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<h1 class="alt">MeekroDB</h1>
<h6 class="caps">The Simple PHP MySQL Library</h6>
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<a href="/download_page.php" class="download_button small nomargin">Download MeekroDB 2.2 PHP Library</a>
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<div id="body">
<h1 class="alt">Documentation</h1>
<P>If you're trying to get started for the first time,
read the <a href="/quickstart.php">Quick Start Guide</a> first!</P>
<th>Variables</th><th>Query</th><th>Regarding Last Query</th><th>Other</th><tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$user</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_query'>DB::query()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_insertid'>DB::insertId()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_debugmode'>DB::debugMode()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$password</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryfirstrow'>DB::queryFirstRow()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_count'>DB::count()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_usedb'>DB::useDB()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$dbName</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryfirstlist'>DB::queryFirstList()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_affectedrows'>DB::affectedRows()</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_transaction'>DB::startTransaction()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$host</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryfirstcolumn'>DB::queryFirstColumn()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_transaction'>DB::commit()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$port</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryonecolumn'>DB::queryOneColumn()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_transaction'>DB::rollback()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_variables'>DB::$encoding</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryfirstfield'>DB::queryFirstField()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_tablelist'>DB::tableList()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_error_handler'>DB::$error_handler</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryonefield'>DB::queryOneField()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_columnlist'>DB::columnList()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_throw_exception_on_error'>DB::$throw_exception_on_error</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryfullcolumns'>DB::queryFullColumns()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_disconnect'>DB::disconnect()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_nonsql_error_handler'>DB::$nonsql_error_handler</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_queryraw'>DB::queryRaw()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_get'>DB::get()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_throw_exception_on_nonsql_error'>DB::$throw_exception_on_nonsql_error</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_insert'>DB::insert()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_whereclause'>new WhereClause()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_success_handler'>DB::$success_handler</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_insertignore'>DB::insertIgnore()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_meekrodb'>new MeekroDB()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_param_char'>DB::$param_char</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_insertupdate'>DB::insertUpdate()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_verticalslice'>DBHelper::verticalSlice()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_usenull'>DB::$usenull</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_insert'>DB::replace()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_reindex'>DBHelper::reIndex()</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#anchor_nested_transactions'>DB::$nested_transactions</a></td><td><a href='#anchor_update'>DB::update()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#anchor_delete'>DB::delete()</a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td><td><a href='#'></a></td></tr>
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_variables">Standard Variables</h2>
<div class="indent">
You must specify the username, password, and database name before running any queries. If you don't specify a host,
it defaults to localhost. <B>The database connection won't actually be established until the first time
you run a query.</B> This means you can set these variables in a globally included setup file, and never worry about
actually opening or closing your database connection.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$user = 'my_database_user';
DB::$password = 'my_database_password';
DB::$dbName = 'my_database_name';
DB::$host = ''; //defaults to localhost if omitted
DB::$port = '12345'; // defaults to 3306 if omitted
DB::$encoding = 'utf8'; // defaults to latin1 if omitted
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_error_handler">DB::$error_handler</h2>
<div class="indent">
If a query returns an error, MeekroDB will normally print out some debugging information (error, the query
it happened on, and a backtrace) and exit. You can change this behavior by setting your own callback function
which will get called on errors. You can set this to false if you don't want any function to be called on
<br><br><B>Default:</B> Setting this back to true will restore the default error handler.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$error_handler = 'my_error_handler';
function my_error_handler($params) {
echo "Error: " . $params['error'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Query: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
die; // don't want to keep going if a query broke
// this broken query will cause my_error_handler() to run
DB::query("SELCT * FROM accounts"); // misspelled SELECT
class Errors {
public static function static_error_handler($params) {
echo "Error: " . $params['error'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Query: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
die; // don't want to keep going if a query broke
public function error_handler($params) {
echo "Error: " . $params['error'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Query: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
die; // don't want to keep going if a query broke
// use a static class method as an error handler
DB::$error_handler = array('Errors', 'static_error_handler');
// use an object method as an error handler
$my_object = new Errors();
DB::$error_handler = array($my_object, 'error_handler');
//restore default error handler
DB::$error_handler = true;
//ignore errors (BAD IDEA)
DB::$error_handler = false;
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_throw_exception_on_error">DB::$throw_exception_on_error</h2>
<div class="indent">
If you set this to true, errors will cause a MeekroDBException to be thrown.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$error_handler = false; // since we're catching errors, don't need error handler
DB::$throw_exception_on_error = true;
try {
// try to insert something with a primary key that already exists
// will cause an exception to get thrown, and we'll catch it
DB::insert('accounts', array(
'id' => 2, // duplicate primary key
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'asd254890s'
} catch(MeekroDBException $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br>\n"; // something about duplicate keys
echo "SQL Query: " . $e->getQuery() . "<br>\n"; // INSERT INTO accounts...
