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Created February 27, 2016 06:25
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Cyclotron ( Table Dashboard example consuming SyncIQ status data
"duration": 10,
"frequency": 300,
"layout": {
"gridColumns": 1,
"gridRows": 1,
"scrolling": false
"name": "SyncIQ details",
"widgets": [{
"columns": [{
"label": "Name",
"name": "name"
}, {
"label": "Job Status",
"name": "last_job_state"
}, {
"label": "Last Started",
"name": "last_started",
"text": "${moment.unix(#{last_started}).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm Z')}"
}, {
"label": "Last Success",
"name": "last_success",
"text": "${moment.unix(#{last_success}).format('DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm Z')}"
}, {
"label": "Schedule",
"name": "schedule"
"dataSource": "Your Isilon Cluster SyncIQ",
"enableSort": true,
"freezeHeaders": true,
"omitHeaders": false,
"rules": [{
"background-color": "#B2EC5D",
"columns": ["last_job_state"],
"columnsIgnored": [],
"rule": "!_.isNull('#{last_job_state}'.match(/finished.*/gi))"
}, {
"background-color": "#FF3333",
"columns": ["last_job_state"],
"rule": "!_.isNull('#{last_job_state}'.match(/failed.*/gi))"
}, {
"background-color": "#3399ff",
"columns": ["last_job_state"],
"rule": "!_.isNull('#{last_job_state}'.match(/running.*/gi))"
}, {
"background-color": "#ff9933",
"columns": ["last_job_state"],
"rule": "!_.isNull('#{last_job_state}'.match(/needs.*/gi))"
"showWidgetErrors": true,
"sortBy": ["last_job_state"],
"title": "Your Isilon Cluster",
"widget": "table"
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