00:47:55.088 WARN - SOME VALIDATIONS FAILED: 彙/05f59.svg
- number positions: FAILED: These number are too far from starting points of their strokes: 12 has distance 25.09. Maximum allowed distance is 25.0
00:47:55.195 WARN - SOME VALIDATIONS FAILED: 菓/083d3.svg
- number positions: FAILED: These number are too far from starting points of their strokes: 10 has distance 25.0. Maximum allowed distance is 25.0
00:47:55.402 WARN - SOME VALIDATIONS FAILED: 椀/06900-Kaisho.svg
- number positions: FAILED: These number are too far from starting points of their strokes: 12 has distance 25.14. Maximum allowed distance is 25.0
00:47:55.563 WARN - SOME VALIDATIONS FAILED: 菓/083d3-Kaisho.svg