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Created February 29, 2016 09:03
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  • Save scriptum/71bd3d3bb3afebd0d9eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scriptum/71bd3d3bb3afebd0d9eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
03:17:18,142 INFO anaconda: /sbin/anaconda 23.19.10-1
03:17:19,444 INFO anaconda: 1148332 kB (1121 MB) are available
03:17:19,452 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:1148332, needed:320, graphical:410
03:17:19,532 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'early exception handler' in live installation
03:17:19,533 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'start audit daemon' in live installation
03:17:19,535 INFO anaconda: anaconda called with cmdline = ['/sbin/anaconda', '--liveinst', '--method=livecd:///dev/mapper/live-base']
03:17:19,536 INFO anaconda: Default encoding = utf-8
03:17:19,578 INFO anaconda: Parsing kickstart: /usr/share/anaconda/interactive-defaults.ks
03:17:19,794 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: en_US.UTF-8
03:17:19,843 DEBUG anaconda: network: devices found ['enp0s3']
03:17:20,146 DEBUG anaconda: network: dumping ifcfg file for default autoconnection on enp0s3
03:17:20,194 DEBUG anaconda: network: missing ifcfgs created for devices ['enp0s3']
03:17:20,321 DEBUG anaconda: updating host name localhost.localdomain
03:17:20,339 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140326122284800)
03:17:20,349 INFO anaconda: Display mode = g
03:17:20,351 INFO anaconda: 1148332 kB (1121 MB) are available
03:17:20,387 INFO anaconda: check_memory(): total:1148332, needed:320, graphical:410
03:17:21,981 DEBUG anaconda: updating host name localhost.localdomain
03:17:22,005 INFO anaconda: got 0 NTP servers from DHCP
03:17:22,006 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaWaitForConnectingNMThread (140326122284800)
03:17:22,036 INFO anaconda: Fedora is the highest priority installclass, using it
03:17:22,465 INFO anaconda: bootloader GRUB2 on X86 platform
03:17:22,473 INFO anaconda: Detected 1 GiB of memory
03:17:22,478 INFO anaconda: Suggested swap size (2 GiB) exceeds 10 % of disk space, using 10 % of disk space (0.0) instead.
03:17:22,479 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 0.0
03:17:22,480 INFO anaconda: bootloader GRUB2 on X86 platform
03:17:22,485 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageThread (140326122284800)
03:17:22,499 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaTimeInitThread (140325909690112)
03:17:22,530 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140325901297408)
03:17:22,541 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaGeolocationRefreshThread (140325892904704)
03:17:22,542 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'start chronyd' in live installation
03:17:22,543 INFO anaconda: Starting geolocation lookup
03:17:22,557 INFO anaconda: Geolocation provider: Fedora GeoIP
03:17:22,573 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadRestartThread (140325901297408)
03:17:22,593 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaPayloadThread (140325884512000)
03:17:22,891 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGIDeprecationWarning: GObject.G_MAXUINT is deprecated; use GLib.MAXUINT instead
0, GObject.G_MAXUINT, 0,
03:17:22,892 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGIDeprecationWarning: GObject.PARAM_READWRITE is deprecated; use GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE (glib 2.42+) instead
03:17:22,893 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGIDeprecationWarning: GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST is deprecated; use GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST instead
"nm-state-changed": (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE, []),
03:17:23,581 DEBUG anaconda: Detected primary monitor: 1024x768 95dpix 96dpiy
03:17:24,033 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'activate layouts' in live installation
03:17:25,076 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageThread (140326122284800)
03:17:25,228 INFO anaconda: Geolocation lookup finished in 2.7 seconds
03:17:25,418 INFO anaconda: got results from geolocation
03:17:25,421 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaGeolocationRefreshThread (140325892904704)
