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Last active January 29, 2023 07:51
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Quick GPO Report
# Quick GPO Report for further analysis
param (
$gporeport = {
$domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
if (-not $domain) {return}
#$dommask = "$domain/" -replace '\.','\.'
Get-GPO -All | . { process {
[xml]$Gpo = Get-GPOReport -ReportType Xml -Guid $_.Id -ErrorAction Stop
$links = foreach ($a in $Gpo.GPO.LinksTo) {
$path = if ($a.SOMPath -eq $domain) {'<root>'} else {$a.SOMPath -replace "$domain/"}
'{0}:{1}' -f $path, $(if ($a.Enabled) {1} else {0})
$securityFilter = $Gpo.GPO.SecurityDescriptor.Permissions.TrusteePermissions.Trustee.Name.'#text'.where{$_ -notmatch 'nt auth|domain admins|administrator|enterpri|system'}
$userData = 'User:{0}' -f ($Gpo.GPO.User.ExtensionData.Name -join ',')
$computerData = 'Computer:{0}' -f ($Gpo.GPO.Computer.ExtensionData.Name -join ',')
$comment = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
if (-not $links) {
$comment.add('Location = blank – GPO that is not in use because it is not linked to any domain objects')
if ($_.GpoStatus -eq 'AllSettingsDisabled') {
$comment.add('Status = AllSettingsDisabled – GPO that have the user and computer configuration disabled so no policy settings would apply')
if ($_.User.DSVersion -eq 0 -and $_.User.SysvolVersion -eq 0 -and
$_.Computer.DSVersion -eq 0 -and $_.Computer.SysvolVersion -eq 0) {
$comment.add('userVersion and computerVersion = 0 – This is empty GPO. Someone created a GPO but did not configure any settings')
#if () {$comment.add('')}
Name = $_.DisplayName
Location = $links -join ', '
Status = $_.GpoStatus
CreationTime = $_.CreationTime
ModifyTime = $_.ModificationTime
UserVersion = '{0} (AD), {1} (SYSVOL) : {2}' -f $_.User.DSVersion, $_.User.SysvolVersion, $_.User.Enabled
ComputerVersion = '{0} (AD), {1} (SYSVOL) : {2}' -f $_.Computer.DSVersion, $_.Computer.SysvolVersion, $_.Computer.Enabled
UserEnabled = if ($Gpo.GPO.User.Enabled -eq $true) {''} else {'No'}
ComputerEnabled = if ($Gpo.GPO.Computer.Enabled -eq $true) {''} else {'No'}
WmiFilter = $_.WmiFilter.Name # singleton?
SecurityFilter = $securityFilter -join "`n"
ExtensionData = ($userData, $computerData).where{$_ -match ':.+$'} -join "`n"
Id = $_.Id.guid.toupper()
Owner = $_.Owner
Comment = $comment -join ";`n"
} # END gporeport
if ($csv -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $csv) -PathType Container -ErrorAction Stop)) {
. $gporeport | Export-Csv $csv -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
} elseif ($excel -and (Test-Path (Split-Path $excel) -PathType Container -ErrorAction Stop)) {
'in dev'
$paramx = @{}
} else {
. $gporeport | Out-GridView -Title 'Quick GPO Report'
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