// restore default error handling behavior
// don't throw any more exceptions, and die on errors
DB::$error_handler = 'meekrodb_error_handler';
DB::$throw_exception_on_error = false;
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_nonsql_error_handler">DB::$nonsql_error_handler</h2>
<div class="indent">
Works just like DB::$error_handler, except it gets triggered on non-SQL errors. For example,
this will be run to alert you if you mess up the MeekroDB syntax, or if you can't connect
to the MySQL server.
<br><br><B>Default:</B> null (for the default nonsql error handler)
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_throw_exception_on_nonsql_error">DB::$throw_exception_on_nonsql_error</h2>
<div class="indent">
Works just like DB::$throw_exception_on_error, except it gets triggered on non-SQL errors. For example,
this will be run to alert you if you mess up the MeekroDB syntax, or if you can't connect
to the MySQL server.
<br><br><B>Default:</B> false (don't throw exceptions, instead use the nonsql error handler)
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_success_handler">DB::$success_handler</h2>
<div class="indent">
If set to true, the system will echo a report after each query with the query string and how long it took to run.
You can also set a custom function or class method that will run after every command.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$success_handler = true; // echo out each SQL command being run, and the runtime
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE password=%s", 'hello'); // some command
DB::$success_handler = 'my_success_handler'; // run this function after each successful command
function my_success_handler($params) {
echo "Command: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Time To Run It: " . $params['runtime'] . " (milliseconds)<br>\n";
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts"); // some command
class Success {
public static function static_success_handler() {
echo "Command: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Time To Run It: " . $params['runtime'] . " (milliseconds)<br>\n";
public function success_handler() {
echo "Command: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Time To Run It: " . $params['runtime'] . " (milliseconds)<br>\n";
// use a static class method as an success handler
DB::$success_handler = array('Success', 'static_success_handler');
// use an object method as an success handler
$my_object = new Success();
DB::$success_handler = array($my_object, 'success_handler');
DB::$success_handler = false; // disable success handler
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_param_char">DB::$param_char</h2>
<div class="indent">
Set this to the character or string that will preceed query parameters. The default is '%'.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// don't want the DATE_FORMAT string to be evaluated by MeekroDB
// pass it directly to MySQL as written instead, and use ##i to refer
// to the MeekroDB 'integer' (which is normally %i)
DB::$param_char = '##';
$row = DB::queryFirstRow( "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( c.sent, '%b %d %h:%i %p' )
FROM `call` c WHERE pk=##i", 4 );
DB::$param_char = '%'; // revert to normal behavior
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_usenull">DB::$usenull</h2>
<div class="indent">
Set this to <tt>false</tt> to have insert/replace/update/delete replace null variables with empty string.
<br>Use this if your MySQL columns are set as NOT NULL. Defaults to <tt>true</tt>.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$usenull = false;
DB::insert('accounts', array(
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => null // will be set to empty string
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_nested_transactions">DB::$nested_transactions (MySQL 5.5 only)</h2>
<div class="indent">
Set to <tt>true</tt> to enable nested transactions (it is disabled by default).
You can then use <tt>DB::startTransaction()</tt>
from within a transaction to start another one. This relies internally on
<a href="">MySQL SAVEPOINT</a>.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$nested_transactions = true;
$depth = DB::startTransaction();
echo "We are now " . $depth . " transactions deep.\n"; // 1
DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET weight=%i WHERE username=%s", 150, 'Joe');
$depth = DB::startTransaction();
echo "We are now " . $depth . " transactions deep.\n"; // 2
DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET weight=%i WHERE username=%s", 160, 'Joe');
$depth = DB::rollback(); // rollback just the inner transaction
echo "We are now " . $depth . " transactions deep.\n"; // 1
$depth = DB::commit(); // commit the outer transaction
echo "We are now " . $depth . " transactions deep.\n"; // 0
$weight = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT weight FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
echo "Joe's weight is " . $weight . "\n"; // 150
You can check how many transactions are open by calling <tt>DB::transactionDepth()</tt>, or
checking return values from <tt>DB::startTransaction()</tt>, <tt>DB::commit()</tt>, and <tt>DB::rollback()</tt>.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$nested_transactions = true;
$depth = DB::startTransaction();
// $depth is 2
$depth = DB::transactionDepth();
// $depth is still 2
You can rollback or commit all active transactions by passing <tt>true</tt> to
<tt>DB::commit()</tt> or <tt>DB::rollback()</tt>.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$nested_transactions = true;
$depth = DB::transactionDepth(); // $depth is 2
$depth = DB::transactionDepth(); // $depth is 0
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_query">DB::query()</h2>
<div class="indent">
The first parameter is a query string with placeholders variables. Following that, you must have an additional parameter
for every placeholder variable.
