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Last active June 14, 2022 17:15
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About me

Tyler Scott

A guy who likes to build software while working from the mountains of Montana.


I am a former construction worker/maintenance guy who went onto to become an attempted writer, a part-time philosopher, and now a developer with over 12 years experience. My approach remains the same as it was in the blue collar days in that I like to get my hands dirty and work toward a creative, efficient solution by leveraging my broad range of skills.


I have helped two companies successfully exit and I'm working on my third. I love bringing big ideas to life.

Enjoy Technology

  • 2019 - now
  • Staff Software Engineer
  • Homepage

Currently, I am Staff Engineer leading the group responsible for the success of our Experts in the field. I focus primarily on three areas: compensation, direction, and staffing.

I designed and built the in house compensation platform currently paying on the order of millions of dollars quarterly in compensation to nearly 2,000 employees. The system has undergone major tests being operated by three different administrations and has proven itself to be flexible, configurable, and most importantly auditable.

I worked closley I co-built the in house scheduling system and work with our internal support teams to continue enhancing the system.

In addition to enhancing and maintaining the above systems with my team, I am currently building a performance management system that will help our field leadership achieve the business defined goals by strategically guiding employees at every level toward a positive outcome.

I do not typically seek out building such systems in house and did advocate for third party integrations as a starting point. I prefer to focus on core competencies while deferring peripheral functionality to vendors. All that being the case, I also understand the desire to produce compelling IP as well as custom tailoring software into a cohesive whole.

I try to always balance stakeholder needs through the lens of what is most pragmatic for the situation.

Voicea (acquired by Cisco)

As the "fourth cofounder" and first engineering hire, I built the product from scratch in an environment of rapid changes. From start to finish, the company underwent three major pivots each requiring major refactors. Discipline around architectural choices was a must in order to deliver successfully. The stack was Ruby on Rails using Heroku as a PaaS with strategic peeling off of microservices (Node and later Go) leveraging at first AWS Lambda and later Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform.

In addition to the technical work, I worked directly with the executive team to close funding rounds and hire the team. Prior to hiring dedicated designers, I was also doing all the UX research and design.

BlueKai (acquired by Oracle)

My time at BlueKai was split 80/20 between UX design and full stack development with the roles flipping depending on where we were at with a given feature. During my tenure, we built the world's first DMP (Digital Marketing Platform) and were among the first "Tag Management" solutions.

Once acquired by Oracle, I later went on to co-develop the first React based front end framework at Oracle and worked closely with the two major UX groups to integrate. I also co-invented a location based classification system for which we received a patent.

Greater Scott

I started Greater Scott as a means to do part time contract work outside of my day job. After BlueKai, I went full time with my own consultancy for a period of roughly 18 months. I did both private and public sector work in that time. I have done work for the GSA through the (sadly) shuttered 18F program, Satya Nadella's team at Microsoft producing demoware for presentations, as well as a handful of less notable gigs.

My most consistent client has been Polyform for whom I have done a wide variety of jobs. The most recent being an integration between a .NET v1 application and Shopify.

The greatest aspect of doing contract work is the exposure to many technologies and the people using them. I have done paid work in over a dozen different frameworks and languages working with all levels of code quality.

Recently, I have starting doing more open source development. My current focus is on the Traindown markup language and associated libraries.

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