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Created February 9, 2023 15:52
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Simple one-level asynchronous wrapper over the builtin PowerShell progress bar
Displays an asynchronous progress bar within a PowerShell command window.
A simple one-level asynchronous wrapper over the builtin PowerShell progress bar.
- Non-blocking screen output
- Separate run phases: start,next,stop
- Automatic percentage calculation
- Automatic state control
- Automatic overflow control
- Input object counter step
- Internal variables
Indicates to initialize the progress bar.
Indicates to increase the counter of the progress bar.
Indicates to stop the progress bar.
Specifies the data range.
.PARAMETER Frequency
Specifies input object counter step - progress bar update frequency - once a step. This parameter provides eventing deceleration that can be useful on big data series.
Specifies the first line of text in the heading above the status bar. This text describes the activity whose progress is being reported.
Specifies the second line of text in the heading above the status line. This text describes current state of the activity.
.PARAMETER ProgressBar
Specifies the progress bar control data structure.
Specifies the percent precision to display in the status line.
.PARAMETER InputObject
Experimental. Specifies the current input object from the data pipeline.
Experimental. Enables to leave the progress bar on the screen after stopping it.
Experimental. Enables autofinish upon progress bar complete.
You can't pipe objects to this cmdlet.
Upon initialization this cmdlet returns Progress Bar control data structure. Otherwise the cmdlet returns no output.
Version: 2.1
Internal variables you can use in Status line:
- %PercentComplete
- %Progress
- %Inputobject
On crash or pressing Ctrl-C event handler will keep running in background.
$range = 100
$jobtimeMS = 50
$frequency = 1
$param = @{
range = $range
activity = 'Progress Bar [range - {0}; step - {1}; pct - {2}]' -f $range,$frequency,($range/100)
status = "'Complete: {0:P1} [{1}]' -f (%PercentComplete/100), %progress"
pcdigit = $Pcdigit
$pb = Write-ProgressBar -start @param
1..$range | % {
Write-ProgressBar -next -progressbar $pb
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $jobtimeMS
Write-ProgressBar -stop -progressbar $pb
function Write-ProgressBar {
param (
# PB controls/commands
[switch] $start, # starter
[switch] $next, # iterator
[alias('close')][switch] $stop, # cleaner
# runtime options
[int] $range,
[alias('step')][int] $frequency, # input object counter step
[string] $activity,
[string] $status,
[alias('precision')][int] $pcdigit, # percent precision
$inputobject, # experimental; how to use?
[switch] $autofinish, # experimental;
[switch] $keep # experimental; leave progress bar on screen
# parameterset autoresolver
if (($start,$next,$stop).Where{$_}.count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "Cannot resolve a specified parameter set."
if ($next) { # iterator
if (-not $progressbar -or -not $progressbar['event']) {return}
if ($progressbar.overflow) {return} # set by event handler
# eventing decelerator
if (($progressbar.progress - $progressbar.frequency) -lt $progressbar.prev) {
$progressbar.Inputobject = if ($inputobject) {$inputobject} else {$null}
# remove old data to prevent high memory consumption
if ($progressbar.range -gt 100 -and $progressbar.trigger.count) {$progressbar.trigger.clear()} # {$progressbar.trigger.removeAt(0)}
# trigger the next progress event
} # next
elseif ($stop) { # cleaner
if (-not $progressbar -or -not $progressbar['event']) {return}
if (-not $keep) {
Write-Progress -PercentComplete 100 -Activity $progressbar['Activity'] -Completed
Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier $progressbar['eventId'] | Unregister-Event
$progressbar['event'] | Remove-Job -Force
$progressbar['event'] = $null
} # stop
elseif ($start) { # initializer
if ($range -lt 1) {
Write-Host 'No data range specified.' -ForegroundColor Red
# input defaults
if (-not $activity) {$activity = 'Progress Bar'}
if ($status) {
$status = $status -replace '%PercentComplete','$param["PercentComplete"]' -replace '%progress','$progress.progress' -replace '%inputobject','$progress.inputobject'
# %inputobject can be object!!!
} elseif ($psversiontable.PSVersion.major -gt 5) {
$status = '$param["PercentComplete"]'
# progress bar control descriptor
$pbstate = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{
Inputobject = $null
Progress = 0
Prev = 0 # previous progress value
Overflow = $false
Range = $range
Percent = $range/100 # items per percent; how to use?
Frequency = if ($frequency -gt 1) {$frequency} else {1}
Activity = $activity
Status = if ($status) {[scriptblock]::create($status)} else {$null}
Autofinish = $autofinish
Pcdigit = if ($range -gt 5000) {2} elseif ($range -gt 500) {1} else {0}
Trigger = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection[object]]::new()
if ($pcdigit -lt 0) {$pcdigit = 0}
if ($pcdigit -gt 0) {$pbstate['pcdigit'] = $pcdigit}
$pbstate['eventId'] = [guid]::newguid().guid
$evparam = @{
InputObject = $pbstate['trigger']
SourceIdentifier = $pbstate['eventId']
EventName = 'CollectionChanged'
MessageData = $pbstate
$pbstate['event'] = Register-ObjectEvent @evparam -Action {
if ($Event.SourceEventArgs.Action.ToString() -ne 'Add') {return} # filter
$progress = $Event.MessageData
# display progress bar
$pcdigit = $progress.pcdigit
$w = if ($pcdigit) {5} else {4}
$pcwidth = $w + $pcdigit # 4-0 6-1 7-2 8-3...
$param = @{
PercentComplete = [int](($Event.SourceEventArgs.NewItems[-1].progress*100)/$progress.Range)
Activity = $progress.Activity
# stop eventing if scale is overflow
if ($param['PercentComplete'] -gt 100) {
$progress.Overflow = $true
$param['Status'] = if ($progress.Status) {. $progress.Status}
else { # default status line
"Complete: {0,${pcwidth}:P${pcdigit}} [{1}]" -f ($param['PercentComplete']/100),$progress.progress
Write-Progress @param
$progress.prev = $progress.progress
<#if ($param['PercentComplete'] -eq 100 -and $progress.autofinish) {
Write-Progress -PercentComplete 100 -Activity $progress['Activity'] -Completed
Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier $progress['eventId'] | Unregister-Event
$progress['event'] | Remove-Job -Force
$progress['event'] = $null
} # event handler
} # start
} # END Write-ProgressBar
$range = if ($range) {$range} else {100}
$frequency = if ($frequency -gt 1) {$frequency} else {1}
if (-not $jobtimeMS) {$jobtimeMS = 100}
$param = @{
range = $range
activity = 'Progress Bar [range - {0}; step - {1}; pct - {2}]' -f $range,$frequency,($range/100)
status = "'Complete: {0,6:P1} [{1}]' -f (%PercentComplete/100), %progress"
pcdigit = $Pcdigit
frequency = $frequency
$pb = Write-ProgressBar -start @param
1..$range | % {
Write-ProgressBar -next -progressbar $pb -inputobject $_
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $jobtimeMS
Write-ProgressBar -stop -progressbar $pb
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