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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Save scottx611x/784c7a64f3729cff7032 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finds "Fuzzy" representations of genes from .fna files
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use Bio::Tools::CodonTable;
use Text::Wrap;
print "Fuzzy Finder\n";
my $filename = "humanXM_000000.fna";
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename)
or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
my $firstline = <$fh>;
print "HEADER LINE:\n";
print "$firstline\n";
print "********************************************************************************\n";
print "Sucessfully opened the file $filename\n";
my $NUC_WIDTH = 70; # 70 nucleotides per line
my $AA_WIDTH = 40; # 40 amino acids per line
my @DNA_Seq;
my @Rand_DNA_Seq;
my @newAA_Seq;
my @newAA_Seq_Rand;
my $checker = 0;
$Text::Wrap::columns = $NUC_WIDTH;
@DNA_Seq = &SequenceFromFile;
my @newDNA_Seq = grep(s/\s*//g, @DNA_Seq);
@newDNA_Seq = grep(s/[0-9]//g, @DNA_Seq);
my $big_Sequence_String = $newDNA_Seq[0];
my $length = (length $big_Sequence_String);
#print "$length\n";
#print "big_Sequence_String: $big_Sequence_String\n";
print "\n\n********************************************************************************\n";
print "*********************************DNA Sequence***********************************\n";
print "********************************************************************************\n\n";
print wrap('', '', @DNA_Seq);
print "\n\n********************************************************************************\n";
print "***************************Randomized DNA Sequence:*****************************\n";
print "********************************************************************************\n";
$Text::Wrap::columns = $NUC_WIDTH;
@Rand_DNA_Seq = &useRandomSequence($big_Sequence_String);
my @new_Rand_DNA_Seq = grep(s/\s*//g, @Rand_DNA_Seq);
print wrap('', '', @Rand_DNA_Seq);
sub to_Amino_Acid
# Amino acid hash table
my $CodonTable = Bio::Tools::CodonTable->new();
if ($checker == 0)
$Text::Wrap::columns = $AA_WIDTH;
my @AA_Seq;
my $DNA_Seq_String;
foreach my $nucleotide (@_){ $DNA_Seq_String = $DNA_Seq_String . $nucleotide;}
my $index = 0;
my $length = 3;
my $codon;
my $result;
while ($index != length $DNA_Seq_String)
$codon = substr $DNA_Seq_String, $index, $length;
#print "\n$codon\n"; working
$result = $CodonTable->translate($codon);
$codon = '';
#print $result;
push @AA_Seq, $result;
$index = $index + 3;
@newAA_Seq = grep(s/\s*//g, @AA_Seq);
print "\n\nAmino Acid Sequence:\n";
print wrap('', '', @newAA_Seq);
$Text::Wrap::columns = $AA_WIDTH;
my @AA_Seq;
my $DNA_Seq_String;
foreach my $nucleotide (@_){ $DNA_Seq_String = $DNA_Seq_String . $nucleotide;}
my $index = 0;
my $length = 3;
my $codon;
my $result;
print "\n";
while ($index != length $DNA_Seq_String)
$codon = substr $DNA_Seq_String, $index, $length;
#print "$codon ";
$result = $CodonTable->translate($codon);
$codon = '';
#print $result;
push @AA_Seq, $result;
$index = $index + 3;
@newAA_Seq_Rand = grep(s/\s*//g, @AA_Seq);
print "\n\nAmino Acid Sequence:\n";
print wrap('', '', @newAA_Seq_Rand);
sub get_Hydrophobicity
my $AA_Seq_String;
foreach my $amino_acid (@_){ $AA_Seq_String = $AA_Seq_String . $amino_acid;}
my @matches;
my @match_start;
my @match_end;
my $match_length;
my $match;
push (@matches,$&) while($AA_Seq_String =~ m/[WAVLIMFY]{5,}/g);
push (@match_start,@-) while($AA_Seq_String =~ m/[WAVLIMFY]{5,}/g);
push (@match_end,@+) while($AA_Seq_String =~ m/[WAVLIMFY]{5,}/g);
print "\n\nRegex used to find hydrophobic matches: m/[WAVLIMFY]{5,}/g\n";
print "This regex finds regions where 5 or more hydrophobic amino acids are found adjacent to each other.\n\n";
print "Hydrophobic Matches:\n";
foreach (@matches) {
print "$_\n";
print "\n";
my $i = 0;
my $arrSize = @matches;
if ($arrSize == 0)
print "No hydrophobic regions found!\n\n"
foreach $match (@matches)
$match_length = length $match;
print "I found hydrophobic region: $match of size : $match_length from location: $match_start[$i] to $match_end[$i].\n";
$i = $i + 1;
sub useRandomSequence
my $NUC_STR;
foreach my $nuc (@_){ $NUC_STR = $NUC_STR . $nuc;}
#print "$NUC_STR\n";
my $countA = ($NUC_STR =~ tr/A/A/);
my $countT = ($NUC_STR =~ tr/T/T/);
my $countC = ($NUC_STR =~ tr/C/C/);
my $countG = ($NUC_STR =~ tr/G/G/);
#print "$length\n";
#print "$countA $countC $countT $countG\n";
#print $countA + $countC + $countT + $countG;
#print "\n";
#Calling subroutine with Sequence length and nucleotide percentages
sub generateRandomSequence
#assigning arguments to variables
my ($sequenceLength) = @_;
#getting the percentage of each nucleotide
my $numAs = $_[1];
my $numCs = $_[2];
my $numTs = $_[3];
my $numGs = $_[4];
print "\nNucleotide Percentages: \n";
my $perA = $numAs / $length * 100;
my $perC = $numCs / $length * 100;
my $perT = $numTs / $length * 100;
my $perG = $numGs / $length * 100;
$perA = sprintf "%.2f" ,$perA;
$perC = sprintf "%.2f" ,$perC;
$perT = sprintf "%.2f" ,$perT;
$perG = sprintf "%.2f" ,$perG;
print "%As -> $perA\n";
print "%Cs -> $perC\n";
print "%Ts -> $perT\n";
print "%Gs -> $perG\n";
print "$numAs A's, $numCs C's, $numTs T's, and $numGs G's \n\n";
#Filling 4 arrays with their respective amount of nucleotides
my @Nucleotides = ();
@Nucleotides = (@Nucleotides, ('A') x $numAs);
@Nucleotides = (@Nucleotides, ('C') x $numCs);
@Nucleotides = (@Nucleotides, ('T') x $numTs);
@Nucleotides = (@Nucleotides, ('G') x $numGs);
#Shuffle array order
my $randomSequence = "";
#While array isnt empty, pop a letter and concatenate that to the new DNA sequence
while (@Nucleotides)
@Nucleotides = shuffle(@Nucleotides);
my $nucleotide = pop @Nucleotides;
$randomSequence = $randomSequence . $nucleotide;
#print "Randomized DNA string is: \n";
#print "$randomSequence\n";
$randomSequence =~ s/TAA|TAG|TGA/TGG/g;
$randomSequence = $randomSequence . "TAA";
#print "$randomSequence\n";
my @DNA_Seq;
@DNA_Seq = split /\s+/, $randomSequence;
return @DNA_Seq;
sub SequenceFromFile
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename)
or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
my $firstline = <$fh>;
#print "$firstline\n";
my @DNA_Seq;
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
push @DNA_Seq, uc $row;
return @DNA_Seq ;
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