<br><br>If you need to refer to a specific parameter, rather than just getting them in the order that they were passed in,
you can put a number after the placeholder. The first parameter passed will have number 0. You can even re-use the same
parameter multiple times!
<br><br>You can also pass in an array of named parameters. These will be accessed through placeholders of the form
<tt>%s_somename</tt>, <tt>%i_somenumber</tt>, and the like.
<br><br>The <tt>%?</tt> variable is unique, since it will figure out what to do from the data type. Strings, integers, and doubles
will be escaped appropriately. Arrays will be transformed into lists that you can use with MySQL's <tt>IN</tt>. Arrays of arrays
will become comma-separated () lists that can be used to INSERT multiple rows at once. Associative arrays will become lists of
the form <tt>`key1`='val1',`key2`='val2'</tt> that can be used with MySQL's UPDATE.
<th colspan=2>Placeholder Variables</th>
<tr><td>%t</td><td>timestamp (can be instance of <a href="">DateTime</a> or string accepted by <a href="">strtotime</a>)</td></tr>
<tr><td>%?</td><td>any data type (including arrays) -- will automatically do the right thing</td></tr>
<tr><td>%ss</td><td>search string (string surrounded with % for use with LIKE)</td></tr>
<tr style="color: red;"><td>%b</td><td>backticks (can be dangerous with user-supplied data -- BE CAREFUL)</td></tr>
<tr style="color: red;"><td>%l</td><td>literal (no escaping or parsing of any kind -- BE CAREFUL)</td></tr>
<tr><td>%ls</td><td>list of strings (array)</td></tr>
<tr><td>%li</td><td>list of integers</td></tr>
<tr><td>%ld</td><td>list of decimals/doubles</td></tr>
<tr><td>%lt</td><td>list of timestamps</td></tr>
<tr style="color: red;"><td>%lb</td><td>list of backticks (can be dangerous with user-supplied data -- BE CAREFUL)</td></tr>
<tr style="color: red;"><td>%ll</td><td>list of literals (no escaping or parsing of any kind -- BE CAREFUL)</td></tr>
<B>Return:</B> Returns an array of associative arrays. If your query produced no results, you get an empty array.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// no placeholders
DB::query("SELECT * FROM tbl");
// string, integer, and decimal placeholders
DB::query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name=%s AND age > %i AND height <= %d", $name, 15, 13.75);
// use the parameter number to refer to parameters out of order
DB::query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name=%s2 AND age > %i0 AND height <= %d1", 15, 13.75, $name);
// use named parameters
DB::query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name=%s_name AND age > %i_age AND height <= %d_height",
'name' => $name,
'age' => 15,
'height' => 13.75
// use %b and %? to construct an UPDATE
// also use timestamp -- you can do this with the %t parameter, too
DB::query("UPDATE %b0 SET %?2 WHERE id=%i1", 'tbl', 5,
'age' => 7,
'name' => $name,
'timestamp' => new DateTime("now")
// list of strings and list of integers placeholders
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE name IN %ls AND age NOT IN %li", array('John', 'Bob'), array(12, 15));
// using the results from the last query
// you get an array of associative arrays, so you can interate over the rows
// with foreach
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo "Name: " . $row['name'] . "\n";
echo "Age: " . $row['age'] . "\n";
echo "Height: " . $row['height'] . "\n";
echo "-------------\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryfirstrow">DB::queryFirstRow()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Retrieve the first row of results for the query, and return it as an associative array. If the query returned no rows,
this returns null.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get information on the account with the username Joe
$account = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
echo "Username: " . $account['username'] . "\n"; // will be Joe, obviously
echo "Password: " . $account['password'] . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryfirstlist">DB::queryFirstList()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Retrieve the first row of results for the query, and return it as a numbered index (non-associative) array.
