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Created April 24, 2014 18:32
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
$SIG{USR1} = sub { Carp::confess(@_); };
# use Net::DNS;
# use Net::DNS::Resolver;
# use Mail::Sendmail;
use Net::SMTPS;
use IO::Handle;
use Data::Dumper;
my %header;
my $email = '';
my $fullemail = '';
# read the mail message from stdin
my $last_key;
while(<STDIN>) {
my $line = $_;
$fullemail .= $line;
unless(/^$/ .. eof STDIN) {
(my $key, my $value) = $line =~ m/^([A-Za-z_-]+): (.*)/;
if( $key and $value ) {
$last_key = $key;
$header{$key} = '' if ! exists $header{$key};
$header{$key} .= ' ' if length $header{$key};
$header{$key} .= $value;
} elsif( $last_key ) {
# continued lines
$header{$last_key} .= $line;
} else {
warn "parsing headers: don't know what to do with ``$line''";
} else {
$email .= $line;
my $user = $ENV{USER};
$user = 'scott' if $user eq 'root';
# extract the password from the .fetchmailrc file
open my $fetchmail, '<', "/home/$user/.fetchmailrc" or die "$user has no .fetchmailrc to pick passwords from: $!";
my @fetchmail;
my $password;
while(my $line = readline $fetchmail) {
chomp $line;
if( $line =~ m/^\s*$/ ) {
# end of a block of config for a user
push @fetchmail, 'foo' if @fetchmail % 2; # avoid the "Odd number of..." warning
my %fetchmail = ( @fetchmail, 'foo', @fetchmail ); # some tokens are parts of pairs while others appear by themselves
@fetchmail = ();
# warn Dumper \%fetchmail;
next unless $fetchmail{user};
# warn "comparing $header{From} and $fetchmail{user}";
next unless index($header{From}, $fetchmail{user}) > -1;
$password = $fetchmail{password} or die "failed to pick out a password out of the .fetchmailrc for user $fetchmail{user}";
# print "password = `$password'";
} else {
push @fetchmail, $2 while $line =~ m/\G(['"]?)(.*?)\1\s+/cgs;
# warn Dumper \@fetchmail;
$password or die "failed to find config in .fetchmailrc for $header{From}";
my $smtp = Net::SMTPS->new('', Port => 465, doSSL => 'ssl', Debug => 1) or die "failed to create Net::SMTP object";
if( $header{From} =~ m/slowass/ ) {
$smtp->auth('', $password) or die "auth";
} elsif( $header{From} =~ m/biketempe/ ) {
$smtp->auth('', $password) or die "auth";
} else {
die "bad From address or no gmail account for this From address: ``$header{From}''";
$smtp->to($header{To}) or die "Net::SMTPS error to ->to for $header{To}: " . $smtp->message();
$smtp->recipient(split m/,/, $header{Cc}) if $header{Cc};
$smtp->recipient(split m/,/, $header{Bcc}) if $header{Bcc};
# previous implementation tried to deliver directly by looking up the MX and talking to it with Mail::SMTP; however, ISPs started blocking outgoing SMTP (bleah) so
# the idea for incarnation two of this was to have accounts on all of the major mail providers and treat them each as a walled garden, connecting to that mail provider
# to deliver mail to users there, but then I stopped having to deal with companies hosted at Yahoo! (serious problems with spam filtering there) and Microsoft so
# I've just been funneling things through gmail.
# in the future, I'll probably start hosting somewhere else or myself but continue to use gmail for outgoing mail from there if the new outfit doesn't
# manage good mail relaying, which is hard in this day and age.
warn "To: $header{To}";
my (@to) = grep m/\@/, map { split m/\s+/ } $header{To}, $header{Cc};
@to or die "after splitting on whitespace and grepping for \@'s, there's nothing left in the to field: $header{To}";
warn "after splitting, to looks like: @to";
for my $to (@to) {
my %header = %header;
$header{To} = $to;
$to =~ s{.*<(.*?)>.*}{$1};
(my $domain) = $to =~ m{.*\@([^ ]+)} or die "can't parse To: $to";
warn "to: $to domain: $domain";
my @rrs = Net::DNS::Resolver->new->search($domain, 'MX')->answer or die;
# print "there are ", scalar @rrs, " records\n";
# for my $rr (@rrs) { $rr->print };
# print "----------";
my $rr = $rrs[0] or die "no RR records from DNS lookup";
# for(qw(name address class type)) { print $_, ': ', $rr->$_, "\n"; }
#for(qw(name class type rdatastr)) {
# print $_, ': ', $rr->$_, "\n";
for my $rr (@rrs) {
(my $mx) = (split m/ /, $rr->rdatastr)[1];
$mx =~ s{\.$}{};
warn "mx: $mx";
%header, # To, From, Subject
Message => $email,
Server => $mx,
) and goto success;
warn "Mail::Sendmail: $Mail::Sendmail::error";
# next;
last; # only try the first MX
die "failed";
# die "ran out of mxes to try";
warn "success";
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