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Created July 29, 2019 14:23
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Backgrounding tasks in PowerShell classes using either the PoshRSJob and ThreadJob module
class Backgrounder {
[string[]] $Updates
[void] AddUpdate([string]$update) {
$this.Updates += $update
[void] Update() {
1..5 | ForEach-Object {
# ThreadJob
Start-ThreadJob -Name {$_} -ArgumentList $_ -ScriptBlock {
# Can't use $using:this.Updates with assignment operator. Error: The input to an assignment operator must be an object that is able to accept assignments, such as a variable or a property.
# Access by reassigning $using:this to local variable $class.
# Tried reassigning back to $this, but it appears to break the AddUpdate() method call usage for both ThreadJob and RSJob completely
$class = $using:this
$class.Updates += "ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: $item"
# Can't use setter method either directly on $using:this. Error: Expression is not allowed in a Using expression.
$class.AddUpdate("ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: $item")
# RSJob
Start-RSJob -Name {$_} -VariablesToImport 'this' -ArgumentList $_ -ScriptBlock {
# Direct usage of $this
$this.Updates += "RSJob via `$this assignment operator: $item"
$this.AddUpdate("RSJob via `$this.AddUpdate method: $item")
Start-Sleep 10
$backgrounder = [Backgrounder]::new()
PS > $backgrounder = [Backgrounder]::new()
PS > $backgrounder
PS > $backgrounder.Update()
PS > $backgrounder.Updates
ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: 1
ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: 1
RSJob via $this assignment operator: 1
RSJob via $this.AddUpdate method: 1
ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: 2
ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: 2
RSJob via $this assignment operator: 2
RSJob via $this.AddUpdate method: 2
ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: 3
ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: 3
RSJob via $this assignment operator: 3
RSJob via $this.AddUpdate method: 3
ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: 4
ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: 4
RSJob via $this assignment operator: 4
RSJob via $this.AddUpdate method: 4
ThreadJob via indirect assignment operator: 5
ThreadJob via indirect AddUpdate method: 5
RSJob via $this assignment operator: 5
RSJob via $this.AddUpdate method: 5
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