03:17:25,421 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaPayloadThread (140325884512000)
03:17:26,004 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaTimeInitThread (140325909690112)
03:17:26,301 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: ru_RU.UTF-8
03:17:26,330 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: ru_RU.UTF-8
03:17:26,374 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: WelcomeLanguageSpoke
03:17:26,411 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/gi/overrides/ DeprecationWarning: is deprecated
return*args, **kwds)
03:17:44,882 DEBUG anaconda: setting locale to: ru_RU.UTF-8
03:17:45,634 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
03:17:45,635 DEBUG anaconda: network standalone spoke (init): completed: True
03:17:45,635 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
03:17:45,641 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: WelcomeLanguageSpoke
03:17:45,641 DEBUG anaconda: Entered hub: SummaryHub
03:17:45,739 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaAddLayoutsInitThread (140325909690112)
03:17:45,743 DEBUG anaconda: Starting applying <bound method AddLayoutDialog._addLayout of <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.AddLayoutDialog object at 0x7fa02b5bf748>> on <list object at 0x7fa02b5b6e88>
03:17:45,747 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaGtkBatchPre1 (140325884512000)
03:17:45,762 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaGtkBatchPre1 (140325884512000)
03:17:45,813 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaKeyboardThread (140325884512000)
03:17:46,211 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'modify system time and date' in live installation
03:17:46,221 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaNTPserver1 (140325892904704)
03:17:46,223 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaDateTimeThread (140326122284800)
03:17:46,246 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/hubs/ DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Widget.set_margin_left is deprecated
03:17:46,334 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Viewport.get_vadjustment is deprecated
03:17:46,336 INFO anaconda: using environment from kickstart: None
03:17:46,355 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Viewport.get_hadjustment is deprecated
03:17:46,356 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaStorageWatcher (140325607720704)
03:17:46,359 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaStorageWatcher (140325607720704)
03:17:46,420 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCustomStorageInit (140325607720704)
03:17:46,656 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'register anaconda secret agent' in live installation
03:17:46,657 DEBUG anaconda: Dump missing interfaces in NetworkControlBox initialize method
03:17:47,051 DEBUG anaconda: network: device enp0s3 missing connection
03:17:47,124 DEBUG anaconda: network: can't find 'connection' 'interface-name' in connection 58c95628-6fa3-47b7-ada2-1fb18d50de6b
03:17:47,181 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCustomStorageInit (140325607720704)
03:17:47,218 DEBUG anaconda: network: can't find 'connection' 'read-only' in connection 58c95628-6fa3-47b7-ada2-1fb18d50de6b
03:17:47,236 DEBUG anaconda: network: can't find 'connection' 'master' in connection 58c95628-6fa3-47b7-ada2-1fb18d50de6b
03:17:47,237 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, device configuration added: connection 58c95628-6fa3-47b7-ada2-1fb18d50de6b device enp0s3
03:17:47,239 DEBUG anaconda: network: GUI, adding connection 58c95628-6fa3-47b7-ada2-1fb18d50de6b
03:17:47,294 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'hide hint to use network configuration in DE' in live installation
03:17:47,378 DEBUG anaconda: updating host name localhost.localdomain
03:17:47,525 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
03:17:49,392 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.KeyboardSpoke object at 0x7fa02b5bf588>
03:17:49,393 DEBUG anaconda: setting <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.KeyboardSpoke object at 0x7fa02b5bf588> status to: Получение списка раскладок...
03:17:49,394 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Проверка устройств хранения...
