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Created December 3, 2020 07:50
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I was looking for conan.gradle, found a broken one, and fixed it to work for libraries, instead of applications. Didn't work in the end, though :-(
// From
// with some changes
// Originally discovered here:
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
import java.nio.file.Paths
class ConanPluginExtension {
String conanfile = "src/main/cpp/conanfile.txt"
String profile = 'android-${abi}' // TODO maybe support map abi->filename
String outputDirPath = '${projectDir}/conan_build/${buildType}/${abi}'
class ConanPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
def android
def extension
def conanfilePath
def conanProfileFileNameTemplate
def conanOutputDirPathTemplate
void validate(Project project) {
android =
assert android: "Cannot be applied for non android projects"
conanfilePath = Paths.get(project.projectDir.absolutePath, extension.conanfile).toString()
// assert project.file(conanfilePath).exists(): "conan file ${conanfilePath} doesn't exists"
if (! project.file(conanfilePath).exists()){ "conan file ${conanfilePath} doesn't exists" }
println "ConanPlugin: conan profile template: ${extension.profile}"
println "ConanPlugin: conan dir path template: ${extension.outputDirPath}"
conanProfileFileNameTemplate = extension.profile
conanOutputDirPathTemplate = extension.outputDirPath
void createTasksForAndroidExternalNativeBuild(Project project) {
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
for (def abi in android.defaultConfig.externalNativeBuild.cmake.abiFilters) {
def flavor =
def taskSuffix = "${abi.capitalize()}${flavor.capitalize()}"
def buildType = flavor.toLowerCase().contains('release') ? 'release' : 'debug'
def params = ['abi': abi, 'flavor': flavor, 'projectDir': project.projectDir, 'buildType': buildType.capitalize()]
println """
abi: ${params['abi']}
flavor: ${params['flavor']}
projectDir: ${params['projectDir']}
buildType: ${params['buildType']}
def conanProfileFileName = engine.createTemplate(conanProfileFileNameTemplate).make(params).toString()
def conanOutputDirPath = engine.createTemplate(conanOutputDirPathTemplate).make(params).toString()
println """
conanProfileFileName: ${conanProfileFileName}
conanOutputDirPath: ${conanOutputDirPath}
def conanInstallTaskName = "conanInstall${taskSuffix}"
println "ConanPlugin: Executing conan install task: ${conanInstallTaskName}"
def conanInstallTask = project.task(conanInstallTaskName, type: Exec) {
group 'Conan tasks'
description 'Run conan to get and build missing dependencies'
workingDir conanOutputDirPath
commandLine 'conan', 'install', conanfilePath,
'--profile', conanProfileFileName,
'--settings', "build_type=${params['buildType']}",
'--install-folder', workingDir,
'--build', 'missing'
inputs.files conanfilePath
outputs.dir workingDir
doFirst {
def conanCheckProfileTaskName = "conanCheckProfileFor${taskSuffix}"
project.task(conanCheckProfileTaskName) {
group 'Conan tasks'
description 'Check that conan profile file exists'
doFirst {
if (!project.file(conanProfileFileName).exists()) {
//def conanProfilePath = "${['user.home']}/.conan/profiles/${conanProfileFileName}"
def conanProfilePath = "${project.projectDir.absolutePath}/.conan/profiles/${conanProfileFileName}"
assert project.file(conanProfilePath).exists() \
: "Conan profile file \"${conanProfilePath}\" missing please check"
def conanCleanTaskName = "conanClean${taskSuffix}"
project.task(conanCleanTaskName, type: Delete) {
group 'Conan tasks'
description 'Delete conan generated files'
delete conanOutputDirPath
"externalNativeBuildClean${flavor.capitalize()}"].each {
if (project.tasks.findByName("${it}")) {
println "ConanPlugin: Adding dependency ${it}->conanInstallTaskName"
} //void createTasksForAndroidExternalNativeBuild
void apply(Project project) {
extension = project.extensions.create('conan', ConanPluginExtension)
project.afterEvaluate {
} //class ConanPlugin
apply plugin: ConanPlugin
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