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Created February 26, 2023 14:36
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beJS multiblock example
StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
let CAP_PREDICATE = be => {
return be != null && (be.getCapability(ForgeCapabilities.ITEM_HANDLER).present || be.getCapability(ForgeCapabilities.FLUID_HANDLER).present || be.getCapability(ForgeCapabilities.ENERGY).present)
event.create('multi_block', 'multiblock').material('wood').hardness(1.0).displayName('Multiblock')
.entity(builder => { // adds a BlockEntity onto this block
builder.ticker((level, pos, state, be) => { // a tick method, called on block entity tick
if(!level.clientSide) { // ALWAYS check side, the tick method is called on both CLIENT and SERVER
if(level.levelData.gameTime % 20 == 0) {
let offset = pos.offset(state.getValue(BlockProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING).normal)
if(level.getBlockState(offset) === Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState()) {
level.setBlock(offset, Blocks.GLASS.defaultBlockState(), 3)
} else {
level.setBlock(offset, Blocks.AIR.defaultBlockState(), 3)
.pattern(builder => {
.aisle( 'BBB',
.aisle( 'BBB',
.aisle( 'BBB',
.where('A', BlockInWorld.or(BlockInWorld.hasState(BlockPredicate.forBlock('minecraft:iron_block')), BlockInWorld.hasBlockEntity(CAP_PREDICATE)))
.where('C', BlockInWorld.hasState(BlockPredicate.forBlock('kubejs:multi_block')))
.where('B', BlockInWorld.hasState(BlockPredicate.forBlock('minecraft:copper_block')))
.defaultState(state => {
state.setValue(BlockProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING, Direction.NORTH)
.placementState(state => {
state.setValue(BlockProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING, state.horizontalDirection.opposite)
StartupEvents.registry('recipe_type', event => {
.assembler((recipe, container) => {
let results = recipe.results
for (let i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
container.setItem(i, results.get(i))
// priority: 0 => {
// type is:<recipetype>
// syntax is: [outputs], [inputs], etc
['3x minecraft:dirt', '1x minecraft:grass', '5x kubejs:example_block', '2x minecraft:cobblestone'],
['1x minecraft:stone'])
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