03:17:49,397 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
03:17:51,303 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaNTPserver1 (140325892904704)
09:17:53,179 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'save system time' in live installation
09:17:53,182 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'save system time' in live installation
09:17:53,184 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'save system time' in live installation
11:17:53,192 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaDateTimeThread (140326122284800)
11:17:53,195 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.datetime_spoke.DatetimeSpoke object at 0x7fa02b3d4860>
11:17:55,818 DEBUG anaconda: Finished applying <bound method AddLayoutDialog._addLayout of <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.AddLayoutDialog object at 0x7fa02b5bf748>> on <list object at 0x7fa02b5b6e88>
11:17:55,818 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaAddLayoutsInitThread (140325909690112)
11:17:55,819 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaKeyboardThread (140325884512000)
11:17:55,925 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: <pyanaconda.ui.gui.spokes.keyboard.KeyboardSpoke object at 0x7fa02b5bf588>
11:17:56,035 DEBUG anaconda: updating host name localhost.localdomain
11:17:56,432 DEBUG anaconda: updating host name localhost.localdomain
11:17:56,434 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b31be48> status to: Проводное соединение (enp0s3) установлено
11:31:12,415 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: StorageSpoke
11:31:15,896 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
11:31:22,794 INFO anaconda: Detected 1 ГиБ of memory
11:31:22,918 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 2 ГиБ
11:31:22,920 DEBUG anaconda: disk free: 8 ГиБ fs free: 0 Б sw needs: 3,26 ГиБ auto swap: 2 ГиБ
11:31:22,922 INFO anaconda: Detected 1 ГиБ of memory
11:31:22,926 INFO anaconda: Suggested swap size (2 ГиБ) exceeds 10 % of disk space, using 10 % of disk space (819,2 МиБ) instead.
11:31:22,927 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 819,2 МиБ
11:31:23,042 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaExecuteStorageThread (140325884512000)
11:31:23,042 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: StorageSpoke
11:31:24,841 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:31:24,876 INFO anaconda: Detected 1 ГиБ of memory
11:31:24,883 INFO anaconda: Suggested swap size (2 ГиБ) exceeds 10 % of disk space, using 10 % of disk space (819,2 МиБ) instead.
11:31:24,886 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 819,2 МиБ
11:31:24,890 DEBUG anaconda: doAutoPart: True
11:31:24,892 DEBUG anaconda: encryptedAutoPart: False
11:31:24,895 DEBUG anaconda: autoPartType: 2
11:31:24,897 DEBUG anaconda: clearPartType: 2
11:31:24,898 DEBUG anaconda: clearPartDisks: ['sda']
11:31:24,900 DEBUG anaconda: autoPartitionRequests:
PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232668) --
mountpoint = / lv = True thin = True btrfs = True
weight = 0 fstype = ext4 encrypted = True
size = 1 ГиБ maxSize = 50 ГиБ grow = True
PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232ba8) --
mountpoint = /home lv = True thin = True btrfs = True
weight = 0 fstype = ext4 encrypted = True
size = 500 МиБ maxSize = None grow = True
PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232630) --
mountpoint = None lv = False thin = False btrfs = False
weight = 5000 fstype = biosboot encrypted = False
size = 1 МиБ maxSize = None grow = False
PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232fd0) --
mountpoint = /boot lv = False thin = False btrfs = False
weight = 2000 fstype = ext4 encrypted = False
size = 500 МиБ maxSize = None grow = False
PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232cc0) --
mountpoint = None lv = True thin = False btrfs = False
weight = 0 fstype = swap encrypted = True
size = 819,2 МиБ maxSize = None grow = False
11:31:24,918 DEBUG anaconda: storage.disks: ['sda']
11:31:24,920 DEBUG anaconda: storage.partitioned: ['sda']
11:31:24,922 DEBUG anaconda: all names: ['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'sda', 'sr0']
11:31:24,956 DEBUG anaconda: boot disk: sda
11:31:25,015 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
11:31:25,041 DEBUG anaconda: candidate disks: [DiskDevice instance (0x7fa0290ef9e8) --
name = sda status = True kids = 0 id = 7
parents = []
uuid = None size = 8 ГиБ
format = non-existent msdos disklabel
major = 8 minor = 0 exists = True protected = False
sysfs path = /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda
target size = 8 ГиБ path = /dev/sda
format args = [] originalFormat = None removable = False]
11:31:25,104 DEBUG anaconda: devs: [PartitionDevice instance (0x7fa038186a20) --
name = req0 status = False kids = 0 id = 169
parents = []
uuid = None size = 500 МиБ
format = non-existent lvmpv
major = 0 minor = 0 exists = False protected = False
sysfs path =
target size = 500 МиБ path = /dev/req0
format args = [] originalFormat = lvmpv grow = True max size = 0 Б bootable = None
part type = None primary = False start sector = None end sector = None
partedPartition = None
disk = None
11:31:25,111 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:31:25,112 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:25,112 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:25,113 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:25,114 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:25,114 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:25,115 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Сохранение конфигурации накопителей данных…
11:31:25,149 INFO anaconda: skipping unneeded stage1 biosboot request
11:31:25,150 DEBUG anaconda: PartSpec instance (0x7fa02b232630) --
mountpoint = None lv = False thin = False btrfs = False
weight = 5000 fstype = biosboot encrypted = False
size = 1 МиБ maxSize = None grow = False
11:31:25,164 DEBUG anaconda: existing 8 ГиБ disk sda (7) with non-existent msdos disklabel
11:31:25,693 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByType will be removed in a future version.
