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Last active June 10, 2019 18:56
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Converts a TimeSpan or ISO8601 duration string to the desired output type.
function Convert-Duration {
Converts a TimeSpan or ISO8601 duration string to the desired output type.
Converts a TimeSpan or ISO8601 duration string to the desired output type.
More info on ISO8601 duration strings:
The TimeSpan object or ISO8601 string to convert.
The desired Output type.
Defaults to TimeSpan.
Convert-Duration 'PT1H32M15S'
Days : 0
Hours : 1
Minutes : 32
Seconds : 15
Milliseconds : 0
Ticks : 55350000000
TotalDays : 0.0640625
TotalHours : 1.5375
TotalMinutes : 92.25
TotalSeconds : 5535
TotalMilliseconds : 5535000
Start-Sleep -Seconds (Convert-Duration 'PT5M35S' -Output TotalSeconds)
# Sleeps for 5 minutes and 35 seconds
$date = Get-Date
$duration = $date.AddMinutes(37) - $date
Convert-Duration $duration -Output ISO8601
[Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,Position = 0)]
if ($_.GetType().Name -eq 'TimeSpan' -or $_ -match '^P((?<Years>[\d\.,]+)Y)?((?<Months>[\d\.,]+)M)?((?<Weeks>[\d\.,]+)W)?((?<Days>[\d\.,]+)D)?(?<Time>T((?<Hours>[\d\.,]+)H)?((?<Minutes>[\d\.,]+)M)?((?<Seconds>[\d\.,]+)S)?)?$') {
else {
throw "Input object was neither a valid ISO8601 format string or a TimeSpan object."
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
$Output = 'TimeSpan'
Begin {
$validKeys = @('Years','Months','Weeks','Days','Hours','Minutes','Seconds')
Process {
switch ($Duration.GetType().Name) {
String {
if ($Duration -match '^P((?<Years>[\d\.,]+)Y)?((?<Months>[\d\.,]+)M)?((?<Weeks>[\d\.,]+)W)?((?<Days>[\d\.,]+)D)?(?<Time>T((?<Hours>[\d\.,]+)H)?((?<Minutes>[\d\.,]+)M)?((?<Seconds>[\d\.,]+)S)?)?$') {
if ($Output -eq 'ISO8601') {
else {
$final = @{}
$d = Get-Date
switch ($Output) {
TotalSeconds {
$seconds = 0
foreach ($key in $Matches.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -in $validKeys}) {
Write-Verbose "Matched key '$key' with value '$($Matches[$key])'"
$multiplier = switch ($key) {
Years {
($d.AddYears(1) - $d).TotalSeconds
Months {
($d.AddMonths(1) - $d).TotalSeconds
Weeks {
($d.AddDays(7) - $d).TotalSeconds
Days {
($d.AddDays(1) - $d).TotalSeconds
Hours {
Minutes {
Seconds {
$seconds += ($multiplier * [int]($Matches[$key]))
TimeSpan {
foreach ($key in $Matches.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -in $validKeys}) {
Write-Verbose "Matched key '$key' with value '$($Matches[$key])'"
if (-not $final.ContainsKey('Days')) {
$final['Days'] = 0
switch ($key) {
Years {
$final['Days'] += (($d.AddYears(1) - $d).TotalDays * [int]($Matches[$key]))
Months {
$final['Days'] += (($d.AddMonths(1) - $d).TotalDays * [int]($Matches[$key]))
Weeks {
$final['Days'] += (7 * [int]($Matches[$key]))
Days {
$final['Days'] += [int]($Matches[$key])
default {
$final[$key] = [int]($Matches[$key])
$final['Seconds'] += ($multiplier * [int]($Matches[$key]))
New-TimeSpan @final
Hashtable {
foreach ($key in $Matches.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -in $validKeys}) {
Write-Verbose "Matched key '$key' with value '$($Matches[$key])'"
$final[$key] = [int]($Matches[$key])
else {
Write-Error "Input string was not a valid ISO8601 format! Please reference the Duration section on the Wikipedia page for ISO8601 for syntax:"
TimeSpan {
if ($Output -eq 'TimeSpan') {
else {
$final = @{}
$d = Get-Date
switch ($Output) {
TotalSeconds {
Hashtable {
foreach ($key in $validKeys) {
if ($Duration.$key) {
$final[$key] = $Duration.$key
ISO8601 {
$pt = 'P'
if ($Duration.Days) {
$pt += ("{0}D" -f $Duration.Days)
if ($Duration.Hours + $Duration.Minutes + $Duration.Seconds) {
$pt += 'T'
if ($Duration.Hours) {
$pt += ("{0}H" -f $Duration.Hours)
if ($Duration.Minutes) {
$pt += ("{0}M" -f $Duration.Minutes)
if ($Duration.Seconds) {
$pt += ("{0}S" -f $Duration.Seconds)
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