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Created December 12, 2013 01:04
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Save scottmcdaniel/7921542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Archive of - a script to add Day One events via command line.
# logtodayone.rb
# Brett Terpstra (
# Use and modify freely, attribution appreciated
# This script works with the Day One[1] command line utility
# It parses an input string for an exclamation point prefix to mark starred
# and/or a [date string] at the beginning to parse natural language dates
# Requirements:
# Chronic ruby gem
# Example usage:
# logtodayone.rb "! This is a starred entry."
# logtodayone.rb "[yesterday 3pm] Something I did yesterday at 3:00PM"
# logtodayone.rb "! [-2 1:30am] A starred entry about something I did two days ago"
require 'rubygems'
require 'chronic' # (`gem install chronic`)
if ARGV.length > 0
input = ARGV.join(" ").strip
print "Log entry: "
input = gets.strip
# If the input starts with an exclamation point, make it starred
starred = input =~ /^!/ ? "true" : "false"
# remove the bang from the input string
input = input.gsub(/^!\s*/,'')
# if there's a [date] specified, parse it
if input =~ /^\[(.*?)\]/
datestring = $1
# if the date starts with -X, assume it means X days ago
if datestring =~ /^\-(\d+)/
datestring.sub!(/\-(\d+)/,"\\1 days ago ")
# Replace a single 'y' within the date brackets with "Yesterday" for parsing
# Parse the resulting date string with Chronic
d = Chronic.parse(datestring, {:context => :past, :ambiguous_time_range => 8})
d = if d.nil?
# if no [date] specified, make it right now
d =
date = d.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %l:%M%p") # dayone formatted
input = input.gsub(/^\[.*?\]\s*/,'') # remove [date] from input
%x{echo "#{input}"|/usr/local/bin/dayone -d="#{date}" -s=#{starred} new}
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