vgs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("lvmvg")
11:31:25,709 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:31:25,925 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmvg
11:31:25,926 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv
11:31:25,926 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv
11:31:25,927 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:25,927 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:25,928 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:25,928 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:25,929 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:25,930 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:25,931 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:25,931 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:25,932 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:25,932 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:25,933 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,933 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,934 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,935 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,935 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,936 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:31:25,964 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmvg
11:31:25,965 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv
11:31:25,965 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type lvmlv
11:31:25,966 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:25,966 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:25,967 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:25,967 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:25,968 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:25,969 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaCheckStorageThread (140325909690112)
11:31:25,974 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:25,972 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaExecuteStorageThread (140325884512000)
11:31:25,975 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:25,987 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:25,987 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:25,988 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:25,988 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,989 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,989 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,990 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,991 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(sda1) returning True
11:31:25,992 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaCheckStorageThread (140325909690112)
11:31:31,723 INFO anaconda: fs space: 5,7 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:31:32,194 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:31:38,635 INFO anaconda: fs space: 5,7 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:31:39,043 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:31:39,090 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Проверка настроек накопителей...
11:31:43,781 INFO anaconda: fs space: 5,7 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:31:44,081 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:31:55,098 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: StorageSpoke
11:31:55,192 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
11:31:58,015 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaExecuteStorageThread (140325909690112)
11:31:58,015 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: StorageSpoke
11:31:58,166 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:31:58,611 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:31:58,692 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
11:31:58,706 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: CustomPartitioningSpoke
11:31:58,712 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:31:58,713 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:31:58,713 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:31:58,714 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:31:58,714 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:31:58,719 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaExecuteStorageThread (140325909690112)
11:31:58,786 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
11:31:58,796 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'sda', 'sr0']
11:31:58,800 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:31:58,800 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=[]
11:31:58,819 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/lib/ DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Misc.set_alignment is deprecated
label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
11:31:58,862 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/lib/ DeprecationWarning: Gtk.Widget.set_margin_right is deprecated
11:31:58,876 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:31:58,877 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:31:58,877 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:31:58,890 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:31:58,891 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Сохранение конфигурации накопителей данных…
11:31:58,894 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:32:10,859 DEBUG anaconda: requested size = None ; available space = 8 ГиБ
11:32:10,862 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByType will be removed in a future version.
