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Last active January 27, 2022 16:05
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declare module 'grapesjs-custom-code';
declare module 'grapesjs-lory-slider';
declare module 'grapesjs-parser-postcss';
declare module 'grapesjs-preset-webpage';
declare module 'grapesjs-style-bg';
declare module 'grapesjs-tabs';
declare module 'grapesjs-tooltip';
declare module 'grapesjs-touch';
declare module 'grapesjs-tui-image-editor';
declare module 'grapesjs-typed';
declare module 'grapesjs' {
export const version: string;
export function $(selector?: string): JQuery;
export function init(config: EditorConfig): Editor;
export interface CommandFunctionOptions {
(): void;
export interface CommandHandlerOptions {
run: (editor: Editor) => void;
stop: (editor: Editor) => void;
export interface PanelConfig {
id: string;
el: string;
buttons?: ButtonOptions[];
export interface ButtonOptions {
id: string;
label?: string;
className: string;
command: string | ((editor: Editor) => void);
attributes?: Record<string, unknown>;
active?: boolean;
context?: string;
export interface EditorModal {
setTitle(title: string): EditorModal;
setContent(content?: HTMLElement | string | null): EditorModal;
open(): void;
getModel(): import('events').EventEmitter;
export interface Editor {
BlockManager: {
add(id: string, options: Record<string, unknown>): void;
getHtml(): string;
getCss(): string;
I18n: {
addMessages(lang: Record<string, unknown>): void;
Panels: {
addButton(id: string, options: ButtonOptions): void;
getButton(panelId: string, buttonId: string): unknown;
addPanel(config: PanelConfig): unknown;
Modal: EditorModal;
Commands: {
add(id: string, options: CommandFunctionOptions | CommandHandlerOptions): void;
DomComponents: {
clear(): unknown[];
setDevice(device: string): void;
setComponent(component: string): void;
runCommand(commandId: string): void;
on(eventName: string, callback: (event?: Event) => void): void;
getComponents: () => unknown[];
export interface BlockConfig {
id: string;
label: string;
attributes?: Record<string, string>;
content: string | Record<string, string>;
select?: boolean;
activate?: boolean;
export interface BlockManagerConfig {
appendTo: string;
blocks: BlockConfig[];
export type EditorDragMode = 'absolute' | 'translate';
export interface EditorConfig {
* The html target element.
container?: string;
plugins?: unknown[];
pluginsOpts?: { [p: string]: unknown };
autorender?: boolean;
// Style prefix
stylePrefix?: string;
// HTML string or object of components
components?: string;
// CSS string or object of rules
style?: string;
// If true, will fetch HTML and CSS from selected container
fromElement?: boolean;
// Show an alert before unload the page with unsaved changes
noticeOnUnload?: boolean;
// Show paddings and margins
showOffsets?: boolean;
// Show paddings and margins on selected component
showOffsetsSelected?: boolean;
// On creation of a new Component (via object), if the 'style' attribute is not
// empty, all those roles will be moved in its new class
forceClass?: boolean;
// Height for the editor container
height?: string;
// Width for the editor container
width?: string;
// Type of logs to print with the logger (by default is used the devtool console).
// Available by default: debug, info, warning, error
// You can use `false` to disable all of them or `true` to print all of them
log?: string[];
// By default Grapes injects base CSS into the canvas. For example, it sets body margin to 0
// and sets a default background color of white. This CSS is desired in most cases.
// use this property if you wish to overwrite the base CSS to your own CSS. This is most
// useful if for example your template is not based off a document with 0 as body margin.
baseCss?: string;
// CSS that could only be seen (for instance, inside the code viewer)
protectedCss?: string;
// CSS for the iframe which containing the canvas, useful if you need to custom something inside
// (eg. the style of the selected component)
canvasCss?: string;
// Default command
defaultCommand?: string;
// Show a toolbar when the component is selected
showToolbar?: boolean;
// Allow script tag importing
allowScripts?: boolean;
// If true render a select of available devices
showDevices?: boolean;
// When enabled, on device change media rules won't be created
devicePreviewMode?: boolean;
// THe condition to use for media queries, eg. 'max-width'
// Comes handy for mobile-first cases
mediaCondition?: string;
// Starting tag for variable inside scripts in Components
tagVarStart?: string;
// Ending tag for variable inside scripts in Components
tagVarEnd?: string;
// When false, removes empty text nodes when parsed, unless they contain a space
keepEmptyTextNodes?: boolean;
// Return JS of components inside HTML from 'editor.getHtml()'
jsInHtml?: boolean;
// Enable native HTML5 drag and drop
nativeDnD?: boolean;
// Enable multiple selection
multipleSelection?: boolean;
// Show the wrapper component in the final code, eg. in editor.getHtml()
exportWrapper?: boolean;
// The wrapper, if visible, will be shown as a `<body>`
wrappesIsBody?: boolean;
// Usually when you update the `style` of the component this changes the
// element's `style` attribute. Unfortunately, inline styling doesn't allow
// use of media queries (@media) or even pseudo selectors (eg. :hover).
// When `avoidInlineStyle` is true all styles are inserted inside the css rule
avoidInlineStyle?: boolean;
// Avoid default properties from storable JSON data, like `components` and `styles`.
// With this option enabled your data will be smaller (usefull if need to
// save some storage space)
avoidDefaults?: boolean;
// (experimental)
// The structure of components is always on the screen but it's not the same
// for style rules. When you delete a component you might leave a lot of styles
// which will never be used again, therefore they might be removed.
// With this option set to true, styles not used from the CSS generator (so in
// any case where `` is used) will be removed automatically.
// But be careful, not always leaving the style not used mean you wouldn't
// use it later, but this option comes really handy when deal with big templates.
clearStyles?: boolean;
// Specify the global drag mode of components. By default, components are moved
// following the HTML flow. Two other options are available:
// 'absolute' - Move components absolutely (design tools way)
// 'translate' - Use translate CSS from transform property
// To get more about this feature read:
dragMode?: EditorDragMode;
// Dom element
el?: Element | string;
// Configurations for Undo Manager
//TODO: convert configs to ts
undoManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Asset Manager
assetManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Canvas
canvas?: unknown;
//Configurations for Layers
layers?: unknown;
//Configurations for Storage Manager
storageManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Rich Text Editor
rte?: unknown;
//Configurations for DomComponents
domComponents?: unknown;
//Configurations for Modal Dialog
modal?: unknown;
//Configurations for Code Manager
codeManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Panels
panels?: unknown;
//Configurations for Commands
commands?: unknown;
//Configurations for Css Composer
cssComposer?: unknown;
//Configurations for Selector Manager
selectorManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Device Manager
deviceManager?: unknown;
//Configurations for Style Manager
styleManager?: unknown;
// Configurations for Block Manager
blockManager?: BlockManagerConfig;
// Configurations for Trait Manager
traitManager?: unknown;
// Texts
textViewCode?: string;
// Keep unused styles within the editor
keepUnusedStyles?: boolean;
multiFrames?: boolean;
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