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Created September 13, 2014 19:37
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  • Save scripting/f289b2d36316964bf399 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scripting/f289b2d36316964bf399 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of JSON test that is sent by Radio3 to a server that's hooked in
"guid": {
"flPermalink": true,
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"text": "The Slow, Inevitable Death Of Cable TV.",
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"whenLastEdit": "2014-09-13T19:35:48.808Z",
"when": "2014-09-13T19:28:36.132Z",
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"whenLastSend": "2014-09-13T19:35:49.167Z",
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"twitterScreenName": "davewiner",
"idWordpressPost": "1003",
"urlWordpressPost": "",
"idFacebookPost": "270259793181433_277133319160747",
"urlFacebookPost": ""
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Here's the post this is referenced from.


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