If the query returned no rows, this returns null.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get information on the account with the username Joe
list($username, $password) = DB::queryFirstList("SELECT username, password FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
echo "Username: " . $username . "\n"; // will be Joe, obviously
echo "Password: " . $password . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryfirstcolumn">DB::queryFirstColumn()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Retrieve the first column of results for the query, and return it as a regular array. If the query returned no rows,
this returns an empty array.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get a list of DISTINCT usernames in the accounts table (skip duplicates, if any)
$usernames = DB::queryFirstColumn("SELECT DISTINCT username FROM accounts");
foreach ($usernames as $username) {
echo "Username: " . $username . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryonecolumn">DB::queryOneColumn()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Retrieve the requested column of results from the query, and return it as a regular array. If the query returned no rows,
or the requested column isn't in the result set, this returns an empty array.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get a list of ALL usernames in the accounts table
$usernames = DB::queryOneColumn('username', "SELECT * FROM accounts");
foreach ($usernames as $username) {
echo "Username: " . $username . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryfirstfield">DB::queryFirstField()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Get the contents of the first field from the first row of results, and return that. If no rows were returned by the query,
this returns null.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get Joe's password and print it out
$joePassword = DB::queryFirstField("SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
echo "Joe's password is: " . $joePassword . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryonefield">DB::queryOneField()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Get the contents of the requested field from the first row of results, and return that. If no rows were returned by the query,
this returns null.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// get Joe's password and print it out
$joePassword = DB::queryOneField('password', "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
echo "Joe's password is: " . $joePassword . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryfullcolumns">DB::queryFullColumns()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Like DB::query(), except the keys for each associative array will be in the form <tt>TableName.ColumnName</tt>. Useful
if you're joining several tables, and they each have an id field.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$joe = DB::queryFullColumns("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
Returns something like:
[] => 3
[accounts.username] => Joe
[accounts.password] => whatever
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_queryraw">DB::queryRaw()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Like DB::query(), except it returns a standard MySQLi_Result object instead of an array of associative arrays. This is intended
for situations where the result set is huge, and PHP's memory is not enough to store the whole thing all at once.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$mysqli_result = DB::queryRaw("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=%s", 'Joe');
$row = $mysqli_result->fetch_assoc();
echo "Joe's password is: " . $row['password'] . "\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_insert">DB::insert() / DB::replace()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Either INSERT or REPLACE a row into a table. You can use DB::sqleval() to force
something to be passed directly to MySQL and not escaped. <i>DB::sqleval() does
nothing on its own, outside of the insert/replace/update/delete commands.</i>
<br>You may insert multiple rows at once by passing an array of associative arrays.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// insert a new account
DB::insert('accounts', array(
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
// change Joe's password (assuming username is a primary key)
DB::replace('accounts', array(
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'asd254890s'
// use DB::sqleval() to pass things directly to MySQL
// sqleval() supports the same parameter structure as query()
DB::insert('accounts', array(
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello',
'data' => DB::sqleval("REPEAT('blah', %i)", 4), // REPEAT() is evaluated by MySQL
'time' => DB::sqleval("NOW()") // NOW() is evaluated by MySQL
// insert two rows at once
$rows = array();
$rows[] = array(
'username' => 'Frankie',
'password' => 'abc'
$rows[] = array(
'username' => 'Bob',
'password' => 'def'
DB::insert('accounts', $rows);
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_insertignore">DB::insertIgnore()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Works like INSERT, except it does an INSERT IGNORE statement. Won't give a MySQL error if the primary key
is already taken.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// insert new account, don't throw an error if primary key id is already taken
DB::insertIgnore('accounts', array(
'id' => 5, //primary key
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_insertupdate">DB::insertUpdate()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Similar to INSERT, except it does an
After the usual insert syntax, you can specify one
of three things: a query-like string with the update component, a second associative array with the keys and values to update,
or nothing, in which case the INSERT associative array gets re-used.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// insert new account, if id 5 is already taken
// then change Joe's password to goodbye instead
DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array(
'id' => 5, //primary key
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
), 'password=%s', 'goodbye');
// same as above
DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array(
'id' => 5, //primary key
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
), array(
'password' => 'goodbye'
// insert new account, if id 5 is taken then the username and password fields
// will be set to 'Joe' and 'hello' respectively and all other fields ignored
// this is a bit like REPLACE INTO, except we leave any other columns in the table
// untouched
DB::insertUpdate('accounts', array(
'id' => 5, //primary key
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_update">DB::update()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Run an UPDATE command by specifying an array of changes to make, and a WHERE component. The WHERE component
can have parameters in the same style as the query() command. As with insert() and replace(), you can use
DB::sqleval() to pass a function directly to MySQL for evaluation.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// change Joe's password
DB::update('accounts', array(
'password' => 'sdfdd'
), "username=%s", 'Joe');
// set Joe's password to "joejoejoe"
// WARNING: Passing user-submitted data to sqleval() will probably create a security flaw!!
