:255
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An ejb-jar file including its own DD: DD1. This ejb-jar
* contains 2 beans sharing the same Home and Remote
* interfaces. According to DD1:
* . The two ejb-name's are Bean1 and Bean2.
* . Bean1 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Dali '
* . Bean2 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Picasso'
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one EJB reference using ejb-ref-name
* 'ejb/myPainter' and an ejb-link element targeting Bean1.
* - An alternate DD: DD3. DD3 is almost identical to DD1.
* Nevertheless it changes the values for the myName
* environment entries: Bean1 is 'Gaughin' and Bean2 is
* 'Matisse'.
* - An application DD including the EJB jar module and the
* application jar module, but also using an alt-dd element to
* define DD3 as an alternate DD for the ejb-jar.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup 'ejb/myPainter' and
* create a Bean instance.
* - The client can call a business method on that instance
* that return the value of the myName environment entry in
* the bean environment.
* - The returned value is 'Matisse', validating the use of
* DD3 at deployment time.
public void testEJB() throws Fault {
PainterBean bean = null;
String nameValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
bean = (PainterBean) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, PainterBean.class);
logTrace("[Client] Checking referenced EJB...");
nameValue = bean.whoAreYou();
pass = nameValue.equals(beanNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + beanLookup + " name to be " + beanNameRef
+ ", not " + nameValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
logTrace("[Client] Cleanup.");
but was:
"// package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
package com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.PainterBean;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class Client extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "assembly_altDD.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_client_jar");
JavaArchive assembly_altDD_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "assembly_altDD_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String prefix = "java:comp/env/";
private static final String entryLookup = prefix + "myCountry";
private static final String beanLookup = prefix + "ejb/myPainter";
/* Expected values for bean name */
private static final String entryNameRef = "France";
private static final String beanNameRef = "Gaughin";
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client theTests = new com.sun.ts.tests.assembly.altDD.Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Setup completed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Failed to obtain Naming Context:" + e);
throw new Fault("[Client] Setup failed:" + e, e);
* @testName: testAppClient
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:10260
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one String environment entry, named
* 'myCountry' whose value is 'Spain'.
* - An alternate DD: DD4. DD4 is almost identical to DD2.
* Nevertheless it changes the value for the 'myCountry'
* environment entry: the new value is 'France'.
* - An application DD including the application client module
* and using an alt-dd element to define DD4 as an alternate
* DD for the application client.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup the 'ejb/myCountry'
* environment entry.
* - The runtime value is 'France', validating the use of DD4
* at deployment time.
public void testAppClient() throws Fault {
String entryValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + entryLookup);
entryValue = (String) nctx.lookup(entryLookup);
pass = entryValue.equals(entryNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + entryLookup + " name to be "
+ entryNameRef + ", not " + entryValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
* @testName: testEJB
* @assertion_ids: JavaEE:SPEC:255
* @test_Strategy: Package an application containing:
* - An ejb-jar file including its own DD: DD1. This ejb-jar
* contains 2 beans sharing the same Home and Remote
* interfaces. According to DD1:
* . The two ejb-name's are Bean1 and Bean2.
* . Bean1 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Dali '
* . Bean2 declares a String environment entry named myName
* whose value is 'Picasso'
* - An application client jar file including its own DD: DD2.
* DD2 declares one EJB reference using ejb-ref-name
* 'ejb/myPainter' and an ejb-link element targeting Bean1.
* - An alternate DD: DD3. DD3 is almost identical to DD1.
* Nevertheless it changes the values for the myName
* environment entries: Bean1 is 'Gaughin' and Bean2 is
* 'Matisse'.
* - An application DD including the EJB jar module and the
* application jar module, but also using an alt-dd element to
* define DD3 as an alternate DD for the ejb-jar.
* We check that:
* - We can deploy the application.
* - The application client can lookup 'ejb/myPainter' and
* create a Bean instance.
* - The client can call a business method on that instance
* that return the value of the myName environment entry in
* the bean environment.
* - The returned value is 'Matisse', validating the use of
* DD3 at deployment time.
public void testEJB() throws Fault {
PainterBean bean = null;
String nameValue;
boolean pass = false;
try {
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
bean = (PainterBean) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, PainterBean.class);
logTrace("[Client] Checking referenced EJB...");
nameValue = bean.whoAreYou();
pass = nameValue.equals(beanNameRef);
if (!pass) {
logErr("[Client] Expected " + beanLookup + " name to be " + beanNameRef
+ ", not " + nameValue);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!");
} catch (Exception e) {
logErr("[Client] Caught exception: " + e);
throw new Fault("Alternative DD test failed!" + e, e);
public void cleanup() {
logTrace("[Client] Cleanup.");
[ERROR] JavaTestToArqTest.testLargeCase:56->runTestFromSource:71 [Unexpected result in "":
diff --git a/ b/
index b3dca59..b29f365 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -43,12 +43,18 @@
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20Callee.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeEJB.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeHome.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocal.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocalHome.class);
+ ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.wrappers.CMP20Wrapper.class);
@@ -130,6 +136,7 @@
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
@@ -190,6 +197,7 @@
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
@@ -233,6 +241,7 @@
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
+ @Test
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* An example of a larger conversion test. This is read in as a source file by the
* JavaTestToArqTest#testLargeCase() method so that it can be updated easily
* and syntax checked. The class name and package are replaced by the testLargeCase method.
public class LargeCase extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar");
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String testName = "SessionBeanTest";
private static final String beanLookup = "java:comp/env/ejb/Caller";
private CallerBean bean = null;
private CallerBeanHome beanHome = null;
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client theTests = new Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
* generateSQL;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
logMsg("[Client] setup()");
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
beanHome = (CallerBeanHome) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, CallerBeanHome.class);
logTrace("[Client] Create EJB instance...");
bean = (CallerBean) beanHome.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("Setup failed:", e);
* @testName: testStatefulRemote
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906
* @test_Strategy:
* This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a remote client view only (No local view). - a
* Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home or
* remote interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a remote client view only (No local view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Remote Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee Home create(...) method,
* passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a copy of 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is still set to the initial value.
