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Last active January 9, 2020 01:17
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function defensive() {
function initialState() {
return {
toEscape: 25,
escaping: false,
health: health()
const Duck = {
state: initialState(),
getSafeDirection() {
const buffer = 30;
if (getX() <= buffer) {
return Math.random() * 180 - 90;
} else if (getX() >= 100 - buffer) {
return Math.random() * 180 + 90;
} else if (getY() <= buffer) {
return Math.random() * 180;
} else if (getY() >= 100 - buffer) {
return Math.random() * 180 + 180;
return Math.random();
escape() {
this.state.escaping = true;
swim(this.getSafeDirection(), 80);
tick() {
if (health() < {
if (!this.state.escaping) {
} else if (this.state.toEscape-- < 0) {
this.state = initialState();
return Duck;
function offensive() {
const initialPrecision = 15;
var precision = initialPrecision;
var scanLimit = 30;
var scanRange = [0, scanLimit];
function detectEnemy(precision, range) {
let enemyFound = false;
let enemyDistance = Infinity;
var direction = range[0];
while (direction < range[1] && !enemyFound) {
direction += precision;
enemyDistance = scan(direction, precision);
if (enemyDistance < Infinity) {
enemyFound = true;
return {
enemyDirection: direction,
function around(number1, number2, proximity) {
return Math.abs(number1 - number2) < proximity;
function tick({ wait }) {
if (wait) {
let { enemyFound, enemyDirection, enemyDistance } = detectEnemy(precision, scanRange);
if (enemyFound) {
if (enemyDistance > 70) {
swim(enemyDirection, 100);
} else if ( around(getY(), 50, 5) ) {
swim(90, 50);
} else {
cannon(enemyDirection, enemyDistance);
precision = Math.max(1, precision / 3);
scanRange = [ enemyDirection - scanLimit, enemyDirection ];
} else {
precision = initialPrecision;
scanRange = [ scanRange[0] + scanLimit, scanRange[1] + scanLimit ];
if (scanRange[0] >= 720) {
scanRange = [0, scanLimit];
swim(Math.random() * 360);
return {
const defense = defensive();
const offense = offensive();
while (true) {
offense.tick({ wait: defense.state.escaping });
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