return sorted(self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("btrfs volume"),
11:32:11,139 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'fedora', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'root', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sr0']
11:32:11,145 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:32:11,146 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=['fedora', 'root']
11:32:11,178 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:11,178 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:11,181 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 8 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (408) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:32:11,182 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:32:11,188 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:32:11,188 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:32:11,189 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:32:11,189 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:32:11,196 DEBUG anaconda: device_type_changed: None
11:32:11,197 DEBUG anaconda: device_type_changed: DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS
11:32:11,199 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, None
11:32:11,201 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:32:11,215 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:32:11,215 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:32:11,217 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 8 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (408) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:32:11,218 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:32:11,218 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:32:11,219 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:32:11,219 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:32:11,220 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:32:11,237 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:32:11,249 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:32:11,249 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:32:11,252 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:16,624 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:32:16,739 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type btrfs volume
11:32:16,739 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type btrfs subvolume
11:32:16,740 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:32:16,740 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:32:16,741 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:32:16,741 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:32:16,742 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:32:16,744 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:32:16,744 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:32:16,745 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:32:16,745 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:32:16,745 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:32:16,746 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(root) returning True
11:32:16,747 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(root) returning True
11:32:16,747 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(root) returning True
11:32:16,748 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(root) returning True
11:32:16,749 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(root) returning False
11:32:16,750 ERR anaconda: Файловая система /boot не может быть типа btrfs subvolume
11:32:16,751 WARN anaconda: Не указан раздел подкачки. Хотя это и не всегда является необходимым, в большинстве случаев раздел подкачки может значительно улучшить производительность системы.
11:32:16,756 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:32:16,756 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Проверка настроек накопителей...
11:32:16,759 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:32:20,978 DEBUG anaconda: info bar clicked: Файловая система /boot не может быть типа btrfs subvolume
Не указан раздел подкачки. Хотя это и не всегда является необходимым, в большинстве случаев раздел подкачки может значительно улучшить производительность системы. ((<SpokeWindow object at 0x7fa02b393630 (AnacondaSpokeWindow at 0x563fae17dee0)>,))
11:32:20,995 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGTKDeprecationWarning: The keyword(s) "message_format" have been deprecated in favor of "text" respectively. See:
11:32:20,996 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGTKDeprecationWarning: The "flags" argument for dialog construction is deprecated. Please use initializer keywords: modal=True and/or destroy_with_parent=True. See:
11:32:51,429 DEBUG anaconda: requested size = 500 МиБ ; available space = 992,5 КиБ
11:32:51,499 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
partitions = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(PartitionDevice)
11:32:51,617 ERR anaconda: factoryDevice failed: local variable 'e' referenced before assignment
11:32:51,617 DEBUG anaconda: trying to find an existing container to use
11:32:51,618 DEBUG anaconda: found container None
11:32:51,622 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'fedora', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'root', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sr0']
11:32:51,625 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:32:51,626 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=['root', 'fedora']
11:32:51,632 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:51,632 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:51,633 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 8 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (408) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:32:51,634 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:32:51,634 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:32:51,635 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:32:51,635 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:32:51,636 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:32:51,641 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:32:51,643 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByType will be removed in a future version.
return sorted(self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("btrfs volume"),
11:32:51,648 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:32:51,648 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:32:51,650 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 8 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (408) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:32:51,651 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:32:51,651 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:32:51,652 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:32:51,652 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:32:51,653 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:32:51,658 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:32:51,664 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:32:51,664 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:32:51,666 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:32:55,138 DEBUG anaconda: info bar clicked: local variable 'e' referenced before assignment ((<SpokeWindow object at 0x7fa02b393630 (AnacondaSpokeWindow at 0x563fae17dee0)>,))
