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Created April 21, 2020 16:30
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{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010, LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
import Data.List (nub)
data Symbol = M | I | U deriving (Eq, Show)
data Rule = Mx | III | UU | IU deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
data Deduction = Axiom [Symbol] | Deduction [Symbol] Rule [Symbol]
instance Show Deduction where
show = \case
Deduction f r b -> map (head . show) f ++ " ~~" ++ show r ++ "~> " ++ map (head . show) b
Axiom xs -> "Axiom: " ++ map (head . show) xs
instance Eq Deduction where a == b = toList a == toList b
toList = \case
Deduction _ _ xs -> xs
Axiom xs -> xs
smap f (Deduction from rule to) = Deduction (f from) rule (f to)
apply word = map (uncurry (Deduction word)) $ case word of
M : xs -> [ (Mx,) $ M : xs ++ xs ]
I : I : I : xs -> [ (III,) $ U : xs ]
U : U : xs -> [ (UU,) $ xs ]
I : [] -> [ (IU,) $ I : U : [] ]
xs -> []
applyAll = \case
[] -> []
ss@(s : rs) -> apply ss ++ map (smap (s :)) (applyAll rs)
nextGen (gen, curGen, start) = (succ gen, oldGen, noDupes (start >>= (applyAll . toList)))
noDupes = nub . filter (not . flip elem oldGen)
oldGen = start ++ curGen
enumerateAll start = concatMap (\(a,_,c) -> map (a,) c) (iterate nextGen (0, [], [start]))
main = mapM_ print (enumerateAll (Axiom [M, I]))
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