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Last active June 21, 2017 15:23
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<title>GitHub API: Get repo directory</title>
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A sample web app that travels through the River5 repository on my GitHub account,
producing a directory structure that reflects the structure of the repo.
I couldn't find sample code that does this simple thing, now I won't have to hunt
for it, and neither will you. ;-)
You can run this app here:
Dave Winer
June 21, 2017
function readHttpFile (url, callback) {
var jxhr = $.ajax ({
url: url,
dataType: "text"
.success (function (data, status) {
callback (data);
.error (function (status) {
console.log ("readHttpFile: url == " + url + ", error == " + jsonStringify (status));
callback (undefined);
function getDirectoryStruct (userName, repositoryName, callback) {
var baseUrl = "" + userName + "/" + repositoryName + "/contents";
function readDirectory (url, callback) {
readHttpFile (url, function (jsontext) {
var jstruct = JSON.parse (jsontext), theDirectory = new Array ();
function doNextFile (ix) {
if (ix < jstruct.length) {
var file = jstruct [ix];
if (file.type == "dir") {
readDirectory (file.url, function (theSubDirectory) {
var obj = {
subs: theSubDirectory
theDirectory.push (obj);
doNextFile (ix + 1);
else {
var obj = {
url: file.download_url
theDirectory.push (obj);
doNextFile (ix + 1);
else {
callback (theDirectory);
doNextFile (0);
readDirectory (baseUrl, function (theDirectory) {
callback (theDirectory);
function startup () {
console.log ("startup");
getDirectoryStruct ("scripting", "river5", function (jstruct) {
$("#idDirectoryJson").text (JSON.stringify (jstruct, undefined, 4));
body {
font-family: Ubuntu;
font-size: 18px;
background-color: whitesmoke;
.divPageBody {
width: 60%;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
<div class="divPageBody">
<pre id="idDirectoryJson">
$(document).ready (function () {
startup ();
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Here's the blog post announcing this --


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