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import React from "react";
import { getDataTestAttribute } from "./helpers/attributeHelper";
function Workout({ name, target, group }) {
return (
<div {...getDataTestAttribute("workout-container")}>
<h4 data-test-id="workout-name">Name: {name}</h4>
<h6 data-test-id="workout-target">Target: {target}</h6>
<h6 data-test-id="workout-group">Group: {group}</h6>
* Returns and object with `data-test-id` as key and attributeValue as
* associated value to the key
* @function
* @name getDataTestAttribute
* @param {string} attributeValue
* @returns {object}
export function getDataTestAttribute(attributeValue) {
plugins: [
[ "babel-plugin-jsx-remove-data-test-id",
{ attributes: [
"data-test-id", "selenium-id", "another-attr-to-be-stripped"
import { shallow } from "enzyme";
import React from "react";
import { findByTestAttribute } from "../test/utils/testUtils";
import workouts from "./data/worksouts.json";
import Workout from "./Workout";
function setup() {
return shallow(<Workout {...workouts[0]} />);
* Returns node(s) for the given string attribute value of `data-test-id`
* @function findByTestAttribute
* @name
* @param {ShallowWrapper} wrapper - ShallowMounted Enzyme wrapper
* @param {string} attributeValue - value of data-test-id attribute as string
* for searching the nodes
* @returns {ShallowWrapper}
import React from "react";
function Workout({ name, target, group }) {
return (
<div data-test-id="workout-container">
<h4 data-test-id="workout-name">Name: {name}</h4>
<h6 data-test-id="workout-target">Target: {target}</h6>
<h6 data-test-id="workout-group">Group: {group}</h6>