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Last active February 28, 2024 14:29
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my good vimrc
if has('python3')
set tabstop=4 softtabstop=0 expandtab shiftwidth=2 smarttab
set spelllang=en
set list
set listchars=tab:>-
set autoindent
set smartindent
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
nnoremap Y y$
set magic
set number
set ruler
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set noswapfile
set autoread
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap <silent><C-j> <C-w>j
nnoremap <silent><C-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <silent><C-l> <C-w>l
nnoremap <silent><C-h> <C-w>h
set cc=80
filetype plugin indent on
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'joshdick/onedark.vim'
Plug 'kephircheek/black', { 'branch': 'fix-autoload' }
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'sbdchd/neoformat'
Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plug 'mxw/vim-jsx'
Plug 'valloric/MatchTagAlways'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
Plug 'epilande/vim-es2015-snippets'
Plug 'epilande/vim-react-snippets'
Plug 'leafgarland/typescript-vim'
"Plug 'tpope/vim-projectionist'
Plug 'prettier/vim-prettier', { 'do': 'yarn install' }
Plug 'Quramy/tsuquyomi', { 'do': 'npm -g install typescript' }
"Plug 'dense-analysis/ale'
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plug 'dag/vim-fish'
call plug#end()
syntax on
colorscheme zellner
let g:jsx_ext_required = 0
let g:mta_filetypes = {
\ 'javascript.jsx' : 1,
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-l>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-m>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-n>"
let g:prettier#exec_cmd_path="/usr/local/bin/prettier"
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