11:33:19,490 DEBUG anaconda: info bar clicked: local variable 'e' referenced before assignment ((<SpokeWindow object at 0x7fa02b393630 (AnacondaSpokeWindow at 0x563fae17dee0)>,))
11:36:41,786 DEBUG anaconda: removing device 'non-existent 8 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (408) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /' from page Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:41,968 INFO anaconda: ui: removed device root
11:36:41,976 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'sda', 'sr0']
11:36:41,980 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:36:41,980 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=[]
11:36:42,004 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:42,005 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:42,006 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:51,739 DEBUG anaconda: requested size = 500 МиБ ; available space = 8 ГиБ
11:36:51,955 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sr0']
11:36:51,959 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:36:51,960 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=['sda1']
11:36:51,986 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:51,987 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:36:51,992 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 500 МиБ partition sda1 (595) with non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /boot
11:36:51,994 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:36:51,994 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to None
11:36:51,995 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to None
11:36:51,995 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:36:51,995 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:36:52,008 DEBUG anaconda: device_type_changed: DEVICE_TYPE_PARTITION
11:36:52,009 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 2, None
11:36:52,010 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 2, None
11:36:52,011 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 500 МиБ partition sda1 (595) with non-existent ext4 filesystem mounted at /boot
11:36:52,012 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:36:52,012 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to None
11:36:52,017 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to None
11:36:52,018 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:36:52,018 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:36:52,030 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 2, None
11:36:52,032 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:37:00,452 DEBUG anaconda: requested size = None ; available space = 7,51 ГиБ
11:37:00,772 DEBUG anaconda: ui: devices=['/LiveOS/ext3fs.img', '/osmin', '/overlay (deleted)', '/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/squashfs.img', '/run/initramfs/osmin.img', 'fedora', 'live-base', 'live-osimg-min', 'live-rw', 'loop0', 'loop1', 'loop2', 'loop3', 'loop4', 'root', 'sda', 'sda1', 'sda2', 'sr0']
11:37:00,775 DEBUG anaconda: ui: unused=[]
11:37:00,776 DEBUG anaconda: ui: new_devices=['root', 'sda1', 'fedora']
11:37:00,784 DEBUG anaconda: page clicked: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:37:00,784 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:37:00,785 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 7,51 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (713) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:37:00,786 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:37:00,786 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:37:00,786 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:37:00,787 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:37:00,787 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:37:00,794 DEBUG anaconda: device_type_changed: DEVICE_TYPE_BTRFS
11:37:00,795 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, None
11:37:00,796 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:37:00,802 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:37:00,802 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:37:00,804 DEBUG anaconda: populate_right_side: non-existent 7,51 ГиБ btrfs subvolume root (713) with non-existent btrfs filesystem mounted at /
11:37:00,805 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_disks to ['sda']
11:37:00,805 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_name to fedora
11:37:00,806 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_raid_level to single
11:37:00,806 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_encrypted to False
11:37:00,807 DEBUG anaconda: updated device_container_size to 0
11:37:00,812 DEBUG anaconda: populate_raid: 3, single
11:37:00,818 DEBUG anaconda: new container selection: fedora
11:37:00,818 DEBUG anaconda: default container is fedora
11:37:00,820 DEBUG anaconda: show mountpoint: Новая установка Fedora 23
11:37:07,678 DEBUG anaconda: new disk order: []
11:37:07,901 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type btrfs volume
11:37:07,901 DEBUG anaconda: stage1 device cannot be of type btrfs subvolume
11:37:07,902 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:37:07,902 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:37:07,903 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:37:07,903 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:37:07,904 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:37:07,906 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda) returning True
11:37:07,906 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda) returning True
11:37:07,907 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_location(sda) returning True
11:37:07,907 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda) returning True
11:37:07,908 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage1_device(sda) returning True
11:37:07,908 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_disklabel(sda1) returning True
11:37:07,909 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_size(sda1) returning True
11:37:07,909 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_partition(sda1) returning True
11:37:07,910 DEBUG anaconda: _is_valid_format(sda1) returning True
11:37:07,910 DEBUG anaconda: is_valid_stage2_device(sda1) returning True
11:37:07,912 WARN anaconda: Не указан раздел подкачки. Хотя это и не всегда является необходимым, в большинстве случаев раздел подкачки может значительно улучшить производительность системы.
11:37:16,251 INFO anaconda: fs space: 6,01 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:37:17,286 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is not ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:37:17,413 DEBUG anaconda: setting < object at 0x7fa02b396f28> status to: Проверка настроек накопителей...