* Remote interface arg semantics verif/loication: Same
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulRemote(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed");
* @testName: testStatefulLocal
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:907.2; EJB:SPEC:1
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a local client view only (No remote view).
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean local
* home or local interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a local client view only (No remote view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Local Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee local home create(...)
* method, passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a reference to original 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is not set to the initial value,
* and reflect the changes made by the Callee.
* Local interface arg semantics verification:
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulLocal(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed");
* @testName: testStatefulBoth
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906; EJB:SPEC:907; EJB:SPEC:907.2
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to :
* - a Session Stateful Callee bean defining a remote AND a
* local client view.
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home,
* local home, remote, or local interface.
* The test strategy is a cumulated version of the two
* previous tests ('testStatefulRemote' and
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulBoth(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed");
public void cleanup() throws Fault {
logMsg("[Client] cleanup()");
but was:
import java.util.Properties;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.harness.EETest;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TSNamingContext;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* An example of a larger conversion test. This is read in as a source file by the
* JavaTestToArqTest#testLargeCase() method so that it can be updated easily
* and syntax checked. The class name and package are replaced by the testLargeCase method.
public class LargeCase extends EETest {
@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> deployment() {
final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics.ear");
// Add ear submodules
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_client_jar");
JavaArchive ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar");
return ear;
private static final String testName = "SessionBeanTest";
private static final String beanLookup = "java:comp/env/ejb/Caller";
private CallerBean bean = null;
private CallerBeanHome beanHome = null;
private Properties props = null;
private TSNamingContext nctx = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client theTests = new Client();
Status s =, System.out, System.err);
* @class.setup_props: org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass; java.naming.factory.initial;
* generateSQL;
public void setup(String[] args, Properties props) throws Fault {
try {
logMsg("[Client] setup()");
this.props = props;
logTrace("[Client] Getting Naming Context...");
nctx = new TSNamingContext();
logTrace("[Client] Looking up " + beanLookup);
beanHome = (CallerBeanHome) nctx.lookup(beanLookup, CallerBeanHome.class);
logTrace("[Client] Create EJB instance...");
bean = (CallerBean) beanHome.create();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("Setup failed:", e);
* @testName: testStatefulRemote
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906
* @test_Strategy:
* This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a remote client view only (No local view). - a
* Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home or
* remote interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a remote client view only (No local view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Remote Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee Home create(...) method,
* passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a copy of 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is still set to the initial value.
* Remote interface arg semantics verif/loication: Same
* strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee remote interface.
public void testStatefulRemote() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulRemote(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulRemote failed");
* @testName: testStatefulLocal
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:907.2; EJB:SPEC:1
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to : - a Session Stateful Callee bean
* defining a local client view only (No remote view).
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean local
* home or local interface.
* We package in the same ejb-jar: - a Session Stateful Callee
* bean defining a local client view only (No remote view). -
* a Stateless Caller bean
* Local Home arg semantics verification:
* - We set a non-remote object 'arg' (of type SimpleArgument)
* to an initial value. This SimpleArgument class is just a
* data structure holding an int.
* - The Caller bean calls the Callee local home create(...)
* method, passing this 'arg' object as an argument.
* - The Callee create(..) method modifies the value of the
* argument (should be a reference to original 'arg')
* - When we return from the create method, the Caller check
* that the argument value is not set to the initial value,
* and reflect the changes made by the Callee.
* Local interface arg semantics verification:
* Same strategy but the Caller call a business method on the
* Callee local interface.
public void testStatefulLocal() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulLocal(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulLocal failed");
* @testName: testStatefulBoth
* @assertion_ids: EJB:SPEC:906; EJB:SPEC:907; EJB:SPEC:907.2
* @test_Strategy: This is applicable to :
* - a Session Stateful Callee bean defining a remote AND a
* local client view.
* - a Stateless Caller bean, Calling this Callee Bean home,
* local home, remote, or local interface.
* The test strategy is a cumulated version of the two
* previous tests ('testStatefulRemote' and
* 'testStatefulLocal') on the Callee bean defining a local
* and a remote client view.
public void testStatefulBoth() throws Fault {
boolean pass;
try {
pass = bean.testStatefulBoth(props);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed", e);
} finally {
if (null != bean) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
TestUtil.logErr("[Client] Ignoring Exception on " + "bean remove", e);
if (!pass) {
throw new Fault("testStatefulBoth failed");
public void cleanup() throws Fault {
logMsg("[Client] cleanup()");
[ERROR] Errors:
[ERROR] AddArqDeploymentTest.addDeploymentMethod:43 » IllegalState AST contains missing or invalid type information
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20Callee.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeEJB.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeHome.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocal.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.calleebeans.CMP20CalleeLocalHome.class)
/*~~(MethodInvocation type is missing or malformed)~~>*/ejb_bb_ssl_argsemantics_ejb_jar.addClass(com.sun.ts.tests.common.ejb.wrappers.CMP20Wrapper.class)
[ERROR] Tests run: 5, Failures: 2, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.584 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-07-16T09:56:19-04:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:3.1.2:test (default-test) on project tck-rewrite-tools: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to /home/smarlow/tck/jakartaee-tck-tools/tools/tck-rewrite/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
[ERROR] Please refer to dump files (if any exist) [date].dump, [date]-jvmRun[N].dump and [date].dumpstream.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
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