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Last active April 7, 2022 18:31
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Python 3 code to extract business listings from
from lxml import html
import unicodecsv as csv
import requests
from time import sleep
import re
import argparse
import json
def parse(url):
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36'}
success = False
for _ in range(10):
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
success = True
print("Response received: %s. Retrying : %s"%(response.status_code, url))
success = False
if success == False:
print("Failed to process the URL: ", url)
parser = html.fromstring(response.text)
listing = parser.xpath("//li[@class='regular-search-result']")
raw_json = parser.xpath("//script[contains(@data-hypernova-key,'yelp_main__SearchApp')]//text()")
scraped_datas = []
# Case 1: Getting data from new UI
if raw_json:
print('Grabbing data from new UI')
cleaned_json = raw_json[0].replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '').strip()
json_loaded = json.loads(cleaned_json)
search_results = json_loaded['searchPageProps']['searchResultsProps']['searchResults']
for results in search_results:
# Ad pages doesn't have this key.
result = results.get('searchResultBusiness')
if result:
is_ad = result.get('isAd')
price_range = result.get('priceRange')
position = result.get('ranking')
name = result.get('name')
ratings = result.get('rating')
reviews = result.get('reviewCount')
address = result.get('formattedAddress')
neighborhood = result.get('neighborhoods')
category_list = result.get('categories')
full_address = address+' '+''.join(neighborhood)
url = ""+result.get('businessUrl')
category = []
for categories in category_list:
business_category = ','.join(category)
# Filtering out ads
if not(is_ad):
data = {
'business_name': name,
'rank': position,
'review_count': reviews,
'categories': business_category,
'rating': ratings,
'address': full_address,
'price_range': price_range,
'url': url
return scraped_datas
# Case 2: Getting data from OLD UI
if listing:
print('Grabbing data from OLD UI')
for results in listing:
raw_position = results.xpath(".//span[@class='indexed-biz-name']/text()")
raw_name = results.xpath(".//span[@class='indexed-biz-name']/a//text()")
raw_ratings = results.xpath(".//div[contains(@class,'rating-large')]//@title")
raw_review_count = results.xpath(".//span[contains(@class,'review-count')]//text()")
raw_price_range = results.xpath(".//span[contains(@class,'price-range')]//text()")
category_list = results.xpath(".//span[contains(@class,'category-str-list')]//a//text()")
raw_address = results.xpath(".//address//text()")
is_reservation_available = results.xpath(".//span[contains(@class,'reservation')]")
is_accept_pickup = results.xpath(".//span[contains(@class,'order')]")
url = ""+results.xpath(".//span[@class='indexed-biz-name']/a/@href")[0]
name = ''.join(raw_name).strip()
position = ''.join(raw_position).replace('.', '').strip()
cleaned_reviews = ''.join(raw_review_count).strip()
reviews = re.sub("\D+", "", cleaned_reviews)
categories = ','.join(category_list)
cleaned_ratings = ''.join(raw_ratings).strip()
if raw_ratings:
ratings = re.findall("\d+[.,]?\d+", cleaned_ratings)[0]
ratings = 0
price_range = len(''.join(raw_price_range)) if raw_price_range else 0
address = ' '.join(' '.join(raw_address).split())
reservation_available = True if is_reservation_available else False
accept_pickup = True if is_accept_pickup else False
data = {
'business_name': name,
'rank': position,
'review_count': reviews,
'categories': categories,
'rating': ratings,
'address': address,
'price_range': price_range,
'url': url
return scraped_datas
if __name__ == "__main__":
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('place', help='Location/ Address/ zip code')
search_query_help = """Available search queries are:\n
Breakfast & Brunch,\n
Coffee & Tea,\n
argparser.add_argument('search_query', help=search_query_help)
args = argparser.parse_args()
place =
search_query = args.search_query
yelp_url = "" % (search_query,place)
print ("Retrieving :", yelp_url)
scraped_data = parse(yelp_url)
with open("scraped_yelp_results_for_%s.csv" % (place), "wb") as fp:
fieldnames = ['rank', 'business_name', 'review_count', 'categories', 'rating', 'address', 'price_range', 'url']
writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=fieldnames, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
if scraped_data:
print ("Writing data to output file")
for data in scraped_data:
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@shreyu2403 yelp changed the structure of their website.
I've made one yelp scraper.
You can check that yelp scraper

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