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Created August 13, 2020 16:58
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import React from "react";
import { CmsEditorFieldTypePlugin } from "@webiny/app-headless-cms/types";
import { Grid, Cell } from "@webiny/ui/Grid";
import { Typography } from "@webiny/ui/Typography";
import { Select } from "@webiny/ui/Select";
import { Input } from "@webiny/ui/Input";
import { i18n } from "@webiny/app/i18n";
const t = i18n.ns("app-headless-cms/admin/fields");
import { ReactComponent as TextIcon } from "./round-text_fields-24px.svg";
const derivedFieldPlugin: CmsEditorFieldTypePlugin = {
type: "cms-editor-field-type",
name: "cms-editor-field-type-derived",
field: {
type: "derived",
label: t`Derived value`,
description: t`A value which is based on another, existing field`,
icon: <TextIcon />,
validators: ["required"],
allowMultipleValues: false,
allowPredefinedValues: false,
allowIndexes: {
singleValue: true,
multipleValues: false
multipleValuesLabel: t``,
createField() {
return {
type: this.type,
validation: [],
renderer: {
name: ""
renderSettings({ form: { Bind } }) {
return (
<Cell span={12}>
<Typography use="body1">{t`Choose a source field`}</Typography>
<Bind name={"settings.sourceField"}>
label={t`Source field`}
description={`Name of the field which gets transformed`}
<Typography use="body1">{t`How should the field be transformed?`}</Typography>
<Bind name={"settings.derivationType"}>
<option value="none">{t`No transformation`}</option>
<option value="slugify">{t`Create a slug`}</option>
export default derivedFieldPlugin;
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