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Created July 12, 2016 14:24
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Question about best practice with JS objects and internal method calls
messageOfTheDay = function (appName) {
this.appName = appName;
if (this.lastMessageText === undefined) {
this.lastMessageText = "";
this.sayHello = function () {
console.log ("hello");
this.checkForUpdate = function () {
var urlTextFile = "" + this.appName + ".txt";
var motd = this;
readHttpFile (urlTextFile, function (s) {
if (s !== undefined) {
if (s !== this.lastMessageText) {
this.lastMessageText = s;
console.log ("messageOfTheDay.checkForUpdate: s == " + s);
motd.sayHello ();
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allenwb commented Jul 12, 2016

Up until the introduction of ES6, that's pretty much how you have to do it. ES6 introduces "arrow functions" which do not rebind this so it still refers to the this in the surrounding scope.

However, I'm confused by the use of this in the callback function defined an the second argument on line 12. What object is bound tothis when it is invoked? Is the definition of ReadHttpFile? If so, it doesn't appear to explicitly pass a this value when calling the call back.

I'll assume that you want those this reference to all reference motd. In that case lines 12-21 can be replaced with:

        readHttpFile (urlTextFile,  s => {
            if (s !== undefined) {
                if (s !== this.lastMessageText) {   //this is the same as checkForUpdate's this
                    this.lastMessageText = s;
                    console.log ("messageOfTheDay.checkForUpdate: s == " + s);
                    this.sayHello ();     //motd not needed

Of course, if ES6 arrow functions are available, ES6 class declarations are probably also available. So you could write the whole thing something like:

class messageOfTheDay  {
  constructor(appName) {
    this.appName = appName;
    if (this.lastMessageText === undefined) {
        this.lastMessageText = "";

   sayHello() {
      console.log ("hello");

   checkForUpdate() {
      var urlTextFile = "" + this.appName + ".txt";
      readHttpFile (urlTextFile, s  => {
         if (s !== undefined) {
            if (s !== this.lastMessageText) {
               this.lastMessageText = s;
               console.log ("messageOfTheDay.checkForUpdate: s == " + s);
               self.sayHello ();

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Allen, you're absolutely right about this.lastMessageText.

It clearly refers to an object that belongs to the callback to readHttpFile.

It's a mistake -- and I'll need to think about how it works and fix it.

BTW, re ES6, I'm not using any ES6 features yet.

I found a subset of JS that works for me, and then proceeded to develop the functionality I wanted. There's a lot of that so it hasn't left much time for exploring new language functionality. That's the way my brain works. It's why I don't like people figuring out how to fix "callback hell" -- I've made my peace with it, and would prefer not to learn another way to do something I already know how to do.

At age 61, I'm kind of "set in my ways" in this regard. ;-)

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