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Last active May 27, 2023 12:52
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Windows Terminal installation script for Windows Server 2022
param (
[switch]$run, # action mode
[switch]$force # skips edition limitation
If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 7) {
Write-Error 'This script needs be run by version of PowerShell prior to 7.0'
# check Windows edition
$wininfo = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
if ($wininfo.ProductName -notmatch 'Server 2022') {
Write-Warning 'This script is primarily intendent for Windows Server 2022.'
if (-not $force) {return}
$downloadDir = $env:temp
$framworkPkgUrl = ''
$framworkPkg = "$downloadDir\Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx"
$xamlPkg = "$downloadDir\"
$xamlUrl = ''
$msixbundle = "$downloadDir\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.msixbundle"
$releasesUri = ''
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
$downloadUri = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $releasesUri).assets | Where-Object name -like "*.msixbundle").browser_download_url #| Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $downloadUri) {
Write-Warning "Retrieve WT download url error occurred."
# Get prerequisites status
$packages = Get-AppxPackage
$uixaml = $packages.Where{$ -match 'Microsoft\.UI\.Xaml\.2\.7'}
$vclibstatus = $packages.Where{$ -match 'Microsoft\.VCLibs\.140\.00\.UWPDesktop'}
$wtver = $packages.Where{$ -match 'Windowsterminal'}.version
$storever = if ($downloadUri -match '/v([\d.]+)/') {$matches[1]}
if ($run) {
# Start installation/update
if ($wtver) {
if ([version]$storever -le [version]$wtver) {
Write-Host 'No update is required.'
Write-Host 'Downloading packages...'
#Start-BitsTransfer -Source $framworkPkgUrl -Destination $framworkPkg
#Start-BitsTransfer -Source $downloadUri -Destination $msixbundle
if (-not $vclibstatus) {
Write-Host ' VCLibs package'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $framworkPkgUrl -OutFile $framworkPkg
if (-not $uixaml) {
Write-Host ' Xaml package'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $xamlUrl -OutFile $xamlPkg
Write-Host ' WT package'
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadUri -OutFile $msixbundle
Write-Host 'Installing packages...'
if (-not $uixaml) {
Write-Host ' Xaml package'
Expand-Archive $xamlpkg -DestinationPath "$downloadDir\xamlpkg" -Force #-ErrorAction Stop
Add-AppxPackage -Path "$downloadDir\xamlpkg\tools\AppX\x64\Release\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx"
if (-not $vclibstatus) {
Write-Host ' VCLibs package'
Add-AppxPackage -Path $framworkPkg
$vclibstatus = (Get-AppxPackage).Where{$ -match 'Microsoft\.VCLibs\.140\.00\.UWPDesktop'}
if ($vclibstatus) {
Write-Host ' WT package'
Add-AppxPackage -Path $msixbundle
} else {
Write-Warning 'Could not install Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.'
# Cleanup
Remove-Item $framworkPkg -Force -ErrorAction 0
Remove-Item $msixbundle -Force -ErrorAction 0
Remove-Item "$downloadDir\xamlpkg" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction 0
Write-Host 'Done.'
else { # view mode
$installed = 'Installed (required)'
$notinstalled = 'Not installed (required)'
InstalledVersion = if ($wtver) {$wtver} else {'Not installed'}
LatestVersion = $storever
WTDownloadUri = $downloadUri
VCLibs = if ($vclibstatus) {$installed} else {$notinstalled}
UIXamlPackage = if ($uixaml) {$installed} else {$notinstalled}
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