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Forked from asdfgeoff/
Last active July 25, 2021 06:11
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Bulk compress phone videos using H.265 HEVC encoding 🔥 More info:
import click
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import call, check_output
from tqdm import tqdm
@click.argument('directory', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.option('--recursive', is_flag=True, help='Recursive')
@click.option('--file-ext', help='File format to process')
def main(directory, file_ext='mp4', recursive=False):
""" Compress h264 video files in a directory using libx265 codec with crf=28
directory: the directory to scan for video files
file_ext: the file extension to consider for conversion
recursive: whether to search directory or all its contents
if recursive:
video_files = [fp.absolute() for fp in Path(directory).rglob(f'*.{file_ext}')]
video_files = [fp.absolute() for fp in Path(directory).glob(f'*.{file_ext}')]
check_codec_cmd = 'ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "{fp}"'
codecs = []
for fp in tqdm(video_files, desc='Checking metadata', unit='videos'):
codecs.append(check_output(check_codec_cmd.format(fp=fp), shell=True).strip().decode('UTF-8'))
files_to_process = [fp for fp, codec in zip(video_files, codecs) if codec != 'hevc']
print(f'\nTOTAL FILES FOUND ({len(video_files)})')
print(f'FILES TO PROCESS ({len(files_to_process)}):', [ for fp in files_to_process], '\n')
if len(files_to_process) == 0:
raise click.Abort
click.confirm('Do you want to continue?', abort=True)
for fp in tqdm(files_to_process, desc='Converting files', unit='videos'):
new_fp = fp.parent / f'temp_ffmpeg.mp4'
convert_cmd = f'ffmpeg -i "{fp}" -map_metadata 0 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 "{new_fp}"'
conversion_return_code = call(convert_cmd, shell=True)
if conversion_return_code == 0:
call(f'touch -r "{fp}" "{new_fp}"', shell=True)
call(f'mv "{new_fp}" "{fp}"', shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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