11:37:23,540 INFO anaconda: fs space: 6,01 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:37:23,941 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:37:29,169 DEBUG anaconda: info bar clicked: Не указан раздел подкачки. Хотя это и не всегда является необходимым, в большинстве случаев раздел подкачки может значительно улучшить производительность системы. ((<SpokeWindow object at 0x7fa02b393630 (AnacondaSpokeWindow at 0x563fae17dee0)>,))
11:37:29,179 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGTKDeprecationWarning: The keyword(s) "message_format" have been deprecated in favor of "text" respectively. See:
11:37:29,180 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/ PyGTKDeprecationWarning: The "flags" argument for dialog construction is deprecated. Please use initializer keywords: modal=True and/or destroy_with_parent=True. See:
11:38:48,765 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: CustomPartitioningSpoke
11:38:49,320 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
11:38:49,341 DEBUG anaconda: spoke is ready: < object at 0x7fa02b396f28>
11:38:56,313 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: KeyboardSpoke
11:38:59,015 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: KeyboardSpoke
11:38:59,154 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'require network connection' in live installation
11:39:05,393 INFO anaconda: fs space: 6,01 ГиБ needed: 3,26 ГиБ
11:39:10,010 DEBUG anaconda: Left hub: SummaryHub
11:39:10,020 DEBUG anaconda: Entered hub: ProgressHub
11:39:10,181 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaInstallThread (140325909690112)
11:39:10,186 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'save system time to HW clock' in live installation
11:39:10,187 INFO anaconda: Настройка среды установки
11:39:10,188 INFO anaconda: Настройка среды установки
11:39:12,075 INFO anaconda: Создание disklabel на /dev/sda
11:39:12,459 INFO anaconda: Created disklabel on /dev/sda
11:39:13,632 INFO anaconda: Создание btrfs на /dev/sda2
11:39:13,795 INFO anaconda: Created btrfs on /dev/sda2
11:39:15,039 INFO anaconda: Создание btrfs на /dev/sda2
11:39:15,120 INFO anaconda: Created btrfs on /dev/sda2
11:39:15,580 INFO anaconda: Создание ext4 на /dev/sda1
11:39:16,326 INFO anaconda: Created ext4 on /dev/sda1
11:39:29,024 INFO anaconda: Выполняются пред-установочные сценарии
11:39:29,024 INFO anaconda: Выполняются пред-установочные сценарии
11:39:29,228 INFO anaconda: Not doing 'copy /etc/resolv.conf to sysroot' in live installation
11:39:29,230 INFO anaconda: Running Thread: AnaLiveProgressThread (140325884512000)
11:40:03,857 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: UserSpoke
11:40:12,598 DEBUG anaconda: Left spoke: UserSpoke
11:44:58,150 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaLiveProgressThread (140325884512000)
11:53:01,624 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
netdevs = self.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(NetworkStorageDevice)
11:53:01,658 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/blivet/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByType will be removed in a future version.
arrays = self.devicetree.getDevicesByType("mdarray")
11:53:01,696 INFO anaconda: Установка загрузчика
11:53:01,697 INFO anaconda: boot loader stage1 target device is sda
11:53:01,697 INFO anaconda: boot loader stage2 target device is sda1
11:53:01,734 DEBUG anaconda: new default image: <pyanaconda.bootloader.LinuxBootLoaderImage object at 0x7fa0281722b0>
11:53:05,021 WARN anaconda: /usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/pyanaconda/ DeprecationWarning: getDevicesByInstance will be removed in a future version.
netdevs = storage.devicetree.getDevicesByInstance(NetworkStorageDevice)
11:53:05,611 INFO anaconda: mbr will be updated for grub2
11:53:12,092 INFO anaconda: used boot args: rhgb quiet
11:53:18,532 INFO anaconda: Установка загрузчика
11:53:18,559 INFO anaconda: Выполняется настройка после установки
11:53:22,940 INFO anaconda: Выполняется настройка после установки
11:53:23,569 INFO anaconda: Thread Done: AnaInstallThread (140325909690112)
11:53:40,618 DEBUG anaconda: Entered spoke: PasswordSpoke
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