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Created January 25, 2017 03:15
Querying Temperatures through the WUnderground API with PowerShell
#Get weather data from wunderground
#Just an example
#scriptjunkie 2017
#Public domain
$startdate = Get-Date
$highs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$lows = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
0..365 | %{
$d = $startdate.AddDays(-$_)
$y = $d.Year
$m = $d.Month
if(($m -gt 4) -and ($m -lt 9)){ # this was just my filter to only show temperatures from the skiing season
$dd = $d.Day
$c = (Invoke-RestMethod "$y/$m/$dd/DailyHistory.html?req_city=Jackson+Hole&req_state=WY&req_statename=Wyoming&").Substring(1) | ConvertFrom-Csv
$low = 1000
$high = -1000
$c | %{
$t = [double]$_.TemperatureF
if ($t -lt $low) {
$low = $t
if ($t -gt $high) {
$high = $t
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