DB::update('accounts', array(
'password' => DB::sqleval("REPEAT('joe', 3)")
), "username=%s", 'Joe');
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_delete">DB::delete()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Run the MySQL DELETE command with the given WHERE conditions.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// delete Joe's account
DB::delete('accounts', "username=%s", 'Joe');
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_insertid">DB::insertId()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Returns the auto incrementing ID for the last insert statement.
The insert could have been done through DB::insert() or DB::query().
<pre class="brush: php;">
// insert a new account
DB::insert('accounts', array(
'id' => 0, // auto incrementing column
'username' => 'Joe',
'password' => 'hello'
$joe_id = DB::insertId(); // which id did it choose?!? tell me!!
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_count">DB::count()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Counts the number of rows returned by the last query. Ignores queries done with DB::queryFirstRow() and DB::queryFirstField().
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE password=%s", 'hello');
$counter = DB::count();
echo $counter . " people are using hello as their password!!\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_affectedrows">DB::affectedRows()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Returns the number of rows changed by the last update statement. That statement could have been run through
DB::update() or DB::query().
<pre class="brush: php;">
// give a better password to everyone who is using hello as their password
DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET password=%s WHERE password=%s", 'sdfwsert4rt', 'hello');
$counter = DB::affectedRows();
echo $counter . " people just got their password changed!!\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_debugmode">DB::debugMode()</h2>
<div class="indent">
An alias for <a href="/docs.php#anchor_success_handler">DB::$success_handler</a>.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::debugMode(); // echo out each SQL command being run, and the runtime
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE password=%s", 'hello'); // some command
DB::debugMode('my_debugmode_handler'); // run this function after each successful command
function my_debugmode_handler($params) {
echo "Command: " . $params['query'] . "<br>\n";
echo "Time To Run It: " . $params['runtime'] . " (milliseconds)<br>\n";
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts"); // some command
DB::debugMode(false); // disable debug mode
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_usedb">DB::useDB()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Switch to a different database.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$result = DB::query("SELECT * FROM my_table");
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_transaction">DB::startTransaction() / DB::commit() / DB::rollback()</h2>
<div class="indent">
These are merely shortcuts for the three standard transaction commands: START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK.
When <a href="#anchor_nested_transactions">DB::$nested_transactions</a> are enabled, these commands
can be used to have multiple layered transactions. Otherwise, running <tt>DB::startTransaction()</tt>
when a transaction is active will auto-commit that transaction and start a new one.
<pre class="brush: php;">
// give a better password to everyone who is using hello as their password
// but ONLY do this if there are more than 3 such people
DB::query("UPDATE accounts SET password=%s WHERE password=%s", 'sdfwsert4rt', 'hello');
$counter = DB::affectedRows();
if ($counter > 3) {
echo $counter . " people just got their password changed!!\n";
} else {
echo "No one got their password changed!\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_tablelist">DB::tableList()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Get an array of the tables in either the current database, or the requested one.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$current_db_tables = DB::tableList();
$other_db_tables = DB::tableList('other_db');
foreach ($other_db_tables as $table) {
echo "Table Name: $table\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_columnlist">DB::columnList()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Get an array of the columns in the requested table.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$columns = DB::columnList('accounts');
foreach ($columns as $column) {
echo "Column: $column\n";
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_disconnect">DB::disconnect()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Drop any existing MySQL connections. If you run a query after this, it will automatically reconnect.
