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Forked from martinseener/
Last active September 25, 2015 23:33
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# (c) 2015 Martin Seener
# Simple script which checks SSL/TLS services for the FREAK vulnerability (CVE 2015-0204)
# It will output if the checked host is vulnerable and returns the right exit code
# so it can also be used as a nagios check!
PROGNAME=$(basename $0)
AUTHOR="2015, Martin Seener ("
print_help() {
echo ""
echo "$PROGNAME is a small shell script which checks remote SSL/TLS services for the FREAK vulnerability (CVE 2015-0204)"
echo "It will return if the service is vulnerable or not and exit with 0 (OK) or 2 (CRIT) so it can be used as"
echo "a nagios check too"
echo ""
echo "Usage: ./$PROGNAME <IP or Hostname> <port>"
echo "Example: ./$PROGNAME 443"
echo ""
initialize() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "The Hostname/IP Argument is missing!"
echo ""
exit 3
if [[ ! $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [ $2 -eq 0 ] || [ $2 -gt 65535 ] ; then
echo "The Port argument must be a positive integer value starting at 1 up to 65535"
echo ""
exit 3
OPENSSL=$(which openssl)
if [ "$OPENSSL" == "" ]; then
echo "Cannot find openssl! Aborting!"
echo ""
exit 3
check_freak() {
# Get the information
CHK=$(timeout 10 $OPENSSL s_client -connect $1:$2 -cipher EXPORT < /dev/null 2>/dev/null)
if [ $? -eq 124 ]; then
echo "UNKNOWN - Timeout connecting to $1 on port $2"
exit 3
# Check if there is an export cipher
echo $CHK | grep "Cipher is EXP" > /dev/null
case "$1" in
exit 3;;
# Initialize
initialize $1 $2
# Do the check
check_freak $1 $2
# Return the result
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "OK - $1 on port $2 is PROBABLY NOT vulnerable to FREAK (CVE 2015-0204)"
exit 0
echo "CRITICAL - $1 on port $2 IS PROBABLY VULNERABLE to FREAK (CVE 2015-0204)"
exit 2
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Hi Scott,

please check my initial Gist for some updates. And thank you for your enhancements! Great work!

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