<br>Useful before running <a href="">pcntl_fork()</a>, or if
you're trying to conserve MySQL sockets for some weird reason.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::disconnect(); // drop mysqli connection
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_get">DB::get()</h2>
<div class="indent">
Return the underlying mysqli object.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$mysqli = DB::get();
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_whereclause">new WhereClause()</h2>
<div class="indent">
A helper class for building the WHERE part of an SQL string out of pieces. It has methods
<tt>add</tt>, <tt>addClause</tt>, <tt>negateLast</tt>, and <tt>negate</tt>, which are
demonstrated below.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$where = new WhereClause('and'); // create a WHERE statement of pieces joined by ANDs
$where->add('username=%s', 'Joe');
$where->add('password=%s', 'mypass');
// SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE (`username`='Joe') AND (`password`='mypass')
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE %l", $where);
$subclause = $where->addClause('or'); // add a sub-clause with ORs
$subclause->add('age=%i', 15);
$subclause->add('age=%i', 18);
$subclause->negateLast(); // negate the last thing added (age=18)
// SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE (`username`='Joe') AND (`password`='mypass') AND ((`age`=15) OR (NOT(`age`=18)))
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE %l", $where);
$subclause->negate(); // negate this entire subclause
// SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE (`username`='Joe') AND (`password`='mypass') AND (NOT((`age`=15) OR (NOT(`age`=18))))
$results = DB::query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE %l", $where);
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_meekrodb">new MeekroDB()</h2>
<div class="indent">
All MeekroDB functions and variables can also be used in an object-oriented approach. We don't recommend this
because most projects don't need multiple database connections, and it's annoying to pass $db objects around all the time.
<br><br>The MeekroDB() constructor accepts the parameters <tt>$host, $user, $pass, $dbName, $port, $encoding</tt>. You can omit
any or all of them, and any that are omitted will use either the value that was set for the static instance of MeekroDB,
or the defaults shown in the <a href="#anchor_variables">standard variables</a> section.
<pre class="brush: php;">
DB::$user = 'my_database_user'; // configure MeekroDB like normal
DB::$password = 'my_database_password';
DB::$dbName = 'my_database_name';
// ... (code passes)
$mdb = new MeekroDB(); // don't need to pass any config parameters
// it'll just read them from the above
If you want to configure your object instance of MeekroDB separately, you can. The parameters are the same
as described in the <a href="#anchor_variables">standard variables</a> section.
<pre class="brush: php;">$mdb = new MeekroDB($host, $user, $pass, $dbName, $port, $encoding);</pre>
Once connected, you can run all the MeekroDB functions described in the documentation. You can also set all
the same parameters.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$row = $mdb->queryFirstRow("SELECT name, age FROM tbl WHERE name=%s LIMIT 1", 'Joe');
echo "Name: " . $row['name'] . "\n"; // will be Joe, obviously
$mdb->param_char = '##';
$row2 = $mdb->queryFirstRow("SELECT name, age FROM tbl WHERE name=##s LIMIT 1", 'Frank');
echo "Name: " . $row2['name'] . "\n"; // will be Frank, obviously
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_verticalslice">DBHelper::verticalSlice()</h2>
<div class="indent">
This helper function operates on an array of associative arrays, such as the kind returned by <tt>DB::query()</tt>.
It lets you get a simple array of all the values for one column in the original array of associative arrays.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$users = DB::query("SELECT name, age, address FROM users");
$names = DBHelper::verticalSlice($users, 'name');
// Above line is equivalent to:
foreach ($users as $user) {
$names[] = $user['name'];
It also accepts an optional third parameter, which lets you set keys for the indexes in the new array.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$users = DB::query("SELECT name, age, address FROM users");
$ages = DBHelper::verticalSlice($users, 'age', 'name');
// Above line is equivalent to:
$names = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$names[$user['name']] = $user['age'];
<h2 class="alt" id="anchor_reindex">DBHelper::reIndex()</h2>
<div class="indent">
This helper function operates on an array of associative arrays, such as the kind returned by <tt>DB::query()</tt>.
It re-formats the array with a column serving as the index.
<br><br>In the example below, if there are two people named Frank, only one of them will be included.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$users = DB::query("SELECT name, age, address FROM users");
$users_by_name = DBHelper::reIndex($users, 'name');
$frank = $users_by_name['Frank']
echo "Frank's age is " . $frank['age'] . "\n"; // 15
You can index the associative arrays by multiple columns as well.
<pre class="brush: php;">
$users = DB::query("SELECT name, age, address FROM users");
$users_by_name_and_age = DBHelper::reIndex($users, 'name', 'age');
$frank = $users_by_name_and_age['Frank']['15'];
echo "Frank's address is " . $frank['address'] . "\n";
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